Fill It Up

by Terry Wane Benton What do you do when your heart feels empty? Moping around is not the answer! You must find ways to fill your heart and time with things that bring satisfaction and accomplishment to your life. Notice the “be filled” passages in Ephesians. Be strengthened in the inner man (Ephesians 3:16). Be…

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My life is a ruin

Question: My friend, I don’t know where to begin. I have prayed to the Lord for wisdom. I don’t know where, but I’ll just begin. As a child, I grew up very lonely. I later found out I have autism, though I am high-functioning. As I got older, I had to go to preschool, where…

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The Problem of Depression

by David Weaks Depression’s a problem that plagues most people, and Christians are no different. It’s a natural part of the human mind to take periodic emotional downturns. Here is the problem for Christians: somewhere along the way, someone decided that depression is a sin for a Christian. As my dad would say, “Horsefeathers!” God…

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The Hands That Hang Down

by Terry Wane Benton They were beaten down. Their possessions were plundered, and family and friends were speaking evil of them. They were Christians on the verge of quitting. But, Paul wanted to remind them of the superiority and greatness of Christ, so he penned Hebrews with word pictures that Christ is all that truly…

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by Matthew W. Bassford The other night, I dreamed about my high-school crush. This was strange; I haven’t had any contact with her for a quarter century. Perhaps my life is passing before my eyes in slow motion. It did remind me, though, of the way things went with her. She was interested in me…

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Joshua’s Encouragement

by Doy Moyer As the children of Israel were preparing to go into the Promised Land, Moses delivered a series of speeches to help them understand how important their love and obedience to God would be (see Deuteronomy 6:1-9). Moses would not enter the Land himself, but Joshua had been chosen as the successor who…

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Be of Good Cheer by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 4:4-13   I.         It is easy to look at the bad side of things             A.        Some people seem to only see the bad side of things                         1.         No matter what happens, it has a dark side                         2.         These people seem to be only grumpy and miserable                         3.         Their only pleasure seems to be…

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The Link Between Depression and Serotonin Questioned

Source: Joanna Moncrieff and Mark Horowitz, “Depression is probably not caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain – new study,” The Conversation, 20 July 2022. [I’m posting this to demonstrate that even in areas where people have been certain of the answers, they find that things are not always as they seem to be -…

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Thoughts and Prayers

by Matthew W. Bassford People in our society say lots of dumb things. Surely among the most foolish, though, are the denials of the power of prayer. This usually comes up after mass shootings, when conservatives send “thoughts and prayers” on behalf of the victims’ families. In reply, progressives sneer that thoughts and prayers aren’t…

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Beyond Our Strength

by Doy Moyer There’s a principle Paul expresses in II Corinthians 1:8-11 that we need to learn well. We may feel overwhelmed by what is going on. We may feel in despair about many things. We may see that things are happening that are “beyond our strength.” What, then, is the lesson to learn? Here…

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Lessons from the Mamertine Prison

by Jefferson David Tant Do you ever feel discouraged, defeated, alone, forsaken, or any other word used to describe one who is “down in the dumps?” I’m sure we have all been affected by one or more of these words in our lifetime. If you are fortunate to have escaped all these negative feelings, just…

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The Difference Between a Man and a Dog

by Jeffery Kingry Sentry Magazine, June 2000 Mark Twain once quipped, “If you find a shivering, starving dog, take him home to your hearth and make him prosperous, he will not bite you if you attempt to pick him up. This is the main difference between a man and a dog. ” Photo by Jordan Koons…

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Will things go my way for once?

Question: Good day, Sir. I am happy that you have always been there for me to encourage me whenever I need it, but I feel my problems do not want to let me be. I pray and I fast, but nothing tends to work the way I ever want them. I was working for a…

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To the Depressed or Anxious Who Are on Medication

by Douglas Groothuis To those who are depressed or anxious and on medications for it or for those who are considering medication: Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash Christians often consider the use of medications for depression or anxiety a spiritual failure. I know of a Christian man who has been depressed for at least…

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Fighting Sinking when We Are Hit by Sorrow upon Sorrow by Wayne Fancher Philippians 2:27 For indeed he was sick almost unto death; but God had mercy on him, and not only on him but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow. Being Hit By Sorrow Matthew 14:10-12 So he sent and had John beheaded in prison. 11 And his head…

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David, Peter, and Me by Andy Cantrell Finding Our Purpose from the Past

