Why weren’t the Israelites allowed to eat fat?

Question: First, I wanted to say thank you for all that you do! Your articles are very helpful in learning the truth of God’s word. I am contacting you today because I saw a discussion for which I did not have an answer. It concerns Leviticus 3:17, “It shall be a statute forever throughout your…

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Is it a sin to be overweight?

Question: Jeffrey, I have a couple of questions on things I’ve been having personal struggles with. We know that gluttony is sinful. I know, or at least believe, that means in all things, not just foods. However, there are so many of us who are overweight. I recently have let myself gain a substantial amount…

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Why the Old Testament Diet?

by Terry W. Benton Photo by Lily Banse on Unsplash God “imposed” food and drink laws on Israel, not on us (Hebrews 9:10) until the time of reformation. The time of reformation is the New Testament age under Christ. Under Christ, the earthly food laws of the Old Law are not binding (you can go…

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Does “abstain” mean we have the freedom to choose to follow or not?

Question: Good day brother Jeffrey, I need your help with this translation of Acts 15:20-29 because I do not have the knowledge to read this. I just came across one preacher who said the word “abstain” means to choose not to partake. We have the freedom to choose to follow or not, but I strongly…

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Was Jesus a Vegetarian?

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/WasJesusAVegetarian.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Genesis 9:1-7   I.         Back in 1999, the Omaha World-Herald had a hilarious article on a then new advertising campaign by PETA. [Bill Broadway, “Jesus Used in Latest PETA Ads,” Omaha World-Herald, 17 March 1999]             A.        They claimed that Jesus was a vegetarian.             B.        Their “evidence”?                         1.         A belief that Jesus was an…

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Can Christians eat animals caught in a trap?

Question: Please, sir, can Christians eat animals caught with a trap? Answer: There are no rules about how an animal is obtained. What is required is that the meat is processed such that blood is drained from the meat. “For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no…

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Did animals start eating meat after the fall of man?

Question: Thank you for the wonderful and comprehensive website with so much Bible-based information.  I’m reading it daily and learning so much. Many thanks. One question comes to mind that I did not find an answer to, although the Bible does mention that the first animals in creation ate the grasses of the field.  Were…

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Acts 11 does not prove we can now eat pork

Question: You said we could eat pork and pulled Acts 11 out to debate your cause, but you see that that vision was talking about the Gentiles if you keep reading on. The Bible tells us to get the conclusion of the whole matter. Answer: In “Uncleanness,” I said: “While many of the items selected…

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On Stoning Adulterers and Not Eating Shellfish

by Hugh Fulford via The Fellowship Room Periodically — at least three or four times a year — someone feels compelled to demonstrate his or her lack of knowledge of the Bible by writing a letter to the editor of the local newspaper railing against Bible-believers who oppose homosexuality. (Capital punishment of convicted murderers is another…

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I don’t like people touching my food. Is it biblically wrong?

Question: I would like to know how to deal with an issue of mine from a biblical point. I have a problem with people touching the food I’m eating and not having clean habits (by the way, it seems like a very silly “problem” now as I write it). It’s causing me all these thoughts…

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Did the Jews forbid pork because eating it was killing people?

Question: Why does the Old Testament say certain foods are prohibited? My teacher said it was because people saw that their friends were dying from pork, so they wrote that it was a sin to eat it. We know now it is from undercooking that meat. This makes me scared because it seems like something…

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I’m having trouble not doing things I am unsure about

Question: I am having trouble not doing things that I am unsure about whether or not they are sinful, such as drinking soda, eating sweets, masturbation, and whether or not I should be playing certain card and video games. On the soda and sweets, I am wondering if I am harming my body by doing…

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What are Christians not allowed to drink?

Question: Are Christians allowed to drink coffee? Are Christians allowed to drink tea? I now know what Christians are allowed or not allowed to eat, but what are Christians not allowed to drink? Answer: There is nothing known to be harmful about coffee. The Bible doesn’t talk about coffee. Where it is generally applied is…

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Do we fail terribly if we consume animals?

Question: When we are in heaven all is perfect. Isaiah 65:25 says, “The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent’s meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.” In heaven, no one will…

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Is it a sin to eat bone marrow?

Question: I would like to know if it is a sin to eat the blood inside the chicken’s bone. Before I got converted I used to eat it, but after I started to doubt if it was a sin or not too, so I would like to know if it’s a sin to do that.…

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Why were the laws regarding food changed?

Question: I’m not sure why Jesus changed the law about what is OK to eat.  Why did he allow us to eat pork? Answer: To understand why the law changed, you first need to understand why those laws were there in the first place. I would like you to read an article that I wrote…

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Can a Christian eat anything?

