Posts Tagged ‘influence’
Take Heed by Jeffey W. Hamilton Text: I Timothy 4:6-16 I. The books of I and II Timothy and Titus are instruction manuals for preachers A. If you think a moment, there isn’t another role in the church that is discussed at such length 1. And this is besides the numerous comments regarding preaching that appears in the…
Read MoreI Don’t Want to Flaunt My Christianity
by Zeke Flores Sometimes, someone says, “I don’t want to flaunt my Christianity.” I get it, I think. They don’t want to seem “holier-than-thou.” I’d rather not believe they want to be closet Christians. But see, Christianity is obvious. There must be some plain evidence that Christ has improved your life, some manifestation of the gospel…
Read MoreTwo Political Principles
by Doy Moyer Two prime principles should help Christians navigate through the various political systems of this world, whatever they may be: Worldly powers are ultimately in God’s hands. “It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings” (Daniel 2:21). Likewise, “the Most High is ruler over the…
Read MoreOut of This World
by Zeke Flores Getting ourselves out of the world is hard. Getting the world out of us is harder. “O Jacob My servant, do not fear,” declares Yahweh, “For I am with you. I will make a full end of all the nations where I have driven you, but I will not make a full…
Read MoreGrooming Hearts
by Bryant Bailles For whatever it may be worth: On the matter of grooming attitudes, unfairly generalizing brethren, and creating an imaginary group to despise… “And Absalom used to rise early and stand beside the way to the gate; and when any man had a case to come to the king for judgment, Absalom would…
Read MoreChristians and Culture
by Chadwick Brewer “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2). “Give no offense to Jews or to Greeks or to the church of God, just…
Read MoreShould VBS material be used that help support Baptist Missions?
Question: The elders at the church where I worship are asking us to do something that I have never been asked to do in the church. They have bought Southern Baptist VBS material. The proceeds from the sale of this material go to Baptist missionary work. Please give me some direction on how to approach…
Read MoreAm I wrong to associate with someone who steals?
Question: I have some friends who live in a senior retirement home. I met one of them about a year ago and was introduced to some more of his friends. I also live in the same retirement home. I am the only one who is a member of the church of Christ. Hearing them talk, I…
Read MoreCan a couple live together if they are strong enough to resist temptation?
Question: Is it biblical for unmarried couples to live together if they are just powerful enough to resist temptation, or are they merely fooling themselves and still giving the assumption of sin? Answer: “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall” (I Corinthians 10:12). While it is your intention…
Read MoreCan a Christian go to a beach bar?
Question: Hello brother, What are your thoughts on brethren going to beaches and beach bars? I sometimes get troubled watching brethren partake in actions and events emphasizing drinking and beer. I know we cannot keep from ever having dealings with people of this world (I Corinthians 5:10). This example would be someone in leadership, like…
Read MoreI’ll Live On
by Ed Harrell “Rear Views,” Christianity Magazine, June 1993 (Volume 10, #5), p. 32 Most of us have sung the old song affirming the central Christian hope that we shall live on into eternity. This grand aspiration springs from our faith in Jesus Christ’s resurrection. The belief that “I’ll live on” empowers me to overcome…
Read MoreDoes a Leader’s Appearance Matter Anymore?
by Max Dawson Daniel was a prophet of God who was among the first captives taken by Nebuchadnezzar from Jerusalem to Babylon in 605 BC. He, along with some other Hebrew captives, were highly spoken of (Daniel 1:4). They are described as “…young men in whom there was no blemish, but good-looking, gifted in all…
Read MoreHow Did I Get Here or Why Do I Think That?
by Hugh DeLong Maybe I am obsessed, at least a bit, with knowing why I think what I think. It is easy to picture that I came into this world as a blank Etch-N-Sketch, but a world where I controlled all the buttons. Yet, from the beginning, other people have been pushing my buttons! So…
Read MoreLike All the Nations
by Tom Thornhill Jr. As you study the history of a nation (or anything for that matter) you will notice key decisions and actions that have a profound impact on shaping what it would become. America is certainly that way. There are key events and decisions that have made us what we are as a…
Read MoreMy Mom’s Legacy
by Jeremy Dehut I’ve been reflecting on Mom’s legacy. God has used her and Dad in incredible ways. Both of my parents came from broken homes where sin, abuse, alcohol, and other addiction was common. When mom was five her father died in a car accident he caused from drinking. My grandmother met her next…
Read MoreOne Last Verse
by Matthew W. Bassford Throughout my life, there was a series of verses that I identified as “my verse”. These were verses that, in some way, exemplified me or what I needed to become. I kept II Timothy 2:24-25 on my bathroom mirror for years because I needed the reminder. Later, I took great encouragement…
Read MoreIs it bad to date a worldly-minded person?
Question: I hope this email finds you well! I have a question for you about relationships as a Christian. I’m a Christian and a part of a denomination. I believe that loving God and praising the Lord is universal, and universally there are things you should and shouldn’t do. I have a few questions. I…
Read MoreWhy did Paul limit his right to marriage to a believing wife?
Question: While studying the scripture with this guide on your website: Paul’s Restraint in Exercising His Liberty, I found this question: Why do you suppose Paul qualified his right to only a sister in Christ and not claim a more general right to marry? It’s a question I have asked too, and I would like to…
Read MoreNot Worth Listening To
by Zeke Flores There are some things that are not worth wasting the time to listen to. For me, that would be rap or any new “pop” song. Or most political drivel. Or false religious teaching. Jesus said, “Take care what you listen to” (Mark 4:24). In Luke’s gospel, He says, “Take care how you listen”…
Read MoreWhen God Reveals the Future by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 20:17-36 I. Consider for the moment God’s words to Abram – Genesis 15:5-6 A. At the time God made this promise, Abram had no children. So why tell him what the future would be like? B. Later, God also tells Abram about some of the struggles his children will endure…
Read MoreShould we abstain from the Internet and TV?