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God doesn’t want me

Question: Hello, I had romantic feelings for a woman who goes to the same church as I do.   She used to work where I do and I talked to her every day. But then she got fired and she moved away for several months. Recently, she moved back. I wrote her a letter expressing…

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The Problem with Happy-Face Christianity

by Matthew Bassford “Like one who takes off a garment on a cold day, or like vinegar on soda, is he who sings songs to a troubled heart” (Proverbs 25:20). The other day, a friend of mine unburdened himself on Facebook about his struggles with depression. He talked about his confusion and fear and self-hatred.…

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Overcoming Emotional Problems by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 4:4-9   I.         It is a simple idea; so simple, you probably think it is obvious. Yet, the ramifications are far reaching.             A.        How we think influences our emotions                         1.         It is profound because the world sees it the other way around.                         2.         In the world emotions dictates behavior and thought.             B.        Anxiety…

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Do Not Be Discouraged by Raymond Warfel

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How do I come to the point where I don’t feel like wasted space?

Question: Hello, I truly enjoy the insight given on your website. I am normally a very positive person, and when I’m around people I am the one encouraging them to keep going, to keep pushing forward. However, when I am alone and I allow myself to think for enough time, I really don’t see what…

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How do I tell my sister that my son is not demon-possessed?

Question: I have a son that has been diagnosed with major depression and other issues. My sister, who I think means well, is convinced that he has a demon in him. How do you even talk to a person that keeps trying to make you and your child believe this? Answer: Many people don’t really…

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Is it normal to get depressed over the worldly-minded?

Question: Is it normal to get depressed because there are people in the world who hate God, and even more so because those who claim to be Christians have thought processes that are not much different than those out in the world? Answer: “Brethren, join in following my example, and observe those who walk according…

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Isn’t the Spirit supposed to comfort me?

Question: I’m 26 but my body already seems to be falling apart. I can barely get out of bed these days. If the cause of this is heart problems or cancer or something, can I just resist treatment so I can go home and be with Jesus? I’m so depressed. I can’t be a good…

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Should we have lied about my daughter’s depression?

Question: Is it ever OK to lie? My daughter was disqualified from entering a military group at her college due to behavioral health. She spent days there due to depression.  We filled out the medical forms and answered questions honestly for her college. Now my family is upset because they said she needed to play the system and…

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I have no friends and I’m depressed

Question: I’m 18. I don’t have a girlfriend or any friends. My parents are not religious. Should I tell them about the Bible? Is it fair that you have a great family who are Christians? What did I do to deserve this living hell? I’m depressed. How do I solve this issue about an existential…

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I find myself not caring like I used to

Question: Hello, I’m a 16-year-old girl. I received Christ as my personal Saviour for about 2 or 3 years now. But recently something has been bugging me. I feel as if my conscience has left or something. It sounds crazy or stupid, but I find that I have to force myself to feel guilty or…

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I’ve returned to a life of sin and I feel so depressed

Question: I am a 34-year-old male. I am married and have one son. I am living abroad and alone for my work. I have been living in sexual sins and not living a holy life for many years, even before my marriage and after. My spiritual life was bad most of my life. But two…

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My life has no meaning, so why shouldn’t I take it?

Question: Hello Mr. Hamilton I am an 18-year-old male. I write to you because I am feeling extremely depressed and confused, almost suicidal, and have done for about a year or so. First of all, I would like to mention that I’m an atheist. I used to be a Christian, but even if I still…

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Why has God given me such a miserable life?

Question: I am 24 years old, a single female, living in a liberal yet strict family. Since the age of 2 or 3, I had been molested by my grandfather until I was in 10th grade. In midst of my 6th to 10th grade, my cousin who is older than me also started molesting me.…

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Is taking an antidepressant for fibromyalgia just an easy way out?

Question: Hi, I’m going to have some tests for fibromyalgia, etc., due to body pains. My doctor wants to put me on antidepressants for when I have flare-ups and for stress. I don’t want to use medicine as a crutch, and I have asked God for his help on this. I try to tough it…

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I’m so gloomy. What can I do?

Question: I roam around with a gloomy expression most of the time. I remember her a lot, and I miss her too much. Whenever I see a couple I feel the absence of her. Is there anything that I could do to forget all these things and start looking forward to my future? What should…

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I am so miserable. I need help

Question: Hi, I can’t find an answer, and I need guidance, I can’t find my path I feel like I am walking in the same place don’t go forward. A little background: My mom and dad divorced when I was an older child. My dad drank heavily and abused my mom mentally and verbally. He…

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