It’s Not Politics

by Irvin Himmel Moral statements and positions will, necessarily, impact political issues. This is not because morality is inherently political, but because the government has the task of recognizing the difference between good and evil, so moral issues will have to be dealt with (Rom 13:3-4). This means that, contrary to what is so often…

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Is it wrong to download software already purchased by another person?

Question: Hi minister, Is downloading a paid software without paying for it a sin? Note that no hacking or cracking is involved on the side of the downloader.  It is a case of seeing it online and downloading (copying) it. The owner still has a copy. Is it good to buy a second-hand device with cracked…

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What to Do When the Country Is Falling Apart?

  by Gardner Hall The prophet Habakkuk was overwhelmed with anxiety about two things: The injustice in his country (Habakkuk 1:1-4) and the resulting destruction at the hands of the Babylonians (Habakkuk 1:5-2:1). However, when the prophet turned to the Lord in prayer, his confidence grew to the point that he could rejoice in the…

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The Absolute Truth Text: Jeremiah 32:37-41   I.         I’m sure you have heard people who in matters of right and wrong express this belief             A.        “I feel it is wrong for me, but other people have to decided for themselves whether it is wrong for them. I can’t push my beliefs on others.”             B.        The statement is called “moral relativism.”…

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Racism Is Wrong

by Doy Moyer Racism is wrong. Do you know why? If you say that it is wrong, but do not ultimately know why, then all you are doing is expressing either your own personal preferences or mirroring the preferences of others. That is not acceptable, for preferences are subjective expressions, not objective moral statements to…

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Black Lives Matter is no different than the Democrats or Republicans

Question: Hello Brother, First I like to start off by saying this website has been a tremendous help with my Christian walk. I am a member of the church, and I stumbled across this website roughly five years ago. I check your topics pretty much each week, and I agree with the majority of your…

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The Failure of Moral Relativism

by Doy Moyer (By “moral relativism,” I mean in this context the idea that morals are merely human conventions and are relative, non-absolute, and changing according to our own personal or societal situation and desires. Morals are subjective, with no ultimate line or standard by which moral behavior is to be judged other than what…

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Is it alright to gamble just one time?

Question: My wife wants to play a slot machine for about 15 minutes. She wants to give any money she might win to those in our community who are needy. This does not affect our regular contributions. This will be a one time occasion. I am personally not comfortable with her doing this but she…

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An Overview of the Old Testament Prophets by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Hosea 14   I.         The Old Testament is divided into three major sections: the Law, the Psalms, and the Prophets – Luke 24:44             A.        The Law refers to the first five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy             B.        The Prophets or teachings were divided by the Jews into two sets:                         1.         The…

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An Example of Values Clarification

by Wayne S. Walker Back in 1985, a Trans-World flight from Athens, Greece, to Beirut, Lebanon was hijacked by a group of radical Muslims occurred. This event remained on the minds of many people for quite some time afterward. The majority of United States citizens, as well as those of all civilized, freedom-loving nations, denounce…

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How could Adam and Eve not know of good and evil until they ate a fruit?

Question: Hi, How does one respond to someone who mocks the Christian faith by saying, “The first human did not have knowledge of right or wrong and only got such ability after eating a fruit.” He says that sounds like a far-fetched fairy tale. Answer: What changes between childhood and adulthood? Children do things that…

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Have Times Changed?

by Austin Hausner “For the Son of man came to seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10). When we talk with people about Christianity or anything Bible-related we find there are many objections to Christianity. Some of these objections are fairly common. We want to be able to provide a counter-argument to one of the…

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My boyfriend says times are different now for Christians

Question: My boyfriend and I have been together for over a year. After receiving the grace of God, I have come to the knowledge that sex before marriage is a sin, and I do not want to partake in this anymore but my boyfriend is not on board. I am a born again Christian who…

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The Bible and the Poverty Problem

by Matthew W. Bassford In 2003, social scientists Isabell Sawhill and Ron Haskins noticed three striking differences between poor people in America and the nonpoor. First, poor people generally hadn’t completed high school; the nonpoor had. Second, nonpoor people kept a steady job; poor people didn’t. Third, nonpoor people got married before having children; poor people…

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Free Agents

by Ray Baker One of the many things the Scriptures teach with all surety is the free moral agency of men. The Lord did not create robots when He made us, nor did He fashion ‘puppets on a string.’ He made us creatures of choice, and His desire is that our hearts will choose to…

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The Unwanted

Text: Psalms 10 I.         How do we deal with those whom others don’t want?             A.        Terri Shiavo made the news and was the focus of attention for numerous months.                         1.         Her husband no longer wanted to keep her alive. He claimed that she wouldn’t want to remain in this state.                         2.         What I don’t often hear is that Terri…

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Lying, Cheating, and Stealing Text: Revelation 21:1-8   I.         What is it that we teach our children?             A.        What do tell them about lying, cheating, and stealing?             B.        Most of us would be confident that they understand these things are wrong.             C.        But are you certain?             D.        Far too often we send mixed messages.             E.        One very perceptive mother sent three examples from her…

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It’s Not Fair! by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ecclesiastes 2:1-11   I.         Parents of school-age children soon hear the argument, “But everyone else gets to. It’s not fair that I’m the only one who can’t.”             A.        The topic varies with the age of the child, but it ranges from a purchase of an item that you can’t afford or…

