Will there be hugging and kissing in heaven?

Question: Hi! I came across your website! I’m an autistic Christian. I’m aware that marriage in the new earth will be between Christ and His Church, and there likely won’t be human sex between a male and female. Whatever sex points to when all the pieces are put together will be shown somehow in the…

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What Must I Do to Go to Heaven?

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/What-Must-I-Do-to-Go-to-Heaven.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 19:16-22   I.         I was asked, “What must I do to go to Heaven when I die? Please no opinions. Please use the Bible, it is all we have that is the truth.”             A.        I am impressed that this man only wants a biblical answer. Far too many simply want…

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Can we say there is no sin in heaven?

Question: We read that the devil and his angels were cast down because of rebellion. In light of this passage, can we say there is no sin in heaven? I’ve been confronted with this question. Answer: “And nothing unclean, and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it, but only those…

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The One Thing that Matters

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/The-One-Thing-that-Matters.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 11:5-13   I.         How do you pray? What do you pray for?             A.        A young Chinese preacher asked me to explain Luke 11:9-10 better so that he could teach others in his area better             B.        God is all knowing, but God expects us to ask                         1.         Consider how many people won’t even…

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The Hope of Eternal Life

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/The-Hope-of-Life-Eternal.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 15:12-19   I.         It is no secret that many ministers in the denominational world lack faith in the Bible.             A.        Methodists: 51%, Episcopalians: 35%, American Baptist: 33%, Presbyterians 30%, American Lutherans: 13% doubt Jesus’ physical resurrection [Jeffrey Hadden, results of a survey of 7,441 Protestant ministers published in PrayerNet…

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Our Home

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Our-Home.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Corinthians 5:1-9   I.         God has promised us a place of rest – Hebrews 4:1-3             A.        There are days when I turn over in bed and start to think about all the things I need to get done today.                         1.         Even though it is earlier than I need to get up,…

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Death and Eternity

by Royce Frederick What happens when a person dies? On day six of creation, “the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7). Death occurs when the “soul” or the “spirit” of a person leaves his…

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Going Home

by Fanning Yater Tant Gospel Guardian, October 13, 1955 The summer’s work has ended. After a long and lonely absence, I am going back to Texas. Only a few hours ago I was speaking to a house filled with people in Sunnyvale, California. Now it is shortly after midnight, and I am nearly three miles…

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Longing for Home

by Jefferson David Tant Have you ever been gone from home on a long journey? Often there comes a time when you long for home. My wife, Flora, and I have been on many journeys through the years in taking the Good News about Jesus Christ to nations far and near. And there are moments…

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Will we experience romantic love in heaven?

Question: If a person dies before getting to marry and experience sex and romantic love, will they experience that in heaven or the new earth? Will romantic love be done away with forever after death? I really enjoy that aspect of life and don’t want it to disappear forever. Forever seems like a long time…

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The Ultimate Goal of the Christian

by Mark M. Chatfield Sentry Magazine, December 2002 One of the many things that sets Christianity apart from other ways of life is the spiritual nature of its reward. I’m talking about the eternal life in heaven that is promised to those who follow Jesus Christ. It seems to me that there is much confusion…

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Will I still be a mother in heaven?

Question: Will I still be a mother in heaven? I know that we won’t be married in heaven and that we will have some recognition of others that are there with us, but if I am in heaven and so is my daughter will we still be mother and daughter? Answer: To be a mother…

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The Boy Who Didn’t Come Back from Heaven

by Wayne Greeson The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven came out in 2010 and sold more than 1 million copies and spent months on the New York Times’ bestseller list. Kevin Malarkey and his six-year-old son Alex were driving home from church in Huntsville, Ohio, on a Sunday morning in November 2004, when they…

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Heaven Will Be Even Better

by Roy Diestelkamp In song songbooks by many congregations is the old hymn: “For The Beauty Of The Earth.” The first verse says:                “For the beauty of the earth,                       For the beauty of the skies,                 For the love which from our birth                        Over and around us lies,                 Lord of all,…

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A Study of Heaven

by Wayne Jackson Is heaven real? If so, how does one know? In spite of bogus claims of having visited heaven, such as that professed by Ellen G. White of Seventh-day Adventist fame (1945, 32ff), no one has died, gone to heaven, and returned to earth to tell of the experience (cf. II Corinthians 12:1-10). All…

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How many are going to heaven?

