The Whole Counsel of God

by Terry Wane Benton Paul said he had preached “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27) but never the Quran or the Book of Mormon. Therefore, neither of those is part of God’s counsel, and we need not pretend or believe they are. Jesus promised that His eye-witnessing apostles would be guided into all truth by…

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Christ or Muhammad?

by Jefferson David Tant The rapid spread of Islam has caused concern among Bible believers. Some 40 nations are majority Muslim, and most of the terrorism around the world has been fostered by Muslim extremists. While some experts have made a distinction between the terrorist activities of Muslim fundamentalists and true Islamic beliefs, it is…

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The Superiority of Christ

by Jefferson David Tant Hebrews chapter one contains a wealth of information as to Christ’s identity and his unique position in all creation. This is what sets him apart from all other so-called “prophets” and would-be “saviors.” No other can match his credentials. Neither Joseph Smith, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Buddha, Mary Baker Eddy, Ron Hubbard, Vishnu,…

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What did Jesus mean by “I can do nothing on my own?”

Question: Doesn’t John 5:30 resemble Mohammed’s role which was listening and writing and being sent? Here Jesus says that he is nothing without God. Answer: “For not even the Father judges anyone, but He has given all judgment to the Son, so that all will honor the Son even as they honor the Father. He…

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Quran and Book of Mormon

by Terry Wane Benton These books or the people peddling them as books of God are way too late to be considered as equal to the Bible as inspired books of God. Jesus told His apostles that they would be guided by the Spirit into all truth (John 16:13). All truth from God was therefore…

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Death by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Job 14:1-15   I.         Death is first mentioned in Genesis 2:17 as a consequence for partaking of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil             A.        In the punishment of Adam, death is mentioned – Genesis 3:19             B.        Yet, Adam lived 930 years before dying – Genesis 5:5…

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Claims of Contradictions in the Resurrection Accounts by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I John 1:1-4   I.         People who don’t want to hear a message will try to find some way to discredit either the messenger or the message             A.        If there is a perceived flaw, then they feel justified in tossing out everything they don’t want to accept             B.        Atheists and Muslims do…

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How We Got the Bible

by Terry Wane Benton The Bible is one united book composed of 66 books. Where did it come from? Why was it written? Who caused these books to be written? The Bible gives the answers to these questions. “Holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (II Peter 1:20-21). All…

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Suppose I Was Born a Muslim

by Osamagbe Lesley Egharevba Unmasking Sophistry, vol. 1, no. 2, July-September 2021 Introduction Several times during our evangelistic trips as gospel preachers, while moving from house to house in an effort to fulfill the Great Commission – a method known by some as “door-knocking” or “door-to-door,” we have approached people with a view to introducing…

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The Threat of Militant Islam

by Andrew Roberts Biblical Insights, July 2007 Islam has been hijacked! We have heard that catchphrase often since 9/11. From politicians to reporters to daytime talk show hosts, we have heard that a quiet, peace-loving, Middle Eastern religion has been kidnapped and corrupted by radicals who hate freedom. President George W. Bush said in 2002,…

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Homer Sometimes Nodded Text: Numbers 23:18-19   I.         Horace (65 – 8 B.C.), a Latin poet, wrote “Sometimes even the noble Homer nods”             A.        Homer was a blind Greek poet of the eight century B.C. Know for the Illiad and the Odyssey.             B.        As accomplished as Homer was, he sometimes erred with reference to the facts of the incidents that…

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How could God die?

Question: My question was about Jesus, who is God and human. The Bible tells us that Jesus died, but Jesus who is God cannot die. That only leaves Jesus who is human. This means Jesus the Human died on the cross, which means a human paid for all human sins. Why doesn’t the Bible say…

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Jesus versus Muhammad

by Terry Wane Benton Due to sin, there was a need for Jesus. He came to deal with the inward issue of sin. He was prophesied to come to deal with sin (Genesis 3:15; Isaiah 53). Muhammad only made sin worse as he was a sinner. Jesus worked miracles to prove His words were from…

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Should Christians take part in Muslim celebrations?

Question: Should Christians take part in the Eid-el-Kabir (Sallah) celebration of Muslims as a way of building peace and unity in a country where the citizens are predominantly Christian and Muslim? How should Christians respond to an invitation by Muslims to eat their Sallah ram (food)? Answer: Eid-el-Kabir (Sallah) is a holy day and a…

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Why do Christians think they can sin and not go to hell?

Question: Hi sir, I am Muslim, and I have some questions. Please do not ignore them. In Pakistan, where I was brought up, I had a lot of Christian friends. I use to visit their homes and I always felt comfortable with them. I have been to their churches and always stared at the beautiful…

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The Fallacy of the “Phobia” Charge

by Doy Moyer Typically, by its very nature, a phobia is an irrational fear. Phobiasource tells us that real phobias are emotional or anxiety disorders causing one to experience intense irrational fear. The person’s reaction is automatic (uncontrollable), and may result in a rapid heartbeat, shaking and trembling, the feeling of need to flee, shortness…

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How can God die?

