Tampering with Sin

by Jefferson David Tant The story is told of a man in Rockwood, Tennessee, many years ago. Wilkie was a bricklayer, and one day, he caught a black snake and tamed it so that it would coil about his neck as he walked up and down the streets of his town. He then became bolder…

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The Deity of Christ While on Earth

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/The-Deity-of-Christ-While-on-Earth.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 2:5-8   I.         A debate arose among brethren concerning the nature of Christ several decades ago             A.        I watched the debates rage. It is easy to see that both sides stretch the position of the other as they attempt to justify their belief.                         1.         It does not affect a person’s salvation…

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Dealing with Temptation

by Jefferson David Tant One of my early morning activities is reading the daily newspaper. Not only do I learn what’s going on in the world, but sometimes I get a smile when there is a misprint or misspelled word. I read about one in a weather report. It read “Fair weather tomorrow with no…

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Beware – Hungry Lions

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Beware-Hungry-Lions.mp3 by Joe Greer Lessons to Build Your Faith

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Possess Your Vessel

by Mike Thomas The Thessalonians were surrounded by immorality and ungodly influences, but those who became Christians “turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God” (I Thessalonians 1:9). In encouraging them to fulfill this commitment, Paul reminded them of the need to avoid the sexual immorality that was very common in…

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Am I sinning if I’m cursing in my thoughts?

Question: My boyfriend was just baptized and he’s been struggling. He has a little bit of anxiety. He’s been trying to work on his cursing. he’s doing great. But he asked me a difficult question. He asked, “Am I still sinning if I keep the cuss words in my brain?” I said that I wasn’t…

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Resist the Devil

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Resist-the-Devil.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: James 4:1-10   I.         When we are faced with temptation, it is a struggle to resist             A.        The urge to give in seems overwhelming. Even when we know we should not, too often we do it anyway – Romans 7:14-15                         1.         Since the action goes against what we know and want to…

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Satan’s Devices

by Jefferson David Tant The apostle John wrote some words concerning Satan in Revelation 12:9: “And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.” We are…

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You Must Rule Over It

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/You-Must-Rule-Over-It.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Genesis 4:1-12   I.         Ask a person why they gave into a particular sin and the most common rely is: “I don’t know. I couldn’t help myself.”             A.        Losing control in the face of temptation has been around since the beginning.                         1.         God even warned Cain that he had to master his…

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How to Say “No!”

by Jefferson David Tant Do you say you are tempted to do wrong? Your friends are pressuring you, and you are afraid you might give in, or you have already given in and don’t know what to do to avoid yielding again? Welcome to the club! Temptation is as old as man and must be…

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In the Hour of Trial

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/In-the-Hour-of-Trial.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 22:54-62   I.         Without a doubt, Peter loved Jesus             A.        When others sat in the boat in fear, it was Peter who wanted to go out to meet Jesus – Matthew 14:28-31             B.        When Jesus spoke of his abandonment on the Mount of Olives – Matthew 26:31-32                         1.         Specifically Jesus told Peter…

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How do I battle temptation?

Question: Good Day! I have been a patron and a reader of your website for about a few months now, and I have found your answers to be good and your knowledge of the Bible is great. I have to say, your website has been a great deal of help to me, in which I…

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Thank you for explaining why coed sleepovers are a bad idea

Question: Thank you for the coed slumber party article. My son said that if I could give him biblical reasons, he wouldn’t go to a coed campout with him and two girls in the forest. In this current age, these kids innocently think they don’t see a difference between girls and boys and don’t understand…

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How do I clean up my life before Jesus returns?

Question: Hello. I was hoping to receive some help and answers. With the shape the world is in, I can’t help but foresee Jesus coming soon. Frankly, I just read Matthew 24:1-31 and can’t help but feel fear. I struggle with a lot of things that I can’t seem to break. How do I turn…

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I need advice about living with my girlfriend

Question: Good day sir, I read through the advice you gave a lady on your site and I was enlightened with your answers. Please sir, I also need your help in this area. I am a guy staying with my girlfriend. The problem is that we have set rules to guide us for the period…

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I’m struggling with my thoughts

Question: Hey, I’m struggling with my thoughts. Satan puts sinful thoughts in my mind, then I feel like I have sinned and begin to worry about those thoughts. I worry a lot about everything. I know I haven’t sinned because I do not accept them, and I do not even want them there, but it…

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Do you believe the devil is controlling people today?

Question: Do you believe the devil is controlling people today to mobilize his plans to multiple his kingdom on the earth by destroying God’s people? Answer: If Satan controlled people, then he alone would be responsible for the actions that they commit. This is not what the Bible teaches. Satan encourages people to sin and…

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The Purpose of Fear

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/The-Purpose-of-Fear.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Lamentations 3:39-66   I.         It started out as an observation in Bible class: “Temptation comes because fear is removed.”             A.        How true that is!             B.        God had warned that death would come if the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was eaten – Genesis 2:16-17                         1.         But Satan…

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Did Bathsheba tempt David?

