What is the bema judgment?

Question: I enjoy your website. I have been reading what you have on there about the rapture. It helped me to answer one of my student’s questions. Now he has asked me about the Bema judgment. I never heard of it. I looked it up on the net, but I need to know the truth…

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Will God condemn a new Christian who still has a lot to learn?

Question: Will God condemn a newborn babe in Christ who is striving with every fiber of his being to grow and mature as the Bible commands? This babe in Christ realizes the urgency of studying to rightly divide God’s word, and every time he learns he is guilty of sin, he repents.  But because he…

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Will God judge the husband by the actions of his wife?

Question: I would like to know if God judges us through our spouse. When the day of judgment comes for me, will I be judged by my wife’s actions?  Will my position as head of household be in question for the decisions she made in her life? Please answer as it has been said we…

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Will we be judged by everything we say here on earth?

Question: What does it mean we will be judged by one day by every word we have spoken here on earth? Does it mean that by just haven spoken something bad that those words will condemn us at judgment then even if we have repented of it? Answer: “A good man out of the good…

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Coming in the Clouds

by Matthew H. Allen via The Jackson Drive Reporter, August 2, 2009. “Behold, He is coming in the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. So it is to be, Amen” (Revelation 1:7). The term coming “with the clouds”…

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Does God wait for me to sin?

Question: Does God wait for me to sin? Answer: Sin is something everyone ends up doing. “What then? Are we better than they? Not at all. For we have previously charged both Jews and Greeks that they are all under sin. As it is written: “There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none…

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Why is God holding us responsible when it is He who made us?

Question: Why does a perfect God, who knows all and sees all, create imperfect beings in the first place, then curse those people and all the people thereafter? Then we who were born into this world without a choice must obey all these things, meet every week, and if we don’t adhere to His commands,…

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How can God judge me when I didn’t ask to be born?

Question: Let’s say I place you in a room and gave you a written exam where if you answered correctly you would have eternal life, if you answer wrong you would suffer eternal punishment if you didn’t answer by not taking the exam you still get a 0% and that is still a failing grade.…

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Judgment and Mercy

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/JudgmentAndMercy.mp3 by PJ Anderson

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Do you think God would judge us by our lives?

Question: did you really think that god would go by our days? have you takin a look at what was made? Read the bible again if you wan to go by that cause he says no one will life past a day seems to me not on even the oldest in the bible seems to…

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Are motives all that matter to God?

Question: Are motives all that matter to God or do actions matter too? We read in James that faith without works is dead. So what good is my good motive if it is not acted upon? Answer: We are judged by what we do, qualified by why we acted as we did. “For we must…

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There’s More to It Than That

by Dee Bowman via Gospel Power, Vol. 15, No. 13, Mar. 30, 2008. It’s interesting to me how an illustration can sometimes become so powerful that it supplants the thing it is illustrating. For instance, the illustration for salvation is many times cited by the use of a man’s five fingers. Here, believe, repent, confess,…

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What happens if we sin just before we die?

Question: For a faithful child of God, one who has put on Christ in baptism, and has lived a faithful life in Christ, but in a moment of weakness commits a sin, which the Scriptures tells us we all do, and he dies in that moment of weakness – do you believe that the blood…

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The Foolishness of Hasty Judgments

by Steven Harper The wise writer said, “If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame” (Proverbs 18:13). But how foolish men are in making hasty judgments, often without hearing the evidence — or at least all of the evidence. Daily — on local and nationwide radio talk shows, around the water cooler at…

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Just Justices

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/JustJustices.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: John 10:22-38   I.         Many times Jesus faced a mob set to stone him for his words.             A.        In our reading, the thing which upset them was Jesus’ claim to be the Son of God.             B.        They understood that this was not a light claim, but one of a direct relationship. They…

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Are we judged based on justification or based on sanctification?

Question: Are we judged based on justification or based on sanctification? The reason I ask is because of Hebrews 10:26-31. It appears these people have already been justified, but are merely trampling on grace. I wanted an expert’s opinion. Answer: It appears you are making a distinction not found in the Scriptures. Your question makes…

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When are we judged, at death or on the Judgment Day?

