In regards to fellowship halls, it seems you gave two different answers


I was reading through some of your questions and answers regarding fellowship halls. I'm a little confused. In one post about the subject, someone asked if they could still worship as long as they didn't attend the meal. The answer was yes and Revelation 3:4 was cited. In a different question, someone asked about using the building for weddings, funerals, and fellowship halls, and you stated a person who disagrees with fellowship halls can't avoid it by just not going.

I understand that if I buy gum at a gas station that also sells alcohol. Most people wouldn't assume that I approve of drinking. But what about the fact that the money I spend will be used by that business to buy more alcohol? That's the thing that's tripping me up.


In "If you can have fellowship with people who differ in one area, why can't you have fellowship with those who have kitchens and fellowship halls?" the problem addressed is the use of a person's contribution to the local church. Those who use the building for social purposes all too often spend money from the church's treasury for these events. So while a member may want to avoid being a part of these events, their contributions to the church still make them a part of it.

In "Should we leave our current church because of unbiblical practices?" the problem was slightly different because the issue was that there was no congregation in the area practicing the biblical way using the church's funds. There I suggested that they worship with a group, but send their contributions elsewhere. Since their funds would not be supporting what they saw as wrong, they could avoid the events where church funds were being inappropriately spent. It is not an ideal situation, but it allows the individual to worship without violating his conscience.

In "Should the church building be used for weddings or funerals?" more detail is given about the use of the building for things that the church does not pay to support. Here consideration is given to each individual's conscience.

In regards to buying gum from a store that also happens to sell alcohol, you cannot control how the store owners choose to spend their money. In this case, it is like buying meat from the market that just happened to come from an idol's temple. The source of the meat is out of your control because you are not the butcher. You are buying meat, not its source. "Eat anything that is sold in the meat market without asking questions for conscience' sake" (I Corinthians 10:25). In this case, you are buying gum, not alcohol. In fact, because of that, you are encouraging the owner to invest in more gum because it is being sold. If fewer people bought the alcohol, the stores would not buy it as much.