Question: Everything documented fine until your statement that a Christian can eat anything. This contradicts the statement of Jesus that He did not come to change the Law but to complete it. The dietary laws of Deuteronomy are still in effect. And for very good reason. Look carefully at the forbidden animals. The list is…

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Why can animals be used for food, but not men?

Question: If “Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs” according to your post on PETA’s statement that Jesus did not eat meat – what prevents people from eating each other?  I am a vegetarian who eats fish.  I am not a follower of…

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Shame on Christians who think God ordained that they should eat meat

Question: To consume animals that begged for mercy in their own tongue is not conducive to manifesting the fruits of the spirit “as found in Galatians” in fact it is impossible to harm man or beast and still manifest such fruit. Those who are not merciful will be denied mercy themselves Matthew 5 Also, it is…

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How far should a Christian go in making sure meat was properly prepared?

Question: How far does God expect Christians to go in determining if meat has been properly prepared for consumption (i.e. the blood has been drained and the animal has not been strangled)?  I know that I Corinthians 10:25-31 talks about not asking questions for (the other person’s) conscience’ sake, but to what degree do you…

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The change in food laws was an act of the Roman Catholic church

Question: I was reading your article you had done concerning Animal Rights and the Bible, and upon reading it you stated that the Most High had given Israel food laws, and then stated the Most High changed the food laws in the book of Acts. Sir, that teaching is totally false and because the Roman Catholic…

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Can you help me with some arguments from a Messianic Jew?

Question: I have a friend who was a Christian and recently left the Church of Christ to join a group of people who call themselves Messianic Jews.  My friend, and many other people, were told by the person who they call the rabbi of that group that everyone in that group that their last names…

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Is it a sin not to eat meat?

Question: I am a vegetarian, I am also Catholic. I read a page on your web site: Did Jesus Eat Meat? This subject has always been a struggle for me. My question to you is: Would you agree that when we are judged will we also be judged upon our merits and what is in our…

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When and why did humans start eating meats?

Question: When and why did humans start eating meat? Answer: When the world was first created, mankind was given vegetables to eat. “And God said, “See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall…

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Is it wrong to work at McDonald’s or sell Twinkies?

Question: If it is clearly wrong from a biblical standpoint to work in the tobacco industry is it also wrong to work at a McDonalds or sell Twinkies? If I Corinthians 6:19 is prohibiting substances that are harmful to the body (besides sexual sin), then you can just as well preach against McDonalds and Twinkies…

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Should Christians avoid unclean foods?

Question: I read your article and liked it very much! I would like to make a comment though about eating unclean meats. I am not saying that by eating them a person will not be saved, because we are saved by grace. But if we want to be free from disease and sickness, then we…

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Don’t you feel any compassion for the suffering animals?

Question: Thank you for your reply. I do appreciate it; however, you have not answered my question: do you feel any mercy or compassion for those animals’ suffering? How do you think it would feel to have been killed with a bow and arrow? Also, I note your extreme defensiveness and hostility toward me in…

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I’m offended that you defend eating meat

Question: I would just like to say that I am a Christian and a vegetarian.  I was kind of offended by your defending of eating meat.  You made it sound like anyone who doesn’t eat meat is ridiculous.  And your implication that vegetarianism is a departure from Christianity is very wrong and offensive.  I also don’t think…

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Evidence that meat is acceptable food offends a reader

Question: It is very strange for you to promote the most horrible farm animals’ suffering by support meat/dairy/egg consumption in our society of factory farms and meatpacking plants where terrified, trembling animals are on one side and cut up meat comes out from another side! Your messages are the reason why so many people want…

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Does Abel’s sacrifice prove meat was eaten before the flood?

Question: I read your article on Jesus eating meat. You make the point that God gave plants to be eaten in the beginning. Then you state that was changed at the Ark. However, Abel was a keeper of sheep (Genesis 4:2) and he sacrificed the sheep with the fat (Genesis 4:4). Though it is not…

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What did Jesus eat while he was on earth?

Question: Where would we find in the King James Version of the Bible what Jesus ate while he was here on earth? Answer: The particular version of the Bible will not make a difference in answering this question. There is an article located on this website that deals with your question. Please see the article,…

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Isn’t vegetarianism the ideal for man?

Question: Hello. I recently read your article and was very intrigued at your points of view. I would like for you to address two points for me: First of all, the Lord’s prayer says, “on earth as it is in heaven.” The Garden of Eden was the perfect creation. There was no sin at all.…

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Was Jesus a Vegetarian? Did Jesus Eat Meat?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton On March 17, 1999, the Omaha World-Herald reprinted a hilarious article by Bill Broadway of the Washington Post. It seems the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have launched a campaign to claim that Jesus was a vegetarian. Billboards stating “Jesus was a vegetarian. Show respect for God’s creatures…

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