Controlling Our Emotions by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Mark 7:18-23   I.         From the heart comes the emotions which affect all aspects of our life – Proverbs 4:23             A.        We can poison the well with evil thoughts – Mark 7:20-23             B.        We can sweeten it with righteous ideals – Philippians 4:4-9             C.        It affects our outlook on life – Proverbs 15:13…

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How Can I Control My Emotions?

by Jefferson David Tant Adapted from “Questions Young People Ask” What’s your thought? Is fire good or bad? You probably would say that it depends on the circumstances. On a cold winter night, logs burning in a fireplace can provide warmth. That’s good. Uncontrolled, however, the flames can quickly spread and destroy the entire house.…

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When are emotions wrong?

Question: When are emotions wrong? If you feel something, does that make it automatically wrong, or is there more to it than that? One thing I really struggle with is when I feel certain things, I automatically get upset with myself for having felt them at all. Answer: “He who trusts in his own heart…

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I’m worried about selling my soul

Question: I have a question for you. Over the past couple of weeks I have these thoughts that keep coming into my mind about selling my soul. I would never do that because I love Jesus and I want to live through him. Yesterday, I had these thoughts and said “Nobody will never sell their…

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Overcoming Emotional Problems by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 4:4-9   I.         It is a simple idea; so simple, you probably think it is obvious. Yet, the ramifications are far reaching.             A.        How we think influences our emotions                         1.         It is profound because the world sees it the other way around.                         2.         In the world emotions dictates behavior and thought.             B.        Anxiety…

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Is it wrong to grieve silently? I don’t want anyone to see me cry

Question: I have a question about grieving. I got a text this morning that my newborn nephew died last night. I’m a person who typically grieves in silence and doesn’t tell anyone. I know at church tomorrow that I may look mopey thinking about this tragedy. My question is how do you feel about silent…

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I struggle because I have never experienced or felt my religion

Question: My question is about Christianity itself. I go to one of those big non-denominational churches you see in the metropolitan areas. I have kind of been struggling with actually experiencing God or feeling any presence. I’m not even sure if I’m a Christian. To clear any pre-misconceptions I never say profanity. I’m not against God…

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I’m really scared of how my body responses to strong emotions

Question: Hello! Thank you for considering a biblical answer to my question!  I am a 37-year-old believer in Christ since childhood, mother and wife to my believing husband for over ten years.  I have a spiritual conflict that has bothered me from just before my marriage. It has become like an obsessive-compulsive fear or disorder…

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How does the Holy Spirit testify to people today?

Question: Hello, I was reading your page and I was wondering if you thought that the Holy Spirit testifies with people today. I can see what you mean by churches making a following off these emotional responses but are you saying that God doesn’t have a way of testifying with us to let us know…

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Can medical conditions be behind negative thoughts, worries, and anger?

Question: I often wonder if medical conditions can be an excuse for how we feel? Take someone that has started having anxiety attacks out of the blue. They have never been someone that worries but because of a hormone imbalance they often have negative thoughts. Are they in sin? How can God help them? I…

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Is the saying “follow your heart” wrong?

Question: I want to ask about these verses: “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” (Proverbs 4:23). I have read verses like these (I know there are others) from topics on Christian Dating and I…

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Why do I feel that God hasn’t totally forgiven me?

Question: First of all, I would like to say that I find this website an excellent way to learn about the Lord and to be educated on the Bible, and I find myself becoming a regular user with regard to asking questions in full assurance that I will receive the answer I seek. My question…

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Can We Trust Our Feelings About Salvation?

by Mike Johnson via Some people claim to rely solely on their feelings for assurance of personal salvation. They may say, “I know that I am saved because I feel that I am.” They will often ignore very plain passages in the Bible about salvation because of a “feeling” that they have. Some are heard…

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All Feeling, No Proof

by Robert Turner via Plain Talk, April 1970 The current rash or tongue-speaking, miracle-sanctioning, and the far more common errors concerning direct Spirit indwelling, that infects many institutional churches of Christ, was not brought to earth in the Apollo 11 moon dust. It sprang from causes within the ranks. Last month we suggested that reaction to…

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The Deceitful Heart

by Daniel H. King Sr. via Guardian of Truth XXXIX: 2 p. 22-23, January 19, 1995 The prophet Jeremiah’s life and the unique experiences which he had with Israel, offered him a “laboratory” to study the workings of the human heart. God had entrusted him with a message of dismay, desolation, and destruction for the land of…

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What Boys, Girls, and Their Parents Need To Know

by Wendi Capehart The following is adapted from an old post the good blogger at Wit-nit wrote. He wished to illustrate just how heady and disorienting a brew lust can be, how dangerous in the hands of the immature, but he is not a believer and he wrote an R-rated post. He allowed me to…

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What does it mean that everyone has the law written on their hearts?

Question: I was debating some people about inherited sin. They all feel it is true. Even in Baptist and Calvinist references when it quotes Romans 7, the part of once alive without the law, they say it was probably when Paul was a child without understanding. Anyway, when it says God’s word is written upon…

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Worship: The Emotional Component

by Warren E. Berkley “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth,” (John 4:24). Every element of true worship involves some emotional component. The emotional component is not driven by a direct operation of the Holy Spirit (as in Calvinism) or “getting the Holy Spirit” (as in Charismatic practice). The…

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Can you discuss “gut feelings?”

Question: We have been having some great discussions at Bible study about gut feelings; for example, when some say I have a gut feeling about that person, but we have never met that person. I got a gut feeling about the boy my daughter is dating, or I got a gut feeling about the preacher,…

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How can I feel forgiven?

Question: I am  sorry you think I lied to you.  I just wanted your view.  I haven’t been able to get my Pastor to talk to me.  He just walked away and said he couldn’t help when I told him what my husband did to me.  I needed spiritual counsel and had no one to…

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The Problem with Emotions

by Stan Cox Do you feel good about yourself? Your relationship with God? Do you feel good about those with whom you have spiritual fellowship? Do you have joy without measure? A peace which passes understanding? Does a smile invariably crease your face when you contemplate your eternal welfare? It does? Good! Now for the…

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Emotionalism by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 20:18-38 I.         When we look at the various denominations around us, it is hard to miss their enthusiasm and the emotional quality to the things that they do.             A.        They really get involved in their worship.             B.        The bigger churches services are large productions.             C.        A friend once told me about a…

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