Are women prohibited from ever teaching men in an assembly of any kind?

Question: Is there any verse, to your knowledge, that prohibits women from ever teaching men in an assembly of any kind? I know she can’t teach from a position of authority such as an elder, deacon, preacher, evangelist, etc. And, I know that she can’t usurp authority over a man, but can she teach men…

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Your articles are very helpful when I am sharing the gospel

Question: Good evening, As your sister in Christ, I wanted to thank you for your articles.  They are very helpful when I am sharing the gospel and contending for the faith.  I hope that this email serves to encourage you to keep up the good work. Answer: Oh, it definitely does gladden my day. Thank…

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How do I put Ezekiel 3:18-21 into practice?

Question: Hello again. I have gotten baptized, making a move to a more sound church, and have helped those closest to me in some Christian matters. However, I am still wondering how to live out Ezekiel 3:18-21 when I see so many people out in public that I don’t really know sinning. I especially don’t…

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I can’t seem to get my parents interested in true Christianity

Question: Hello, I could really use some advice. I am wanting to make a move to one of the churches that you recommended, but my parents don’t share my enthusiasm about trying to follow Christ’s teachings accurately. Less than half an hour ago my mom told me she would rather finish a movie than read…

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Are you a church that constantly talks about Obama and abortion?

Question: Is your church a place where I am going to constantly hear about Obama and abortion? Do you discuss politics? Are these topics that are continually touched upon? I would appreciate an honest answer. Thank you. Answer: You can look through the Sermons and see what is discussed here. Moral topics are discussed and why…

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You shouldn’t be discussing sex on a church’s website

Question: To whom it may concern: I recently searched for information regarding elders and your site came up on my search. I am very disturbed to know that there is an evangelist who seems to think it is OK to publish very explicit material regarding sexual subjects that way you are. I am sure this…

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Do I have to tell everyone they are in sin?

Question: Should I be trying to correct every little act of unrighteousness? Perhaps “little” isn’t the right word. In my school, so many people are sinning and frequently too. How useful could I be trying to convert everyone that I see? I don’t see how I could teach and develop a relationship with everyone around…

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Do I tell my friend that homosexuality is wrong?

Question: One of my friends, who has been depressed, is a bit more open-hearted to Christianity than my other friends. I’ve seen her praying. She’s said to me she’s going to pray for something a few times. But she is bi, and she’s in love with a girl, who’s in love with her too. It…

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I got a chance to teach some young adults. Any suggestions?

Question: I am going to host a Bible study in my home for my son’s friends who have indicated an interest (17 to 21-year-olds).  Any pointers, subject, etc.?  I plan on starting out with the reliability of the Bible. Answer: At this age range, the ability to reason has kicked in strongly, so it isn’t…

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Thank you for all the encouragement and support you’ve given me

Question: Hey, Like always, thanks for encouraging and providing support to me. I wanted to share with you good news, I forget the verse that talks about sharing with the person who teaches or leads you. The other day I met with the housekeeping manager at the hotel. He wanted to know what the Bible…

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Isn’t it unfair that North Koreans can’t know about God?

Question: Isn’t it unfair that North Koreans can’t know about God? Do they just go to hell? It’s not really their fault at all. The leader tells them everything. They have no way of knowing about God, no outside communication whatsoever. Will they go to hell for something they have no control of? Obviously, only…

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How do you know what Bible references to use?

Question: What is the best way in how to study my Bible? As you do when writing the articles, how do you know which specific references to use? Answer: The simple answer is whatever way that keeps you interested. As an example, I’ve never read my Bible from cover to cover. I’ve read the whole Bible many…

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Is it wrong for a younger woman to teach older women?

Question: We have been in several small congregations and my wife has been asked to lead woman’s classes or has started one where there wasn’t one. The problem is that she feels a little strange about it because she is a young woman teaching older women some twice her age and Titus 2:3-4 says it…

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How do I bring an agnostic friend to Christ?

