Should a Christian Gamble?

by R. J. Evans In 1931, the state of Nevada legalized most forms of gambling. The city of Las Vegas, in particular, became the center of gambling in the U.S. Over the course of time, it has been referred to as “Sin City”, which is not surprising. Now, the city has developed a marketing catchphrase—…

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The Truth About Gambling

adapted from an outline by Joe Price Gambling Violates Legitimate Economy Three Legitimate Means of Transferring Property: Law of labor: Money is earned by the effort expended Law of exchange: Buying and selling, investments, etc. Law of love: Where money is given without expectation or desire for return. Gambling does not qualify in any of…

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The Problem with Gambling

by Matthew W. Bassford In April of last year, the state legislature of Tennessee legalized online betting on sports. In November of this year, four online sportsbooks were approved to operate in Tennessee for the first time. Not surprisingly, since that time, we’ve been bombarded with ads trying to entice us to gamble on sports.…

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Is participation in a fishing tournament gambling?

Question: Is participation in a fishing tournament gambling? Answer: Gambling is attempting to get something for nothing without rendering service or exchange of goods.  Gambling is basically driven by covetousness, laziness, and recklessness. A gambler, desiring the possessions of another offers a risk that involves losing your possession on the chance of gaining what everyone…

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Is it advisable to be involved in bitcoin or cryptocurrency?

Question: Hi, Please I want to make an inquiry on bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and the like. As a Christian, is it advisable to be involved in these? Answer: Cryptocurrencies are electronic funds. They do not represent anything in the real world, such as a stock of gold somewhere. They are not backed by a government. They…

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Is it alright to gamble just one time?

Question: My wife wants to play a slot machine for about 15 minutes. She wants to give any money she might win to those in our community who are needy. This does not affect our regular contributions. This will be a one time occasion. I am personally not comfortable with her doing this but she…

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Is make-believe gambling in a game still wrong?

Question: There is one game I like to play which is a completely free game. There is a new feature called lottery where I am guessing you pay with game points for a chance to win something. Is that considered a sin in that case? It is impossible for a person to pay money for…

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Are raffles wrong?

Question: Good evening, I have a concern. As far as I know, I am completely sure that games like lottery, bingo, casinos, etc. are incorrect as are all kinds of raffles or sales sponsored by the church, since it is not authorized by the New Testament for the church to raise funds, in addition to…

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Not What They Told You – Gambling by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Proverbs 28:19-22   I.         Gambling is not a new problem             A.        But it has become a big business. Every state in the United States has some form of legal gambling                         1.         Though Nebraska is the least state addicted to gambling, it still exists (the next lowest are Alabama, Kentucky, and Utah). [1]…

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Is Investing Gambling?

by Matthew W. Bassford From time to time, I’ll hear people arguing that, morally speaking, investing in the stock market is the same thing as gambling. Usually, the argument is advanced by folks who think that gambling is fine and want to expose what they see as hypocrisy in those who believe that it’s wrong.…

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Is the stock market considered gambling?

Question: Is the stock market considered gambling because they are no guarantees and it involves a risk of loss? When one buys stock they do it in hopes of that stock going up and that could be considered covetousness, greed and not being content; otherwise, they could just put their money in the bank where…

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Should I work things out with my drug-addicted husband?

Question: My husband and I have been married for about five years. We only dated for a year before we got married. Throughout those five years, I’ve been the sole provider of the family. Now I understand that without some education he can’t get the job he wants, but he will work somewhere for a…

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I don’t gamble, so what should I do with gifts of lottery tickets?

Question: My fiancée was given lottery tickets at work. We share the same stance on the principles of gambling. My family also likes to give lottery tickets for Christmas. This is my first Christmas being a member of the Lord’s church. How would you suggest Christians handle gifts like that? I would assume the same…

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Should I stay in a game that involves betting on a fantasy football league?

Question: Hi Jeffrey, I have a question for you regarding a gambling situation I’m struggling to decide on. One of my friends has a fantasy basketball league with where people can have basketball teams with particular players from the NBA and they compete based on stats and points to win. His league requires everyone…

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Should I divorce my husband for gambling away our money?

