Posts Tagged ‘Psalms’
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
by Terry Wane Benton Text: Psalms 139 Your body consists of 37 trillion cells divided into 200 different types. 100 billion cells make up the skin, which is the largest organ in your body. 100 billion neurons in the brain allow you to process as many as 60,000 thoughts per day. You also have 127…
Read MoreThe Songs of Ascents
by Terry Wane Benton Psalms 120-134 There is a special grouping of Psalms that were often used to prepare the Israelites for making the worship at the temple very special. It was like anticipating the worship to ensure it would not be a vain and wasted moment. You sang or meditated on what would be…
Read MoreHow would the Jews know that Psalms 110 is talking about the Messiah?
Question: Hello Jeffrey, I hope you’re doing well by the grace of God. I have a question about Psalm 110:1, “The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.” When Jesus quoted this in Matthew 22:45, he pointed out that David called the Messiah Lord. Please…
Read MorePsalms 23, the Exodus, and Jesus
by Doy Moyer Psalms 23 The Exodus Jesus The Lord is my Shepherd Psalms 77:30; 80:1; 95:7 Ezekiel 34:23-24; Isaiah 53:6; John 10:11; I Peter 5:4 I shall not want Deuteronomy 2:7; 29:5 Ephesians 3:20-21; Philippians 4:11-13,19 He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters Exodus 15:13; Numbers 10:33…
Read MoreA Firm and Steady Heart
by Jason Hardin via “A Firm and Steady Heart,” In God’s Image, 14 July 2024 “Praise the LORD! How blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in His commandments. His descendants will be mighty on earth; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in his house,…
Read MorePrecious in the Sight of the LORD
by Tommy Peeler “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His godly ones” (Psalm 116:15). What does this mean? Psalms 116 is best described as an individual psalm of thanksgiving. He is thanking God for saving his life. The writer had an experience where the “cords of death encompassed me and…
Read MoreGrowing Old in the Lord
by Mike Johnson via Seeking Things Above Text: Psalm 71 Young people may consider an aged person’s life free from problems. For example, they see an older person as one who does not have to face the difficulties of employment, child rearing, and sometimes even house payments. They may note that a person who has…
Read MoreWhat does “delight yourself in the Lord” mean?
Question: Good evening, I appreciate you! I have a question for you if you don’t mind. Psalm 37:4 says to “delight yourself in the Lord.” Is that the same as “rejoicing in the Lord” or are they different? Thanks. Answer: “Do not fret because of evildoers, be not envious toward wrongdoers. For they will wither…
Read MoreCalvinism in Psalm 51?
by Matthew W. Bassford During my time as a preacher, I studied with people from a wide variety of religious backgrounds. Of them all, the people who knew their Bibles best were unquestionably the conservative Calvinists. They approached the Scriptures with a different perspective than ours, but the most devoted of them spend as much…
Read MoreSeeking the Face of God
by Mike Johnson Many think David wrote Psalm 27 when fleeing from Saul, which is likely the case. Earlier in the Psalm, he expresses strong faith and confidence in God, but Psalms 27:8-9 reflect him apparently facing difficulties. In these verses, he addresses God saying, “When You said, ‘Seek My face,’ my heart said to…
Read MoreWhy does Paul mention a chapter number if they came later?
Question: Dear Brother in Christ, I am puzzled to know how in Acts 13:33 the apostle Paul is able to quote precisely in the first century something as being written in Psalms 2! If the translators added this at a later time, what else could they have added as they wish? Can you please explain?…
Read MoreWorshiping like the Psalms
by Matthew W. Bassford The other day, I saw an article by a professor of Old Testament studies in which he compared the content of the book of Psalms to the content of Top 25 Christian contemporary music. He observed that many of the most prominent themes of the Psalms, like God’s help for the…
Read MoreThe Moon as a Witness
by Jefferson David Tant There is an interesting statement in the 89th Psalm that has a lesson for us some 3,000 years later. The theme of the psalm deals with God’s faithfulness to keep the promises he made to David. Notice the first two verses: “I will sing of the lovingkindness of the LORD forever;…
Read MoreA Psalm of Penitence by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalm 51:10-17 I. There are several psalms which deal with sorrow over sin and repentance: Psalms 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, and 143. A. The context is given at the beginning of Psalm 51 B. David was a man dedicated to God. 1. Though he was told at an early age that…
Read MoreWould the Israelites who died in the wilderness not enter Heaven?