Question: What if a Muslim asks you, can God die? Jesus died and was resurrected, just like the myths of the Greeks, India, Roman, and the dark ages. What will you say? Answer: The ancient myths took their inspiration from the seasons. They saw the cycles of winter and spring and created myths to explain…

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Talking with a Muslim about Religion by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Titus 1:10-16   I.         How do you talk with someone about religion when there is little common ground?             A.        A good way to start is to find something in that religion that is true and that can be used as a basis of discussion.                         1.         In a false religion, not everything is…

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When is the right time to get baptized?

Question: It’s a long story with a question in it. But to answer the question, I think you should understand my journey from being a Muslim. I am a Muslim and I was in a relationship with a Christian girl for nearly seven years. In that seven years I know I have been cheating her…

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The Incompatibility of Islam and Christianity

by Jonathan T. Engel I read the Qur’an (specifically the Oxford World Classics edition first published in 2004 and translated into English by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem). This is something I’ve actually meant to do for years and finally got around to doing so. I’ve been slowly plodding through it, caterpillar-like, for quite a…

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How does a Muslim become a Christian?

Question: Dear Sir, I am a Muslim, but I am now a true believer in our Lord Jesus Christ. I want to complete the full life and journey, be a true honest Christian, and get born again, getting officially baptized. I would appreciate your support and advice. Answer: It would depend on where you are,…

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I’m afraid if I convert to Christianity I will be killed

Question: Hello, I am from Saudi Arabia. I currently go to a college in another country and I am a Muslim. I am thinking about converting to Christianity, however, I am afraid that my parents and my government will kill me if I come back. I read the Bible and I believe in what it…

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I found your “Answering a Muslim Critic” offensive

Question: I’ve noticed in your article ‘Answering a Muslim Critic’ you have made several attempts to disrespect our Prophet Muhammad SAW. Now I am not a good Muslim, nor am I a sinless human being, but to me that is wrong. You have made the Prophet sound violent and merciless whereas there are plenty of…

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Did the Qur’an explain embryology before modern science?

Question: Recently, I was with a Muslim friend and the topic of religion came up and he said that Islam is compatible with Christianity. I mentioned some of the contradictions, specifically the violence and the famous substitute theory. He denied both and said that there are branches in Islam and that he is of the…

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Should I convert to marry my Muslim boyfriend?

Question: I am in my later twenties. I have a problem. I was born a Christian. My boyfriend is a Muslim. we’ve dated for almost 4 years now. We are at the level that we should get married now. My parents don’t like him and they wanted us to break up. And his parents stated…

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Can a man, converting to Islam marry another wife?

Question: My friend married a Christian in a church wedding. After 20 years of marriage, her husband converted to the Muslim religion and married again to a Muslim woman. Is his marriage to a Muslim woman legal? My friend and her husband still have not separated. Thank you. Answer: “And He answered and said to…

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I keep getting fearful of thoughts about Islam

Question: I am 17 years old and I have OCD. I have been struggling with thoughts that are really affecting my life. This might sound weird but I have thoughts about the religion of Islam and things that are associated with it, including the way they look and words such as Muslim, Allah, Muhammad, etc.…

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Why didn’t you tell the girl with the Muslim father that she could be saved without baptism?

Question: Hello, I just discovered your website’s “questions and answers” page and felt that of the few that I read, the answers were extremely factual and reliable, though I must admit, with one exception! I just finished reading the one from a girl whose father is a Muslim, though she states she is a Christian and though she believes she is supposed to be baptized, she doesn’t know…

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Is it wrong to use “Allah” for God in Malaysian Bibles?

Question: Greetings, With the general election just around the corner here in Malaysia, many issues are being used as fodder including the issue of the use of the Arabic word for God in Malay translation of the Bible being used among native congregations. While this is not prohibited by any existing laws, the same issue…

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Understanding Islam by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 9:51-56   I.         Defenders of Islam have been quick to announce that terrorist actions have nothing to do with Islam             A.        The people involved are extremists who misapply the Qur’an to accomplish their own aims.             B.        Islam is about peace they insist. The militant are confusing literal and symbolic passages.             C.        People…

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Islam and the Bible by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 2:3-11   I.         I found an article on the editorial page of the newspaper back in 1996             A.        It was written in defense of the Islamic religion.                         1.         Claiming that it is similar to Judaism and Christianity                         2.         In fact, it is the natural follow-on to the work of Moses and Jesus…

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Islamists Stone a Couple Engaged in Fornication

Source: “Islamists in Mali stone young couple to death,” The New York Times, 31 July 2012 “Islamists stoned a young couple to death after accusing them of having children outside of marriage, said a local official who was one of several hundred witnesses. … They were forced into holes about 4 feet deep, with their heads…

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How should prayer be done at a wedding when the in-laws are Muslims?

Question: Hello, I have a friend in our Bible study group whose son is getting married to a gal who converted to the Christian faith a couple of years ago and has been immersed, but her family is Muslim (except one brother). The couple, both in their early 30s, chose to have a garden wedding…

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It is delightful to read all these answers and learn from them

Question: Hi, While doing some research on the net I found your site. I do not have any particular questions to ask, but I just wanted to encourage you in doing God’s work. It is really delightful to read all those answers and to learn from them. You are blessed by God, and I know…

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