Shall We Know One Another in Heaven?

by Hoyt Houchen via Guardian of Truth XXXV: 20, pp. 623-624 October 17, 1991 Man is confronted with many mysteries, thus causing him to ponder on many questions. He is made to wonder about death, immortality, what is beyond and shall we know each other in heaven. The subject of future recognition in heaven that is discussed…

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Does the Bible say we will know our loved ones in heaven?

Question: Does it say anywhere in the New Testament that we will know our loved ones in heaven? I have read the scriptures that you gave previously regarding this topic from the Old Testament. Answer: In the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus, the rich man was able to recognize Abraham and Lazarus while in…

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Does Revelation 2:17 mean we will have a new name in heaven?

Question: Revelation 2:17 “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.” Is…

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Entering His Rest by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Hebrews 4:1-11   I.         There are religious groups who argue that we are still under the Ten Commandments. In particular, the commandment to rest on the Sabbath Day             A.        One argument is based on Hebrews 4:9, which says there remains a Sabbath rest for God’s people.             B.        One person asked about it…

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What will heaven be like?

Question: Hi! I am wondering what Heaven is going to be according to the Bible. Is it just worshiping God for eternity as Revelations 4 talks about? What about John 14, and the rooms, dwellings, or mansions that Jesus talks about? What else does the Bible say? Answer: When we trying to explain something to…

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What does it mean to “inherit the kingdom of God?”

Question: What is your position on Galatians 5:2? Is “inherit the Kingdom of God” compared to salvation or is it dealing with rewards? Answer: The Christian’s relationship to God is described by several metaphors in the Bible. One is seeing a Christian as a child of God. “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit…

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What is the Christian’s Sabbath?

Question: In Hebrews chapter 4, where it talks about the Sabbath and all, if I’m right, the reason for the Sabbath is that it represents Christ. It foreshadows Christ’s kingdom that He is making for us with God, hence our rest or God’s rest. It’s a place, not an age, as others would claim. I…

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When you die, do you go straight to heaven or hell?

Question: When you die, do you go straight to heaven or hell, or do you remain on earth until Judgment Day? Answer: “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him…

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What is Heaven Like?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         Some things are just hard to describe             A.        When asked to describe her husband, Shulammith answered – Song 5:10-16                         1.         We understand that this is not a precise, scientific description                         2.         Rather, the unknown is described by the familiar. Somehow we know the real thing is better.                         3.         Each illustration shows a characteristic. It is…

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Can I lose my way to heaven?

Question: Can I lose my way to heaven? Answer: Obviously, Paul thought that it was possible. “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have…

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What must I do to go to heaven?

Question: What must I do to go to Heaven when I die? Please, no opinions. Please use the Bible, it is all we have that is the truth. Answer: I really appreciate your desire for a biblical answer to your question. Far too many only want confirmation that they are right and so they search…

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