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The Cultural Problem with Truth

by Doy Moyer The truth shall set you free (John 8:32). To borrow an idea from another well-known statement, had it not been for the truth, I would not have known lies. Oxford’s word of the year in 2016 was “post-truth.” That should not really be a surprise. For decades Postmodernism has eaten away at…

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The Nature of Law by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 7:1-14   I.         Laws can be irritating at times.             A.        Do this, don’t do that.             B.        Of course, we never get it right.             C.        Why do we need laws? II.        Law defines right and wrong – Romans 7:7-13             A.        The law does not make things right or wrong, it simply states what exists.                         1.         We…

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Not What They Told You

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Society often justifies sin by not portraying the complete facts and, thus, making dangerous things appear to be minorly harmful or even beneficial. Not What They Told You – Alcohol Not What They Told You – Marijuana Not What They Told You – Opioids Not What They Told You – Pornography

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As Long As It Doesn’t Harm Anyone

by Doy Moyer One of the most prominent moral justifications heard today is that as long as the practice doesn’t harm anyone, then it is right and should be allowed. The primary argument this is being used for today is gay marriage, to no one’s surprise. However, it carries broader applications, and those applications aren’t…

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Why Are They Unable to See? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 19   I.         I’m sure it has happened to you. You’re talking to someone and the point is clear and obvious to you, but the other person can’t see it.             A.        You can see it in the apostles when Jesus stated he was going to die – Mark 9:31-32             B.        Some…

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The verses in your study pricked my heart

Question: Hello! I just wanted to mention how I came across your church’s website and found your studies section. I really appreciate this resource you guys have. I have been a Christian for over five years and have struggled to read my Bible, but I am trying to improve on that. I read one of…

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What is the difference between moral and immoral sins?

Question: What is the difference between a moral sin and an immoral sin? Also, what are the moral sins, and what are the immoral sins? Answer: “Sin” is breaking the law (I John 3:4). “Moral” refers to the standards of correct behavior. There are a few people who what to make a difference between what…

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Vessels Unto Honor and Vessels Unto Dishonor

by L.A. Stauffer via Son Rays, Vol. 30, No. 23, Sept. 7 2008 Paul writes to the young preacher, Timothy, and urges him to flee immorality so that he might be a “vessel unto honor.” His reference is to Timothy’s person or body and how he should engage in honorable conduct (II Timothy 2:20-21). The…

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Open My Eyes That I Might See by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Hebrews 5:11-14   I.         Discerning good – Hebrews 5:11-14             A.        I can understand a person not recognizing evil, but how does a person miss good?             B.        The topic under discussion was seeing that Jesus was like Melchizedek                         1.         This was something needful and good                         2.         But the audience could not see it because their…

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Pearls from Proverbs: A Seemingly Right Course

by Irvin Himmel “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12). So important is the thought of this verse that it is repeated in Proverbs 16:25. Things are not Always What They Seem To an infant, a pair of scissors may seem…

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Who Are You? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Timothy 4:1-2   I.         The news has been filled with people who claim to be something different than what they are.             A.        Bruce Jenners, claims he always felt he was a woman. Yet, he married three times and has six children (two from each marriage). His words and his action…

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Should I let the father of my child, who is a drug addict, see our baby?

Question: Hi, I am a recovering alcoholic. I started attending church while being a reckless fornicator, alcoholic and pothead. The Lord changed my life completely and eliminated all cravings and temptations to drink and smoke. I decided to leave all my friends and the life I had known because I did not want to be…

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Rahab by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Joshua 2:1-24   I.         Rahab has given many Bible students difficulty over the years.             A.        James 2:14-26 – James tells us she was an example of a working faith when she took in the Israelite spies and sent them out secretly.             B.        Notice that her action was listed as an example similar…

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Troubled Over Immorality

by Connie Adams Nothing can create more havoc in a home or a congregation than immoral behavior on the part of Christians or their children. Webster defines immoral as “Inconsistent with purity or good morals.” Immorality is defined by Webster as “the quality or state of being immoral: wickedness, esp. unchastity.” It is immoral to…

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Bad Company Corrupts Good Morals

by Doy Moyer Most are familiar with Paul’s argument in I Corinthians 15, that if Jesus was not raised, and there is no resurrection, then our faith is vain, preaching is vain, and we are to be pitied for believing it all. Another argument that we often make has to do with how pointless life…

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What Do You Do For Fun?

by Jim McGuiggan in The Irish Papers A young man tried to talk a young lady into sexual intercourse but she wouldn’t hear tell of it. Then he offered her booze she wouldn’t touch. A little later he wanted to share some marijuana with her but she turned that down, too. By this time he was…

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Arbitrary Morality

by Doy Moyer Society treats morality in an arbitrary fashion. Racism is condemned in the strongest of terms (rightly so) while openly practicing adultery and fornication is considered normal and acceptable. People use vulgarities as a regular way to talk, while the same people will craft a list of the politically correct terminology for the…

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Is Dominate Submissive role-playing bad?

Question: What I am doing does not involve sex. I just want to make that part of it clear This is something that brings in fast money, and I’ve been doing it for almost a year. I just don’t want people thinking I’m having sex for money. Everything done is consensual and agreed upon before…

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Creeping Toward Sodom by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Genesis 13:1-13   I.         Lot’s problems began when his herdsmen could no longer get along with the herdsmen of Abram – Genesis 13:5-7             A.        This is often the first sign of problems among brethren – they are no longer able to be of one mind                         1.         I Corinthians 1:10-13 – There were…

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