May Women Serve as Priests?

by Floyd Chappalear via Sentry Magazine, Vol. 13, No. 4, December 31, 1987 The priesthood of the Mosaical dispensation was a special priesthood limited by the Law to certain males of the tribe of Levi. These ordained representatives of God had the exclusive right to offer sacrifices on behalf of the people. Today, no such…

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Can a congregation of only women worship God?

Question: Dear Brethren, I hope this message finds you well. I have a question regarding worship gatherings and would appreciate your guidance. There is one congregation in which only female members remain, as the sole male member who served with them had to (compelled) relocate for economic reasons. Given that there are now no men…

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Are the Same Roles Needed to Have the Same Value?

by Kyle Ellison Fox News reported this week that women are now the largest demographic that is abandoning the church in The United States. Honestly, when it vaguely asked me to guess who was leaving at the highest rates, this wasn’t the answer that came to my mind, but then I began to question why…

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Can a woman conduct marriages?

Question: Good day, sir, Can a woman conduct marriages? Answer: Marriages are not a function of the church. God established them when the world started (Genesis 2:24), long before Christ established the church. Now, in a marriage ceremony, it is typical to teach a bit about what God says about marriage. This then runs into…

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Are women not leaders in the church because they are weaker?

Question: Hello, brother in Christ! I am currently stuck with understanding the application of I Peter 3:7. When we were having a Bible Study on the roles of women in the church, some cited I Peter 3:7, specifically highlighting the part that says “women are weaker vessels” as one of the reasons why God chose…

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Preacher’s Wives

by Doy Moyer My wife has been a “preacher’s wife” for a long time. She doesn’t see it as a burden; she doesn’t complain. She doesn’t see herself as being in an elevated position and doesn’t worry about being in the spotlight. I’ve seen her take things in stride far better than I have. But…

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What Do We Do with Deborah as a Judge?

by Perry Hall Deborah is a conundrum. And we shouldn’t be surprised because she is a woman! Joking aside, there is still the fact that Deborah is an aberration when it comes to judges because she is a woman. So much so is this true, that proponents on both sides of the debate concerning women’s…

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Can a sister write a lesson for one of the men to present?

Question: Good morning, I appreciate your website and all the helpful information it provides. I have gone to your site throughout the years. Again, thank you. My wife and I are attending the Lord’s church and we are fairly new to this congregation. It is a very loving church and strives diligently to stay according…

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Is it wrong for your mom or sister to lead prayers at home?

Question: I know I Timothy 2:11-12 says that women cannot exercise leadership over a man nor teach him, but I’m a little confused. I’ve heard that this only applies in church or in schools, so some clarification on the wording would be very helpful. I ask this because my sister and my mother sometimes lead…

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Were women forbidden to speak in Corinth because they were prostitutes?

Questions: I was told that women in the church of Corinth were prostitutes and that is why they couldn’t speak in the church. And that does not have anything to do with the other churches. Answer: “I was told” makes a useless source. The most detailed information we have about the church in Corinth comes…

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Sister Peter

by Sewell Hall From the Roswell Family Report, March 18, 2012 Fifty years ago, it was easier to remember the names of Christians than it is now. Every man’s first name was “Brother” and every woman’s name was “Sister.” Now, most people are known by their given names almost exclusively. We must return, however, to…

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Can a woman teach Scriptures through writing?

Question: I’m a Christian woman who writes Christian fiction novels meant solely for other women. I frequently include biblical truths. Is this form of teaching okay because it’s directed only to other women? Do I need to make sure I’m not too authoritative in what I say? Thanks! Answer: “Older women likewise are to be…

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A Woman’s Contribution to the Local Congregation

by Carey Scott from several sources More often than not, women are the lifeblood of the congregation. Attention is often given to the limitations placed on women in the assemblies of the church because of what is written in I Corinthians 14:34-37 and because of what is written in I Timothy 2:11-12. Such limitations notwithstanding,…

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Where does the Bible teach that not belonging to a congregation is a sin?

Question: Hello, I came across your question/answer page online. My question is, where does the Word of God teach that not belonging to a congregation is an unforgivable sin and one will go to hell for not belonging to a congregation? I’ve heard Church of Christ preachers speak as though one will go to hell…

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What Are Mothers Made Of? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Proverbs 31:27-30   I.         To prepare the children for making a sweet Mothers Day card, the elementary school teacher asked her class some questions that she thought would cause them to appreciate their mom’s more, then they could think of something sweet to write when it came time to make…

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On Supporting Women

by Jefferson David Tant Sentry Magazine, December 1999 I have not seen much discussion on the question of whether or not the church can have a part in supporting women who may go into a mission field to teach women or children’s classes, or assist in individual and private teaching. I realize the Scriptures do…

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Our Roles Are Not Shameful

by Jarrod M. Jacobs God created man and woman (Genesis 2:7, 18-25; Matthew 19:4). He also made them to fulfill specific roles on this earth. In Genesis 2:18-25, God states that man and woman have certain roles and responsibilities. These roles have transcended the years and the confines of countries and are with us to…

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Women Participating in Bible Classes

by Matthew W. Bassford Recently, I’ve been engaged in an email discussion with a brother on the subject of women participating in our Bible classes. He sees inconsistency in many congregations between Bible classes, in which women may read Scriptures, make comments, etc., and worship services, in which they are required to remain silent. He…

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A Tribute to Miss Bernice

by Royce Bell I’m so deeply saddened, yet rejoice in the victory, in mentioning the passing of Bernice Boyes, of Lake Elsinore CA, at 105 years. She was the single best evangelist with whom I’ve been associated in my near 50 years of preaching. Berry Kercheville worked with sister Boyes as a young preacher, and…

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What if there are no men at worship services?