Question: I really need advice. My husband will not stop gambling no matter what I say. He gambles every single penny we have. He gambles every single day if he has the money. He will not pay any bills and all the income he gets goes toward gambling. He even takes our son, who is…

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Implicitly Forbidden

by Jeff S. Smith Why do preachers often condemn things that are not even found in the Bible? Where do you ever read about gambling or pornography in your Bible? And where is dancing ever expressly forbidden? Obviously, in explicit (fully revealed) terms, these are not forbidden: there is no “Thou shalt not …” regarding…

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What do I do? My husband gambles and my son is an addict

Question: I am reaching out for advice from you. I am just at the end of my rope. I am in a situation that I do not know what to do. I have talked to many many people in the church where I go. Everyone that knows me knows my situation, and I have no…

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Notes on Gambling

Quick wealth is dangerous Proverbs 20:11 “An inheritance gained hastily at the beginning will not be blessed at the end.” Proverbs 28:19-20 “He who tills his land will have plenty of bread, but he who follows frivolity will have poverty enough! A faithful man will abound with blessings, but he who hastens to be rich…

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My husband has gotten involved in drugs and gambling. What do I do?

Question: My husband and I have been married for twenty years. We have four children together. Two of them are grown with their own families now, but two of them are still at home. During the first part of our marriage, my husband was a wonderful father and husband but for the past seven years,…

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What if the site I write for also advertises gambling?

Question: I write for a sports website which advertises a betting company on its homepage and also at the bottom of every article (including the ones that I write). I really enjoy my job but am concerned that whether working for a company that promotes gambling (indeed the betting company helps to indirectly pay part…

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I loved reading the short story about not playing the lottery

Question: I found your site by chance, playing on the computer at work. I loved reading the short story about not playing the lottery. That it’s about me is even better. A very good surprise. Answer: These days, you never know where your name will pop up. I loved the example, which is why it…

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Is a “bag raffle” gambling?

Question: Is it wrong to participate in a bag raffle?  I purchase my groceries from a health food store, and when I bring in my own grocery bag, they subtract five cents from the total, and they offer me a raffle ticket so that I can put my name in a jar to possibly be chosen to win a 30 dollar gift…

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How to Win the Lottery

David Osteen via Pleonast True story for anyone’s gambling lesson: There is a man at the Texas City church of Christ named Marlin Ridenour. He works for the City of Galveston and oversees the water department. The year the Texas State Lottery commenced in 1991, one of the employees wrote on a whiteboard a little…

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I disagree with ‘Is Gambling Sinful?’

Question: I am a 16-year-old boy. I’ve grown up in the church and I hope to get a degree in Biblical and Religious Studies when I graduate college. I feel that I am more intelligent and mature than most boys my age. Having said this, I disagree with “Is Gambling Sinful?” on many points. Hopefully,…

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If I win the lottery, won’t that be a blessing from God?

Question: Hello, I ran across your web site and I thought your article “Is Gambling Sinful” was very well written.  Even though I am a Christian, I play the PowerBall.  I only play one set of numbers, but for every drawing. I have come to a point where I am not sure if I should…

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Is it wrong to win money from a casino?

Question: I basically gamble for money. I gamble on major league baseball and nothing else. I consistently win, having a 58% winning rate, going on two years straight. I am not trying to brag; I just want to tell you where I am and how I feel about this. This is how I am paying…

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Text: Colossians 3:1-10   I.         Gambling is now rampant in our nation             A.        Not too long ago, the only gambling available were raffle tickets, bingo games at the Catholic Church, and casinos in La Vegas, Nevada.             B.        No longer! Gambling is everywhere: at the gas station, at the corner market, even at my doorstep.                         1.         A young man interrupted…

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Is Gambling Sinful?

by T. Sean Sullivan Are you familiar with, or have you ever heard any of these terms: Raffle, bingo, chances, scratch n’ win, lottery, or gaming? Have you ever made a “wager” on the outcome of a sports event? The Super Bowl is coming up in a couple of weeks. It is one of the…

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Is Anything Done in Moderation Not a Sin?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 6:8-15   I.         I was asked recently what I thought about the argument that gambling once in a while (two or three times a week) wasn’t sinful because “anything done in moderation is not a sin.”             A.        We could address the issue of gambling from a number of viewpoints to show…

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