It is so hard to escape the sin in the world

Question: Hello there. I have just gotten back into church again and I have been studying the Bible. Almost everything I watch has cuss words in them. I want to buy a language blocker for all my streaming services. It will block out bad language and nudity. Will that still be wrong? Maybe I’m just…

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God doesn’t want you to change

Question: It’s not about wearing clothes its about doing everything in society so that you match your body in human form. God doesn’t care if you wear clothes or what clothes. He just wants you to be you. Don’t ever change. Just be yourself. Thanks for trying. Just so much wrong out there. Find your…

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Did Ham have sex with his mother?

Question: I just read your answer to the question about whether boys should see one another naked as in locker rooms, etc. In the Bible, when Ham “saw his father’s nakedness,” that does not mean he literally saw his father without clothing on. It literally meant that he had sex with his father’s wife. That…

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What does “uncover the nakedness” mean?

Question: In Leviticus 18:6-19, the phrase “uncover the nakedness” is used repeatedly. What is meant by this phrase? Answer: There are three sets of words in the Hebrew that are translated as naked or nakedness. The Hebrew adjective ‘arom refers to being without clothing. It can mean without any clothes or being inadequately clothed (Job 22:6).…

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Should a Christian school use an art textbook depicting nakedness?

Question: A university attended by many Christians currently uses an art textbook containing photography of nudity, photos glorifying homosexuality, sculptures of female genitalia, and multiple sculptures of nude human bodies. The administration and many brethren are defending such content because it is “Art” and not intended to be viewed as pornographic. There is one person…

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Is viewing movies with brief nudity a sin?

Question: Is viewing movies with brief nudity a sin? The church doesn’t condemn viewing non-sexual movies. However, the Bible does seem to address nudity as shameful, but I don’t believe it condemns it either. I understand that lusting is a sin. Does the Bible say anything about looking at somebody nude? Isaiah did march for…

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My son won’t let anyone, including his doctor, see him naked

Question: Good morning. My son is just 15 and at 3.4 according to your Tanner calculator. I am in the military and am very concerned that he is very shy and modest almost like a girl. I haven’t seen him naked since he was maybe 6 or 7 because he hides himself very effectively. From…

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Over a Quarter of All Teens Send Nude Photos of Themselves

Source: “28% of teens polled send nude photos of selves,” Bloomberg News, Omaha World-Herald, 2 July 2012. Source: “New Study Says Nearly 30 Percent of Teens Are Sexting,” Matthew Grant Anson, American News Report, 2 July 2012. “In a poll of nearly 1,000 students, 28 percent of teens – over one in four – admitted…

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Is there anything wrong with the concept of naturism?

Question: Is there anything wrong with the concept of naturism? It seems that naturism is a concept built on the need to be healthy, peaceful, to feel free, and let others too, in coordination with nature. It gives freedom from a stressful life. Various governments have promoted it at beaches for various reasons. I like…

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Would constant exposure to nudity reduce lust?

Question: A link to your survey was sent to me by a girl in Nepal who has been reading the arguments we’ve made on our anti-porn-addiction website. This is what I’m wondering: What would the answers to those survey questions have looked like from teens growing up in a “naked people group” culture? I believe their…

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Is it wrong to look at nudes as art?

Question: There are people who chose to put their bodies on display as art. Is it wrong to appreciate the body in that way? It’s not porn. It doesn’t cause the body to lust. It’s just people standing around naked. Answer: When Adam and Eve sinned by eating of the tree of the knowledge of…

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Is seeing or touching private areas a sin?

Question: I went to your website and wanted to know a few things that I’m too embarrassed to ask anyone else about. I was wondering if the following were considered sins. So since you are a Bible site, I figured you’d know. Please be specific and everything. Is it a sin to show my boyfriend…

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Is it a sin to view naked girls?

Question: Is it a sin to view naked girls? Not in a pornographic way, but as in like just girls without their clothes on. Answer: Much depends on the purpose for which the viewing takes place. If it was a sin to see someone naked (boy or girl), then parents would have a hard time…

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