Question: I write to ask if it is wrong for sisters to share communion among themselves when there is no brother around. Answer: The Pharisees came to Jesus, upset that his disciples were not following the traditional handwashing rituals prior to eating. But Jesus asked them, “Why do you yourselves transgress the commandment of God…

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Are there any women artisans in the Bible?

Questions: Hello, I am a woman and I have the ability to create artwork. I desire to help my husband financially. I’ve been selling various products with my artwork on it. I am concerned that I did not see God call any women in the Bible for the tabernacle, nor are there any examples of…

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Can a woman lead a song outside of worship?

Question: Recently there was a funeral of one of our former members. It was held at their home. Our members preached the service, led songs, and one of the prayers. Then the family said that two ladies wanted to sing a song. They sang a song that we sing many times in worship. They asked…

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Is the silence of women only applied to prophecy?

Question: Hey brother, Just had a quick question: How do you reconcile I Corinthians 14:34-35 applying women to the entire context beginning at I Corinthians 14:26 and not just the direct context of prophecy grammatically? I have been having issues with that. Answer: “What is the outcome then, brethren? When you assemble, each one has…

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Can the role of women change?

Question: I hear that women roles are changing within the group of churches as a whole. What are the roles women are permitted to do? In my congregation women now talk and teach, they read scripture, and pass communion trays. On the web, they are saying that women may do everything aside from preaching and…

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Can a woman serve as a church’s secretary or treasurer?

Question: Is it right to make a Christian sister the church secretary? Can a sister also act as the treasurer? Answer: First off, you will not find a position of secretary or treasurer mentioned in the New Testament. The closest you will get to a treasurer is that Judas used to keep the money box…

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A Review of Recent Arguments for Women Preachers

by Wayne Jackson Every significant movement within society will eventually, to some degree, make itself felt in the church. The phenomenon of “women’s liberation” is no exception. There are those within the body of Christ who are clamoring that women must throw off the yoke of male domination and claim their rightful place in the…

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Come on Over

by Emma Wyatt When I was newlywed, my husband asked if we could invite the visiting preacher over for supper one night. I panicked. I said no. I had just barely learned to cook. And everyone knows the only appropriate meal to feed a preacher is a pot roast, right? I didn’t know how to…

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Can a woman run the soundboard in a church service?

Question: Our elders have decided to purchase a sound and projection system. My late husband was an elder and was against such (noting future problems). The problem that I feel so much concern about is that we don’t have enough men to work it, so they have agreed to allow one of our young ladies…

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Smart Women and the Church

by Matthew W. Bassford In the immortal words of Tammy Wynette, sometimes it’s hard to be a woman. In fact, sometimes it’s particularly hard to be a woman associated with the churches of Christ. Other than a few congregations on the liberal fringe, churches of Christ tend to be aggressively complementarian: no women in leadership…

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What Does I Corinthians 11:3 Teach About the Role of Women?

by T. Doy Moyer Guardian of Truth – February 2, 1995 I Corinthians 11 has been surrounded by controversy due to the teaching about the covering. It is not the purpose or scope of this article to try to expound a pro or con position on the covering today. Women do need to carefully study the…

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I almost went back home until someone saw me and smiled

Question: Dear Brother Hamilton, I have more of a story to tell you than a question to ask. First, I want to thank you for the work you’ve done on this site. It was an instrumental force in restoring me to the Lord’s church after 20 years of being fallen away. I still use it…

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Does the New Testament Authorize Deaconesses?

by Carrol R. Sutton via Guardian of Truth, November 16, 1989 The question under consideration in this study is one about which scholars are divided. Some do not hesitate to say that deaconesses are authorized in the New Testament. Others say that it is questionable and still others suggest that there is no authority in the…

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Can a woman be the educational leader in a church?

Question: Hello, I am so thankful for this site and often visit it when I’m looking for a better understanding of things. I was born and raised in a church of Christ and know nothing else. I have been blessed to have the opportunity to visit many congregations throughout the brotherhood. Recently, my membership changed…

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Do I have to marry my brother’s widow?

Question: Please help. My pastor told me that God spoke to her that I should marry my elder brother’s widow with four children. I have a fiancee whom I dearly love but my pastor says she is being used by devil worshippers to capture me. My dad joined in devil worship a long time ago…

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Can women help in serving the Lord’s Supper?

Question: I recently worshiped at a congregation where they allowed women to assist in serving the communion. The women stood alongside the men in front of the congregation while one man read Scriptures and prayed, then the women helped to serve communion with the men. Is this in violation of I Timothy 2:12 or any…

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