Question: Here is something that I am confused about. In I Thessalonians 4:17 Paul told the Thessalonians “then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and shall we ever be with the Lord.” Now in II Corinthians 5:10, Paul…

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Will both God and Jesus judge us on judgment day?

Question: Will both God and Jesus judge us on judgment day? Answer: “I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom” (II Timothy 4:1). “In the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according…

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The gospel doesn’t judge us, Jesus judges us

Question: I really appreciate your articles; they are very informing and biblically-based.  I recently read an article that you wrote on why those who never heard the gospel would be/could be/ may be lost (the title was something like that). In it, you mentioned Romans 2:12-16: “For as many as have sinned without law will…

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What does “the day of visitation” mean?

Question: In Luke 19:44, what do you think is the “day of visitation”? What do you think the other references in the Bible mean in regards to this phrase? We are doing a chronological study and up to this time frame. I have asked you one other question and you are about in the same…

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They Lingered Too Long!

by Jimmy Tuten Truth Magazine Volume 24: Number 27, p. 433, July 10, 1980 Over the holidays I was in the home of a dear friend who is in the publishing business. He showed me a beautiful volume on Pompeii that his firm was responsible for bringing into being. I marveled at its magnificent color…

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Was Katrina a Judgment from God?

 by George Hutto The question of God’s involvement with the recent hurricane which devastated New Orleans may not be popular, but it is fair to ask. After all, the activities on Bourbon Street are not akin to Sunday School classes, and Mardi Gras is notorious for the kind of behavior that would evoke the wrath…

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Please explain the “baptism of fire”

Question: Please explain the “baptism of fire.” Thank you. Answer: The concept of a baptism of fire comes from a statement made by John the Baptist. “And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the…

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Judgment: Understanding Luke 17:20-37

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Teachers in various denominations connect many strange ideas with the second coming of Christ. Often these ideas are the result of applying verses to topics the original author never had in mind. Luke 17 deals with a coming judgment, but to understand what Jesus is saying, we must decide what judgment…

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How do you explain Matthew 24:27-31?

Question: Thanks for a great web site. You said… Too often, people mix the events from the destruction of Jerusalem with the events dealing with the end of the world. This leads people to believe they can predict the end of the world, even though Jesus clearly states that there will be no warning. You…

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Does God hate all adulterers and fornicators?

Question: Does God hate all adulterers and fornicators? Are they all destined to burn for all eternity in the fires of Hell? Answer: Your question is misleading in that it doesn’t consider the possibility of sinners leaving their sins behind. We are warned, “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and…

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Do Christians experience temporal judgments?

Question: Do you feel Christians experience “temporal judgments” here on this earth right now? In other words, if a born again believer is not walking according to what the Scriptures teach, do they experience temporary judgments in order to get them to come around to the Lord’s way before it would be too late? Answer:…

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What is the punishment for the unrepentant sinner on Judgment Day?

Question: I wanted to write and ask you what you teach the punishment for sin is for unrepentant sinners at the final Judgement. Answer: “… and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who…

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Could you explain Matthew 24:30?

Question: I have a question about Matthew 24:30. (I believe it is about the second coming of Christ.) I have been doing some personal study and discussed it with a fellow brother. Basically, it refers to symbolic events similar to instances of God’s judgment on mankind or nations. Would like to get feedback from you…

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Understanding Matthew 24

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton The teachings of Jesus recorded in Matthew 24 are commonly misapplied by people in the denominational world. People want to know what will happen in the future. They don’t enjoy having secrets kept from them. This is true whether we are talking about our jobs lasting another year or about important…

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Are recent natural disasters signs?

Question: What about the sign that is happening in recent times where natural disasters become such a frequent thing? What is your view toward it? Answer: There is built within your question an assumption that frequent natural disasters are a sign. A sign of what, I’m not told, but it obviously must be a sign…

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