Question: Jeffrey, When studying in Hebrews the other night, I was noticing the reference to Psalms 95. Where it states: “Do not harden your hearts, as at Meribah, as in the day of Massah in the wilderness, when your fathers tested Me, they tried Me though they had seen my work. For forty years I…
Read MoreI Have Put My Trust in God by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 56 I. It is far too easy to read the stories in the Bible and not think about the feelings of the people involved. A. Joshua was chosen to follow Moses as leader of Israel, but he must have been very nervous – Joshua 1:2,9 B. We think of the boldness…
Read MorePurge Me with Hyssop
by Johnny O. Trail Most scholars believe David wrote the fifty-first Psalm after his transgression with Bathsheba. If this is the case, it is one of the most penitent Psalms in the Old Testament. From the passages recorded in Psalm fifty-one, it appears the writer was heartsick over his sins. Psalm 51:11-12 says, “Do not…
Read MoreDoes God knit each one of us together?
Question: Good day, I have heard preachers say that God has knitted us together in our mothers’ wombs. Surely this is a general statement to mean God is the designer and sustainer of our lives, not that He has physically and individually put us together? I would like to hear your thoughts on this. Answer:…
Read MoreI Will Bless the Lord at All Times by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 34 I. We usually think about the victories of David and see his life through that lens A. He defeated Goliath B. He won amazing battles over the Philistines C. He became king over all of Israel D. But we forget how difficult David’s life was reaching that point II. The situation A. King…
Read MoreDoes Psalms 118:22-24 refer to Jesus and his resurrection?
Question: Dear Sir, May the peace of God be with you all. I would be grateful if you could help me with the understanding of Psalms 118:22-24. Is the verse(s) referring to Jesus and his resurrection? Thank you, God bless you. Answer: “The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone. This is…
Read MoreIs it wrong to pray the Psalms?
Question: I have an urgent question that is generating heat in my congregation. This heat is created by my wife. She prays the Psalms, and I personally do not agree with her on this. But she insists that it is the word of God. I don’t agree because we are New Testament worshipers and the…
Read MoreMake Me Know My End Text: Psalms 39 I. Psalms 38-40 cover related themes regarding the problems caused by sin A. God has punished David because of his sin – Psalms 38:1-2 B. Between God’s punishment and the burden of the sin itself, David feels overwhelmed – Psalms 38:3-8 C. Even close friends and family avoid you when you are suffering because…
Read MoreShould we be wishing the death of those who are not saved?
Question: “Let death seize upon them, and let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness is in their dwellings, and among them.” (Psalms 55:15). Does this mean we should wish death for people who aren’t saved? A friend sent this to me along with some statistics about 50% of transgender people committing suicide. He…
Read MoreDoes the Nice Guy Always Finish Last? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text Psalm 37 I. I’m sure you have heard the statement before, it is well ingrained in our society’s thinking: “Nice guys finish last.” A. Its more modern than you might realize. A baseball player and manager, Leo Durocher, is the one who said it. 1. He also said, “Winning requires toughness,…
Read MoreLacking Arrogance by Jeffrey Hamilton Text: Psalms 131 I. Psalms 131 is one of 15 psalms which are titled “Song of Ascent.” A. It is commonly believe that these were pilgrimage songs, sung while the people journeyed up to Jerusalem for the major feasts. B. This particular psalm was written by David and expresses the attitude a worshiper…
Read MoreA Song of Faith Text: Psalm 23 I. The most famous psalm is a song about faith. A. It weaves in a few brief words the clear message of a special relationship between man and God B. It speaks of trust and security in good times and bad. II. Faith in Times of Quiet – Psalm 23:1-3 A. The Lord is my…
Read MorePsalms 136 by Alan Feaster
Read MoreWhat are the differences between the three names of God in Psalms 136:1-3?