Question: Hello. I thank you again for the opportunity to ask questions and get them answered so promptly! I am debating with my close friends, so my question is how do I bring my agnostic friend to Christ? Here is a discussion we are having at the moment and please let me know if my…

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Is it ever OK to tell someone they are going to Hell if they don’t repent?

Question: Is it ever okay to tell an unfaithful Christian, “You are going to Hell if you do not repent of your sins and come back to the church?” Answer: People have a tendency to want to make rules to simplify decisions, but sometimes rules can’t cover every situation. Generally, we aim for gentle, polite persuasion…

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What are the most asked questions by people?

Question: I am doing a class about questions people might have. What are some of the most asked questions Christians and non-Christians have? I tried thinking of the top ten questions, but I tried googling and found a lot of pointless stuff for questions, but I didn’t think they would be in the top ten,…

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How do I tell family and friends they are living in sin?

Question: How do I know what to say when telling people that they’re living in sin, like my family and friends? I’m scared that whatever I say will not even be listened to and then it’s just going to be a squabble afterward. But I know, obviously, it is more important to warn them about…

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How can I get my mother to turn away from her sin?

Question: Hello, Your knowledge and answers to my questions have helped me so much. I can’t thank you enough, but I have another one to ask. My mother has been married and divorced five times, and I know most of them are not because of adultery. She is currently with a man who is still…

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What Is the Gospel About? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Isaiah 49:1-13   I.         There is no end to the people who like to tell preachers how to do their job and what they are allowed to say or not say             A.        For many, they don’t want to hear about things like sin and its consequences, they don’t want to be…

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I need some pointers in teaching people

Question: Brother Hamilton, I had a crazy day yesterday. I talked to four people total about the gospel; that’s never happened to me. Each encounter brought up some questions, and I thought I’d ask you. The most urgent one is I have a Bible study scheduled Sunday night with a friend on baptism. This is…

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How do I teach my girlfriend a little at a time?

Question: Hello sir, I am a member of a church of Christ. I have a girlfriend who is part of an apostolic church. They have choir, praise dances, communion first Sunday of each month, and more false doctrine. Could you tell me where to start to let her see the truth? I don’t want to…

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What do I need to learn to teach others?

Question: I have been baptized in Christ’s church since I was a teenager and I am now in my thirties. I’m married with children. I work and go to school. I attend services faithfully and try to work on the things in my life to live righteously. So I’m starting to learn how to teach…

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What about ghosts, sacrificing to the dead, and sin?

Question: I have doubts about certain religions. People have asked me what I believe regarding these things and I honestly don’t know what the Bible says about it. You probably know about religions that preach about “ghosts” or “spirits.” I’ve even heard about people who sacrifice animals or other people to get something they want.…

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What verses do I need to convince my grandpa to be a Christian?

Question: My grandpa doesn’t go to church and is not saved. What verses do I need to tell him out of the Bible? Answer: This is a question I would love to be able to answer but cannot. I don’t know your grandpa. I don’t know why he has decided against being a Christian. Because…

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Does Jesus promise in John 14:12 that miracles would continue?

Question: Does Jesus promise in John 14:12 that miracles would continue? Answer: “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father” (John 14:12). In this context, Jesus is giving his…

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Are we responsible only for ourselves or for others as well?

Question: Hi there, I think it is in Matthew we read that we should not cause another to sin. Are we responsible for our own salvation? Or can we be held responsible someday for causing another to sin and which kept them out of heaven? Answer: “But whoever causes one of these little ones who…

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Don’t women have the same job as men in teaching the Gospel?

Question: Hi, I have been reading through some of your interpretations of biblical scriptures on your website and I felt it necessary to tell you that while whoever is writing them is knowledgeable on the scriptures, they seem to have missed the point of them, particularly in regards to women in the church. Jesus gave…

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How do I teach someone? It just doesn’t come naturally to me.

Question: Hello, I wanted to thank you for your web site. It’s such a valuable resource to my studies and very informative and helpful. I have a question of my own if you don’t mind. As Christians, we are to be evangelists and spread the good news. I have taken extensive notes throughout my life…

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