Can a Christian go to a beach bar?


Hello brother,

What are your thoughts on brethren going to beaches and beach bars? I sometimes get troubled watching brethren partake in actions and events emphasizing drinking and beer. I know we cannot keep from ever having dealings with people of this world (I Corinthians 5:10).

This example would be someone in leadership, like a deacon, going to a beach bar. Even going as far as posting pictures on social media. I really believe the elders have a responsibility to address this.

I sometimes feel I am being too judgmental and have to stop and reflect on my own actions. I sometimes eat at restaurants with others that serve alcohol, none of us drink, but the establishment sells it, like Chilis or Applebees. After seeing the actions of a deacon, I can see where I am playing a hypocrite and I need to repent.

This being said, do you agree a Christian should refrain from activities mentioned above?



I remember Brother Murphy, our preacher when I was a child, telling a story of an elder who was seen entering a bar by one of the women in the congregation. Before you could turn around, everyone had heard the story, and a demand was made that he resign from the leadership. No one thought to consider why he entered the bar. It turns out that an emergency required the local sheriff to be present, and he was at the bar. The elder went in to tell him he was needed (this was long before cell phones were around). Now, the story takes on a different meaning.

If you think someone is acting inappropriately, the correct way to deal with the matter is to ask the person involved to understand better what is happening. If it turns out that it merely looks bad, then gently suggest that he might be more careful about his posts, as he could leave the wrong impression.

Being on the beach is not wrong. Being dressed immodestly is a problem, and you have to be careful not to be influenced by those present who may not be appropriately dressed.

Eating food while at the beach is not wrong. Consuming alcohol recreationally is a problem. Getting drunk is definitely a sin. And we have to be careful that our actions don't leave the wrong impression (I Corinthians 8:9).


I appreciate your wisdom, and I will reflect on your advice.

I have appreciated your articles and answers over the years. I have grown to see the truth in your points over fellowship dinners right after worship.

Thanks, brother.

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