Question: What are the differences between the three names of God in Psalms 136:1-3? Answer: “Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, For His lovingkindness is everlasting. Give thanks to the God of gods, For His lovingkindness is everlasting. Give thanks to the Lord of lords, For His lovingkindness is everlasting” (Psalms 136:1-3).…
Read MoreThank you for the well-thought-out piece on Psalms 51:5
Question: I just read your article or answer regarding Psalms 51:5 and the prepositional use therein. Thank you for the well-thought-out and researched piece. I have been in agreement with your position for many a year. Thank you for posting it and for your expression of the gift placed in you. Answer: I’m glad you…
Read MoreDoesn’t Psalms 91 promise protection from harm?
Question: Hi, Thank you for this opportunity to send in questions. I read through another question on your site, one about why God allows suffering, innocent children to die, etc. Your response was enlightening. Thank you. I would like to find out if you know why God actually allows the suffering (let’s say a child being…
Read MoreBecause we are to sing psalms and the Psalms mention instrumental music, doesn’t this mean we can use instrumental music?
Question: I have a friend who says it’s OK to use instruments in worship because of Psalms. He says that we are commanded to sing psalms to which he says how can we sing psalms and not believe what it says when David said to praise God with instruments. What can I say to him…
Read MoreDoes Psalms 139:16 mean our days are predetermined?
Question: I have been participating in a women’s Bible study that touches on the sovereignty of God. One of the verses that have been cited is Psalm 139:16. This verse has been interpreted in a way that assures us that the days of our lives were planned out by God before we were even born.…
Read MoreYour explanation of Psalms 51:5 was just what I was looking for
Question: Hello brothers and sisters, Just wanted to drop you a note of thanks and appreciation for the work you do with your website. I was looking for a concise explanation of the various translations of Psalm 51:5. Imagine my joy when I found a church of Christ on the first page of my Yahoo! search.…
Read MoreSelections from Psalms by PJ Anderson
Read MoreHave you ever heard of people using Psalms as a prayer book?
Question: Hello, I was out running errands one day, and as I was waiting in line I started a conversation with a woman who was also waiting, and she mentioned something that seemed very strange to me. She professed to be a Christian and we were talking about prayer and then she said that she…
Read MoreCan you explain the meaning of “worthless” in Psalms 119:37 and Psalms 101:3?
Question: In Psalms 119:37 the word “worthless” is used in the NKJV and the word “vanity” is used in the NASB. Also in Psalms 101:3, the NASB uses the word “worthless” and the NKJV uses “wicked.” Which is correct? Sometimes it seems wicked men are called worthless men, but could worthless mean something other than…
Read MoreWhat is meant by the beauty of the Lord?
Question: In Psalm 27:4 and others when it states the beauty of the Lord, what do you think of? There are several different ways, I think, to look at this and I wanted someone else’s’ opinion to help me. Thank you. Answer: “One thing I have desired of the LORD, that will I seek: that…
Read MoreWhat does “vain thoughts” mean in Psalms 119:113?
Question: I recently came across a section of the Psalms that concerned me. Psalms 119:113 says in the KJV, “I hate vain thoughts, but thy law do I love.” Doing a Google search for the phrase “vain thoughts,” I came across a few articles, mostly from British writers of the eighteenth century, that asserted that…
Read MoreJust Justices by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: John 10:22-38 I. Many times Jesus faced a mob set to stone him for his words. A. In our reading, the thing which upset them was Jesus’ claim to be the Son of God. B. They understood that this was not a light claim, but one of a direct relationship. They…
Read MorePsalms 119
Psalm119-1Psalm119-2Psalm119-3Psalm119-4Psalm119-5Psalm119-6 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Proverb 4:10-17 I. How do you learn? What do you need to learn? A. The evil decay, but a child of God must learn – II Timothy 3:13-17 B. It is important for all aspects of life – II Peter 1:3 C. Your parents have invested a lot in you, so has…
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