Question: The congregation where I attend was discussing the book of Joshua the other day. We were talking about the conquest of the promised lands. While the Israelites conquered the land, they did not destroy all like they were told to do. Later these people that were not destroyed about every 20 years came back…
Read MoreI’m Only Hurting Myself by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreThe Problem of People
by Doy Moyer While many turn away from God due to some perceived problem with God (e.g., allowing evil to exist), I have found that just as prominent is a problem that they have with those who call themselves Christians. Because Christians have been hypocritical, unloving, divisive, and abusive, some have walked away thinking that…
Read MoreBad Influence
by Zeke Flores Some 2400 years ago, God’s people were confronted with their sins yet again. When Ezra the priest heard about how Israel had broken God’s law by marrying foreign women, he tore his robes, prayed, and fasted. When faced with the gravity of disobedience to God, the people committed themselves to faithfulness. And…
Read MoreWould it be wrong to be buried in a denominational graveyard?
Question: Greetings brother. I hope all is well with you. I’ve been added to the church and have been an active member for over a decade. I’ve enjoyed my time growing up as a Christian, and I’ve been thinking about my mortality lately. I’m thinking about having my funeral service with the brethren and having…
Read MoreShould Christians purchase dinners from denominational churches?
Question: Should Christians purchase dinners from denominational churches? Answer: Start by reading Should a Christian attend a university operated by a denomination? It covers many of the basic principles we need to discuss. The core question is: Does the purchase show support for the denomination and its teachings? For example, in a number of places,…
Read MoreHow far do we help with the wedding of a young man who got a girl pregnant?
Question: Hello brother, how are you? I have a question for you, but first, let me give you some context. I am a Spanish-speaking minister who works with an English-speaking church that meets in the same building. There is a sister in the church who has always come to church. She has a son that used…
Read MoreHave You Forgotten Who You Are? by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreThe Lunch Lady
by Matthew W. Bassford One of the best-attended funerals I’ve ever preached was for a school lunch lady. Her name was Marlene Norris. She was a faithful member of the church in Joliet, with which I was working at the time, along with her husband and three of her children. As is the custom in…
Read MoreHow Jesus Dealt with His Friends
by Steve Goff A true friend is not easily found. A trustworthy advocate who consistently manifests affection for us and who honestly seeks our best interest without ulterior motive is rare in this life. But one such friend available to all men is Jesus Christ. In temptation, we can find no greater comfort than from…
Read MoreShould we let a denominational group borrow our baptistery?
Question: Hello, Mr. Hamilton, I hope this finds you well. Every morning on my way to work I listen to your sermons. I greatly appreciate the work you have put into your program, as I have learned so much listening to them over the last couple of years. I belong to the church of Christ.…
Read MoreKeep sweeping!
by Gardner Hall About 1831, Sydney Smith told the story of an old woman by the name of Mrs. Partington who was observed outside her house by the sea trying desperately to hold back the encroaching ocean tide by sweeping at it with a broom. The story became a popular illustration of someone who is…
Read MoreThe Devil’s Inoculation
by Dee Bowman I was watching a ball game the other night. Between innings, a commercial came on in which a man was asked by his wife, “Do I look fat in this dress?” He replied, “Yes, you do.” The answer had a catastrophic effect. She bawled — and I don’t men she cried —…
Read MoreBe an Example
by Jefferson David Tant Paul’s letters to young Timothy, his son in the gospel, and Titus, are filled with good thoughts concerning their work as those who spread and proclaim the gospel. Among Paul’s exhortation are two passages we want to consider in today’s article. “Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather…
Read MoreBecause of the Sins of Jeroboam by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 5:13-16 I. Few credit the influence we have on the lives of those around us. A. The things we do and say impact the lives of those we come in contact. B. Sometimes our influence spreads to people we may not have seen. II. The example of Jeroboam A. Following the death…
Read MorePlaying on the Edge
by Zeke Flores Some 2400 years ago, God’s people were confronted with their sins. Again. When Ezra the priest heard about how Israel had broken God’s law by marrying foreign women, he tore his robes, prayed, and fasted. When faced with the gravity of disobedience to God, the people committed themselves to faithfulness. And it…
Read MoreTwisted up by Evil People
by Matthew W. Bassford When we read the Bible, we learn about some people we simply have to feel sorry for. Hosea has to marry a prostitute. Jeremiah has to faithfully proclaim God’s message to a wicked nation that doesn’t want to hear it and will kill him for saying it. And so on. On…
Read MoreWill my future partner determine if I’ll make eternity?
Question: Good evening, sir. Please, I have a question that has been bothering my mind. Will my future partner determine if I’ll make eternity? Answer: Who you choose to marry can reveal your attitude toward righteousness. If you knowingly marry a sinner, then you are knowingly placing temptation before you. After all, Paul warned, “Do…
Read MoreHow to Ruin Your Influence by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 14:34-35 I. Your reputation, your ability to influence others is valuable A. Ecclesiastes 7:1 – Better than expensive perfume B. Proverbs 22:1 – Better than great wealth C. Christians are expected to influence the world – Matthew 5:13-16 D. But if we ruin our ability to influence others, what good are we?…
Read MoreExactly Who is Influencing Who? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Chronicles 13:4-12 I. Most Americans tend to have an independent streak. A. We would like to think that we think for ourselves. B. As Christians, we aim to influence those around to do good. C. But influence is not a one-way street. II. Our thoughts are shaped by many things A. Parents 1. Seth…
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