Question: Just a quick question, I’m curious as to what your thoughts are. Do you believe that Bathsheba had some scheme in mind or was just as guilty as David was by bathing where she could be seen? After all, she was on her own property and perhaps, did not realize that someone would be watching…

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Does Colossians 3:2 teach that it is a sin to think about sin?

Question: Is it a sin to think about sin? I read your article about this subject but what about Colossians 3:2? Does it say that it’s a sin to think about sin? Answer: “Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand…

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Thoughts on Self-Control

Source: Brian Resnick, “The Myth of Self-Control,” Vox, 24 November 2016. Source: W. Hofmann, “Everyday temptations: an experience sampling study of desire, conflict, and self-control,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, June 2012, 102(6):1318-35. The author doesn’t believe self-control exists, yet oddly, he only proves that his definition of self-control is inaccurate. There is a strong…

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Can a person be baptized who is living with someone but not having sex?

Question: Can a person be denied baptism if he is living with his fiancée but isn’t committing fornication because they saw the error of their ways Answer: Paul declared “that they should repent and turn to God, performing deeds appropriate to repentance” (Acts 26:20). If a person realizes that fornication is sinful, then why is…

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How can I stay out of fornication?

Question: Evening sir, I need spiritual deliverance. I am a married man, but before my marriage, I was lost in fornication. I even dragged my fiancee into it. We realized later that it was not good and confess our sins. However, I couldn’t get control over my sexual desire, to the extent that I masturbated…

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Does God have empathy with His children when they make mistakes?

Question: Hey Mr. Jeffrey, Does God have empathy for His children if they make mistakes or if they’re growing slowly, or does He just want us to be mature and not make any mistakes at all right off the bat? If a child of God desires to grow but allows distractions and other things to…

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My boyfriend is pushing to have sex

Question: Good day, Please, I have something bothering me about my relationship. I have been dating my spouse for a year and a half now, but he has been asking for sex recently, and I don’t wish to engage in such activities. For now, we can’t afford money for our wedding. My question is: can…

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Why doesn’t God remove the temptation?

Question: Mr. Hamilton, I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior in my early twenties. Through a re-commitment of my life, I started studying the Bible when I was in my late twenties and have continued to do so for nearly forty years. I have many Christian friends who are pastors, Bible teachers, friends, etc.,…

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We are having a really hard time not having sex before our wedding

Question: Hello, I have a question concerning sex before marriage. My fiancé and I are getting married in about four months, and we are having a really hard time with not having sex. Here’s why we are struggling so much. We are so ready to commit fully to each other and bring our lives together…

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Is there any difference between trials, temptations, and persecution?

Question: Hi Jeff, Is there any difference between trials, temptations, and persecution? Thanks. Answer: In English, a trial is any difficult situation, including temptations and persecution. Temptation is when you desire something but realize that to get what you want, you would have to break a law of God. Persecution is when others make life…

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How does Satan tempt people?

Question: Dear sir, I believe I read where possibly you and many others say that Satan can’t get into our heads. OK, so while still under the Old Testament, he tempted Job. Then he, I’m assuming, physically tempted Christ. If he brought Jesus up to see the kingdoms of the world, then isn’t that physically tempting…

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James on Trials

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/JamesOnTrials.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: James 1:1-27   I.         The book of James is written to Jewish Christians who were scattered by persecution – Acts 8:1-4             A.        This is one indication that James is one of the first books written             B.        It is that persecution that sets up the theme for the first part of the book…

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Why would a new Christian quickly fall into sin?

Question: Good evening minister, I was saved when I was a teenager, about twenty years ago. Once I was saved, I found myself walking in darkness instead of the light. I started drinking, smoking, and doing drugs for many years. My life was a nightmare. The enemy could have killed me a long time ago,…

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I want to do right, but I am weak

Question: Hello, I am writing to you about my life. I am in my forties. I have always known that I am a complete sinner. I want to do good, but weakness gets in my way. When I was young I was introduced to pornography. Recently I walked away from it and I am trying…

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What do I do? A friend propositioned me

Question: One of my friends, who is also a male, has sexual desires for me. He says that he loves me a lot and this is something that will complete the cycle of love for him. He also says that he is not gay. He has never had sex with any other male, but he…

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I know it is wrong, but I keep wanting to have sex with my boyfriend

Question: What happens if you fornicate with the person you intend on marrying? You know how secret sins are- very addictive! And you acknowledge that it is a sin and you wish to stop! I’m 21 years old. I never had sex before I came to Christ. I’d always believed in God from a young…

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