Question: How many are going to heaven? Answer: We don’t know how many there will be. There is no upper limit on how many heaven could hold. Descriptions of heaven tell us that there will be a great multitude of all who followed God through the ages. “After these things I looked, and behold, a…

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Aren’t there animals in heaven?

Question: According to your previous answer to the question raised in regards to animals having souls: you said, they have souls but will go down to the earth when they die. Human spirits will ascend to Paradise. Here is my question: What about the animals found in heaven according to the book of Isaiah 11:6-9;…

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What is the purpose of the new earth?

Question: I know God creates all things for a purpose. God created the earth to be inhabited. Isaiah 45:18. What is the purpose for the new earth if we are not going to inhabit it? Thank you. Answer: “But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness…

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What Will It be Like in Heaven?

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/2017Fall6WhatWillItBeLikeInHeaven.mp3 by Christopher Scott Wyatt Scripture Reading: I Corinthians 15:50-57 In tonight’s lesson, we take a look at Heaven, the final destination of the faithful. The place everyone in this room wants to go! Our eternal home, the very Kingdom of GOD! To a Christian, Heaven must be as important as the Super Bowl is…

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You May be Surprised to Learn …

by Doy Moyer Have you ever taken for granted certain things and believed them, just because that is what you have been told? Perhaps you find yourself in that situation now, believing and doing things because that is what you were told. Religious people sometimes believe and practice something because a preacher said it, or…

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Thanks for providing people with good information

Question: Thanks for your thoughtfulness in letting more of us get some good information. Although the lesson “Shall We Know One Another in Heaven?” is over 20 years old, it will always be a topic of interest. It was written by Hoyt Houchens. I googled the question and yours was the first on the list.…

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Is Christ no longer of flesh now that he is in heaven?

Question: If the Word was God and became flesh when he came to the earth, did the reverse happen on his return? Answer: “So also is the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown…

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Will there be sex in heaven?

Question: My friend and I were up late recently. We like to have conversations on spiritual matters or currents debates. We started talking about what we imagine Heaven to be like. He mentioned there would be sex in heaven. I was so surprised. I asked him if he really thought there to be sex in…

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What happens after death? Will I be reunited with my loved ones?

Question: Hi, Right now I’m not a Christian, but I’ve been thinking a lot about it lately. Death kind of scares me, I mean I’m only 14 but still. I kind of wanted to know what you believe, why you believe it, and what I should do, and what happens after death. I also wanted…

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How can John not know what we will be like in I John 3:2?

Question: Please explain I John 3:2. I have tried to understand, but can’t. Why doesn’t John know what we shall be? Answer: “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. Beloved,…

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Will I be handicapped in heaven?

Question: I was born with a handicap. It has since become worse. I have applied for disability but can not seem to receive it. Why was I pick for this? What did I do to deserve this? If I die tomorrow, will I be handicapped in heaven? Who should I take my anger out on?…

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Will We Know One Another in Heaven?

by Clem Thurman via Gospel Minutes, Vol. 58, No. 35, Aug. 28, 2009 This is a question that has long plagued those who are Christians. There is not a “clear-cut” passage of Scripture that answers it. However, there are many passages that relate to it. For instance: The rich man in the story Jesus told…

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How many souls will fit in heaven?

Answer: All who are going. In describing those in heaven, John said, “Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands” (Revelations 5:11). John is saying, imagine the biggest…

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Is the reference to a new earth given so we can understand heaven better?

Question: The new heaven and the new earth in Revelation is being taken literally by my friend.  I know it’s referring to the spiritual earth.  My grandson and I studied this scripture last night (Revelation 21:1-2).  He brought up the fact that in Rome, the Christians were oppressed and God is promising them, in this…

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Life Beyond the Grave

by Clem Thurman in via Gospel Minutes, Vol. 58, No. 23, June 5, 2009. The salient doctrine of Christianity is the teaching of Jesus Christ about life after death. Most religions have some kind of “hope” about life after death, but only Christianity offers real evidence of that hope and also carefully defines it. Christ…

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Will faith and hope still exist in heaven?

Question: I have a question from I Corinthians 13 about faith, hope, and love with the greatest of these being love. I have led public prayers in which I prayed something like this “to bless us with faith, hope, and love. For one day we will close our eyes in this world and sleep, but…

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Do people physically go to heaven or hell?

Question: Where is paradise? Is it above the earth or below? When Jesus was raised, how can he be lifted up in the flesh? By flesh, will a man go to heaven or hell? When Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus in what form did they appear, flesh or spirit? Where is third heaven? After…

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