A Foolish Consistency

by Ken Green When I first began preaching, I was enamored by religious debates. They were declining in popularity, but there were still a few taking place. They are now extremely rare. Some debates were transcribed and published and I read all of them that I could find. I eventually participated in a number of…

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Is it wrong to bring coffee to services?

Question: First off, I’d like to thank you for your dedication to presenting the valuable information available on this website. I know that God will continue to bless your efforts. As for my question, it’s sort of an offshoot of the use of the building and eating in the building. I’ve been studying various topics with…

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Will Bagels and Coffee Improve Our Worship?

by Ken Weliever “During our years of church planting, we tried to change people’s perceptions about what the Sunday worship would look like,” wrote Michelle Lazurek, in a recent Crosswalk.com article. “We took out pews and replaced them with pub tables and chairs, added lights and a stage and most importantly,” the award-winning author and…

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Does I Corinthian 11:33 allow fellowship meals at the church building?

Question: Dear Brother in Christ,   I read your answer to Why is eating in the building an issue? concerning eating in the building and have a few questions.   First, you quote I Corinthians 11:17-22 where Paul is remonstrating the Corinthians for leaving some hungry and for some getting drunk asking, “Don’t you have homes…

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Kitchens and Fellowship Halls: What Was the Issue?

  by Bill Hall I don’t know how to thank you enough for the opportunity to come and deliver these lessons on these Sunday afternoons. It has been a very challenging experience for me, and I hope the lessons have been challenging for you. To see the number of people who have come each Sunday…

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In regards to fellowship halls, it seems you gave two different answers

Question: I was reading through some of your questions and answers regarding fellowship halls. I’m a little confused. In one post about the subject, someone asked if they could still worship as long as they didn’t attend the meal. The answer was yes and Revelation 3:4 was cited. In a different question, someone asked about using the building…

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Were the Corinthians having a potluck instead of partaking of the Lord’s Supper?

Question: Jeff, This morning after services one of our members explained that when he discusses I Corinthians 11:17-34 with liberal brethren who claim that the church is authorized to have common meals in a kitchen or fellowship hall, he argues the following: Instead of the Corinthians coming together in one place to observe the “Lord’s Supper” they…

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Your points are concise, plausible, and substantiated by the Scriptures

Question: I wanted to say thank you, at least for the two articles of yours I have read so far. I have been raised in what I would presume would be considered a “moderate” congregation of the church. I have some family members that attend a more “conservative” congregation. For the record, I have a…

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Is it wrong to indulge in food and drink at worship?

Question: Is it wrong for members of the church to indulge in food and drink while worship is happening? We have this problem, and I need an answer with Scripture, please. Thank you. Answer: I’ve noticed that people like to make rules instead of citing the Scriptures. It is that tendency that caused discussions between…

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Fellowship Halls

by Ethan R. Longhenry It has become popular among many religious organizations and denominational churches to build and maintain a facility as part of their property which is used to facilitate the sharing of meals. Sometimes such facilities are considered a “multipurpose area” that might be used for meals, meetings, or other purposes; sometimes such…

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Did the Church Come Together for a Common Meal in Acts 20?

by Greg Gwin A question has been asked about ‘eating’ in Acts 20:6-11: “And we sailed away from Philippi after the days of unleavened bread, and came unto them to Troas in five days; where we abode seven days. And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread,…

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The Real Issue Regarding Kitchens and Fellowship Halls

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/RealIssueRegardingKitchensAndFellowshipHalls.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Colossians 3:12-18   I.         Over the years Christians have experienced disagreements that have led to divisions             A.        In the late 1800’s it was disagreements over missionary societies and instrumental music in worship. It lead to the formation of the Christian Church and the Disciples of Christ.             B.        In the 1940’s and 1950’s…

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Is it wrong for a church to organize meals?

Question: I was reading through a couple of articles on your website when I ran into “Using a Kitchen in a Rented Hall” and I became a bit concerned. See, the church I attend has a potluck dinner every first Sunday of the month following morning services. We meet in a building next to the…

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Is it wrong to send a note honoring a man on his birthday?

Question: A brother in Christ is having a birthday this coming Sunday. His wife has planned a surprise party to be held in the church building after the evening worship. She has asked that we should all write a message to be included in an “honoring note” to her husband. The preacher is collecting these…

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Can’t the building be used for things other than worship?

Question: The church building is what it is — a building. The way we use “fellowship’ is to socialize. Every time people meet before worship they are said to fellowship with one another. Fellowship is not the same thing as the Lord’s supper; however, a type of fellowship is involved in the process. A fellowship…

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Do you sell everything you have? Why do you have an air-conditioned building?

Question: “Quite simply, we are a church that follows after the pattern of the New Testament.” —from the church website. “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the…

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Church Kitchens and Fellowship Halls

by David Riggs Church buildings with kitchens and fellowship halls are quite common today because the social gospel has gained acceptance in the minds of many. In fact, more and more churches of Christ are running headlong in that direction with complete apostasy being the only outcome. Unauthorized There is absolutely no Scriptural authority for…

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Why is eating in the building an issue?

Question: I have a question I’ve never heard answered satisfactorily. Why is “eating in the building” even an issue at all? Where does that come from and how is the argument supported? Answer: “Eating in the building” is actually a misnomer. The issue concerns large social gatherings in a church-owned building where the facilities (e.g.,…

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Is All of Life Worship?

by Kevin Kay via Biblical Insights, July 2006 That’s what some are saying. In his book, Unbroken Bread, Mike Root says: “Worship is a life given in obedience to God. It’s not a when or where proposition, but a what. It’s what we are. You can’t go to it or leave it, dress for it or from…

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Is it wrong to have a fellowship building for dinners?

Question: You have a great web site, and I’m forwarding a link to several people. On the home page, the first paragraph causes me to ask if you think it is wrong to have a fellowship building for pot luck dinners. Answer: In answer to your question, I will point you to some responses and…

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Fellowship Halls

Adapted from an article by James P. Miller via Stand, March 1981. It is with regret that we learn that one of the congregations is now building a “fellowship hall” to advance their understanding of the gospel of Christ. We regret more for it widens the gulf between them and all brethren who seek to stand…

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Isn’t a kitchen just a way to reach people with the gospel?

Question: I currently stand in the position that it is a matter of opinion concerning a kitchen or fellowship hall. Again, that is where I currently stand. Here where I preach, we do not have a kitchen per se. A majority of the brethren here would like to have one so that it would accommodate…

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What About Church Socials?

by Leslie Diestelkamp Two questions have been asked: Why doesn’t the church have more socials? and Why can’t we have parties in the basement of the church building? The New Testament authorizes every act and activity of the church. It provides us with all that pertains to life and godliness (II Peter 1:3). It completely…

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Strictness Not According to Knowledge

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 15:1-14   I.         In our zeal to live as God requires, we will at times take on more restrictions than God has placed upon us.             A.        Ecclesiastes 7:15-16                         1.         A confusing verse. Is Solomon saying don’t follow God’s laws strictly? Have a little sin in your life?                         2.         The answer is a few…

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