Confessing Jesus as Lord

by Doy Moyer

There is no conversion to Christ and His kingdom without recognizing He is King. In the context of teaching the message of good news, peace, happiness, and salvation, the proclamation is made, “Your God reigns!” (Isaiah 52:7). This is the passage quoted by Paul in Romans 10, showing the need for preaching and the hearing of the word as it produces faith (Romans 10:15-17). In the same chapter, confessing that Jesus is “Lord” is part of salvation (Romans 10:9).

Once we acknowledge the Kingship of Jesus, there will be no need for the typical faith vs. works debate, for anyone who bows in total allegiance to Jesus as King will not balk at the idea of doing what the King commands, nor will the person wait around before taking action. There will be no pushback, no requiring that the King answer to us concerning His will, and no thought that obedience somehow merits salvation. The King offers grace and tells us what He wants us to do. Both are true, and both work together. Obedience is not meritorious, but it is necessary because the King has spoken. Obedience to Christ is a primary difference between Christians and everyone else.