
by Terry Wane Benton I keep hearing people talk about “religion” as a bad thing. I hear some say things like, “I believe in God but not religion,” or “I accept Jesus but reject all religion.” It’s as if they have a concept of “religion” that is all negative, but Jesus is all positive. There…

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Daily Religion by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 9:23-26   I.         What kind of religion do you have? How is your faith expressed?             A.        Acts 5:42 – The early Christians had a daily religion             B.        It seems today that many have a once a week, once a month, or even a once a year religion             C.        Even in the Old…

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The Problem with Organized Religion

by Andy Sochor via Unmasking Sophistry, January-March 2023 Many people today disparage “organized religion.” Instead, they simply desire a “personal relationship” with the Lord. However, this is not an “either-or” proposition. In our service to God, we have personal and corporate responsibilities. Notice what Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus: “And He gave some as…

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Is Christianity a Religion or a Way of Life?

by Osamagbe Lesley Egharevba Unmasking Sophistry, vol. 1, no. 1, April-June 2021 Unmasking Sophistry, vol. 1, no. 2, July-September 2021 Many scoff at the idea that Christianity is a religion. It is very common to hear and read people speak about Christianity as not a religion but only a way of life. This sentiment is…

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Why do some people think Christianity is a problem?

Question: Why do people think that the concept of religion and God is a problem? I understand that many evil examples by apparently religious persons have turned people away. Still, I don’t fully understand why they think it’s something that needs to be eliminated. Answer: “He who walks in his uprightness fears the LORD, but he…

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Does Truth Exist?

by Terry Wane Benton Jesus claimed that it does and that it can be known (John 8:30-31). However, others make the claim that truth does not exist and that it is only what each person wants it to be. Some “intellectuals” say, “There is no truth.” But that itself is a truth claim. Is it…

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Restoring God’s Religion Text: II Kings 18:1-6   I.         Without a doubt our society has slipped in its desire to follow God             A.        Sin and the acceptance of sinful practice has become prevalent. We have convinced ourselves as a society to be proud of our tolerance of sin.             B.        Churches are losing members.                         1.         In their panic, they look for ways…

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Only an Appearance of Religion by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Amos 4:1-5 I.         When you look at the religious world, there are many odd ideas about what constitutes a religious person. II.        Exhibitionism as Religion             A.        Some people judge how religious a man is by the religious things that he does in public                         1.         Matthew 6:1-6 – Some people make sure everyone notices…

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What is the oldest recorded religion?

Question: Dear Mr. Hamilton, I am here to ask a somewhat moderate question: What is the oldest religion ever recorded? The reason why I want to know is that earlier today, I had a discussion with a few of my fellow classmates on the topic of religion. It started when I said, “Well, if you…

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Daily by Steve Chetelat

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Hopefully, religion will be forgotten in the future

Question: How can you possibly deny scientific proof? The Bible is like Mother Goose or fairy tales. If you actually believe in the stories of Noah or Jonah, then you should possibly commit yourself to a mental institution. I do believe that the Bible has done good for people. It teaches people morals and the…

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Spiritual but not Religious by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 10:1-3   I.         The paper had an article discussing how denominations were wrestling with a growing dissatisfaction with religion. In particular the focus was on people viewing Christmas as purely a secular holiday, but what caught my eye was this statement:             A.        “… many young people these days consider themselves…

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What is Chrislam?

Question: What is Chrislam? Is it a widely accepted religion? Are followers of this faith allowed to marry anyone either Christian or Muslim? I have seen usually people with Christian family backgrounds adapted to this theory, but how is it possible that you travel in two ships together? Answer: You cannot. Christianity and Islam are…

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Confidence in Religious Institutions at a 39-Year Low

Source: Christopher Burbach, “Are We Losing Faith in Religion?,” Omaha World-Herald, 18 July 2012. Gallup does a yearly survey called “Confidence in Institutions” since 1973. One question is whether those surveyed had confidence in the church or organized religion. What exactly constitutes a church or an organized religion is not defined. The peak response was back…

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Does religion save people?

Question: Hi, I became a Christian two years ago, and I was thinking about if I need a religion to be saved. I just think that I’m saved because Christ died on the cross for my sins, so if I accepted him as my Lord and Savior, I’m saved. Am I wrong? I’m convinced I’m…

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Curing a Headache

Curing a Headache – Part 1Curing a Headache – Part 2 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: James 1:21-27   I.         When you see a problem, how do you solve it?             A.        If you have a headache, how do you get rid of it?                         1.         I suppose one could get a guillotine. After all no head, no headache                         2.         Instead,…

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Why do you feel the need to say that other religions are wrong?

Question: Hi, I’m just wondering why do you feel the need to tell everyone else that their religions are wrong? How are you so sure yours is right? You don’t have any more proof then other religions do. I just think it’s ridiculous that you and other people feel it’s up to them to change…

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What religion did the Arabs follow prior to Islam?

Question: I’d like to know what religion, if any, did the current Muslims have before Mohammad came. Since they are sons of Ishmael, were they following Judaism? Answer: Judaism is the following of the Law of Moses, which was given exclusively to the sons of Israel. “And Moses called all Israel, and said to them:…

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Could Jesus have been flawed like other men?

Question: I wanted to speak more with you. I hope not to offend you. I know that we are very different people and have made different choices for different reasons. I do believe in a god, but he’s obviously different than yours. I have read passages of the Bible too, and I would love to…

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Relying on God by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         The afternoon news and talk show featured a short debate over a recent story. The parents of eleven children had two of their children die. One died from untreated diabetes. The other died from complications of an untreated ear infection. The parents believed firmly in the power of prayer and…

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Religion and War

by Doy Moyer “If religion is so great, why are religions responsible for so much war?” First, this type of statement assumes that all religions are essentially the same. They aren’t. Some religions actively teach peace. Biblical Christianity (not the perverted forms) is one of them. Second, this assumes that everyone claiming a religion is…

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What do you do when you and your girlfriend don’t agree about religion?

Question: I  misstated my question. She is the one who believes in having sex after marriage. Sorry for my previous question. We have not been physically involved for a while because of her proclaimed faith (AME). She really believes she is saved. We have come to an impasse and now we are both becoming frustrated.…

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How do I answer someone who believes all religions are equal?

Question: One non-Christian I spoke with, a Unitarian, once said to me “No one has shown me anything that proves the Bible is more valid than any other holy book.” When I persisted he said, “How would you feel if a Muslim friend kept telling you that your soul was damned to hell if you…

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We Don’t Do Religion

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.          A young lady called, asking if I would consider conducting her wedding.              A.         I tell them that I’m willing, but I have certain restrictions. If either had been divorced, it had to be because of sexual immorality (that eliminates most of the calls right there). I also require that they take a…

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Religion on Parade

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 23:5-12   I.         Jesus condemns the Pharisees many times and in our reading he condemns them for using religion as a way for people to notice them. – Matthew 23:5             A.        What is a phylactery (or some translations say frontlet)?                         1.         It comes from passages like Exodus 13:6-9.                                     a.         The sign or monument…

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