Posts Tagged ‘denominationalism’
The Biblical Meaning of Church Download Audio by David Bunting Understanding Christ’s Church
Read MoreThe Rise of Denominationalism
by Andy Sochor via Unmasking Sophistry, Vol. 4, No. 3, July-September 2024 In the previous article, we discussed the Reformation Movement, which came when the Roman Catholic Church was a religiously and politically dominating force. Over the centuries, it became increasingly corrupt until Martin Luther challenged some of the errors and abuses of the prevailing system.…
Read MoreDenominationalism
by Doy Moyer Denominationalism today is not just about one particular doctrine but a mindset that relates to how we think about the Lord’s body. Denominational thinking perceives the church (universal) as comprised of an interconnected web of congregations instead of seeing the church as comprised of individual Christians without respect to time or location.…
Read MoreIs One as Good as Another? by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreA Call to Unity
by Matthew W. Bassford I watched a recorded worship service the other day. During it, I was invited to sing a verse of “Onward, Christian Soldiers” that I had never sung before. It reads: Like a mighty army Moves the church of God; Brothers, we are treading Where the saints have trod; We are not…
Read MoreCan We All See the Bible Alike?
by Jefferson David Tant Religious division exists on every hand. In every city and village, buildings are erected as monuments to religion. Some say this is good, but the bottom line is that this represents confusion and division. There are multiplied thousands of sects or denominations within what is called “Christianity.” This division is confusing…
Read MoreDo the Churches of Christ Suffer from Amnesia?
by Hugh Fulford In the October 2022 issue of the Christian Chronicle (identified as a subsidiary of Oklahoma Christian University), a book review is set forth under the headline, “New book explores where Churches of Christ fit” (p. 37). The name of the book reviewed is In the Great Stream: Imagining Churches of Christ in…
Read MoreThree Reasons I Don’t Like Denominations
by Wes McAdams Radically Christian Mahatma Gandhi is quoted as saying, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” If you ask me, I’d say, “I love Christ (and I love you), but I do not like your denominations. Your denominations are so unlike Christ.” If…
Read MoreStages of Decline
by Steve Wolfgang The stages of development often seen in religious fellowships, related here by historian David Edwin Harrell, Jr., are well worth contemplating in these times. From truth-oriented to group-oriented. From open controversy to closed controversy. From self-conscious rejection of society to self-conscious acceptance of society. From builders to preservers. [Ed Harrell, “B.C. Goodpasture:…
Read MoreShould we let a denominational group borrow our baptistery?
Question: Hello, Mr. Hamilton, I hope this finds you well. Every morning on my way to work I listen to your sermons. I greatly appreciate the work you have put into your program, as I have learned so much listening to them over the last couple of years. I belong to the church of Christ.…
Read MoreIs it wrong to not consider myself a part of any specific religion?
Question: I wonder all the time if I am wrong to not consider myself to be of any specific religion. I know Jesus is our Lord and I believe in him, but when someone asks what my religion is I do not know what to say because I do not like the war that separates…
Read MoreThe Emergence of Denominational Leadership
Ed Harrell, “B.C. Goodpasture: Leader of Institutional Thought,” in Melvin D. Curry, ed., They Being Dead Yet Speak (FloridaCollege Lectures, 1981), pp. 249-250. (Excerpt from a section entitled “The Emergence of Denominational Leadership”). B. C. Goodpasture fits neatly into a sociological model of second-generation religious leaders. One can pretty well trace the evolution of a…
Read MoreCanceled!
by Jefferson David Tant During our recent Christmas holidays, several churches around the country canceled their Sunday services. Some of the statements made by church spokesmen probably revealed more than they realized, as they not only reflected an attitude towards the mistaken idea concerning the birth of Christ but an attitude towards the religion of…
Read MoreWhat do you do with people who accepted the truth but continue to attend their denominational churches?
Question: What is your advice to the teachers of a group of people who have been taught the word in a group Bible study, have accepted it, gotten baptized, but do not want to attend the Lord’s church? They have wholeheartedly for months have been happy to keep studying the Scriptures and are making positive…
Read MoreWe Are Not a Religious Non-Denomination
by Terry Campbell Sentry Magazine, September 2001 “Denominationalism” denotes a group of people devoted to a specific religious belief system who assemble under the name of a person, or concept, as their focus within a formal organizational environment governed by those of prominence that hold to that belief system. They have creeds and by-laws that…
Read MoreReligion that Lives in the Past
Author Unknown Sentry Magazine, December 2001 (Editor’s note: I would love to give credit to the author of this excellent piece but there was no name attached to the article. There may have been one on the envelope but when it was detached from the article it became impossible to give proper credit. I wish…
Read MoreGod Is NOT the Author of Confusion
by Jefferson David Tant To authenticate the title, consider its source. Paul wrote in I Corinthians 14:33: “for God is not a God of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.” There are two significant points made. God is not the author of the confusion in the churches claiming to…
Read MoreDenominationalizing the Work of the Lord
by Jerry F. Bassett Sentry Magazine, March 2003 To denominate is “to give a name to: designate,” according to Miriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. This same source defines a religious denomination as “a religious organization uniting local congregations in a single legal and administrative body — denominational” being the adjectival form of this term. A local…
Read MoreWhere Did They All Come From?
Where Did They All Come From? – Part 1Where Did They All Come From? – Part 2Where Did They All Come From? – Part 3Where Did They All Come From? – Part 4 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Timothy 4:1-11 I. Christ founded but one church – Matthew 16:18 A. It belongs solely to him. It…
Read MoreIt is very rare to find those who have found the truth and go with it
Question: As one who left all churches as not of the Lord, I totally agree with “Why I Left the Baptist Church.” Blessings to you and your ministry of truth and true real salvation. It is very rare to find those who have found the truth and go with it. God is so good to…
Read MoreIs it a sin to leave the church you were born into?
Question: I’m currently a member of the old-order Mennonite Church. I have come to the conclusion recently, upon studying the Bible, that Jesus has asked everyone to be of one mind and there be no divisions at numerous places in his word. I want to leave this group, but they say leaving a church that…
Read MoreThe Split of the Catholic Churches by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Download Audio Text: Matthew 23:1-12 I. Very shortly after the first century, one elder in the church became the chief elder and took on the title of bishop to distinguish himself from the other elders. A. Even though elder and bishop refers to the same duty – Titus 1:5,7 B. By the third…
Read MoreYou May be Surprised to Learn …
by Doy Moyer Have you ever taken for granted certain things and believed them, just because that is what you have been told? Perhaps you find yourself in that situation now, believing and doing things because that is what you were told. Religious people sometimes believe and practice something because a preacher said it, or…
Read MoreThe Apostles’ Creed by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Download Audio Text: John 17:11-23 I. Every once in a while someone will ask what is our statement of faith. A. Back when we were home schooling, we were wanting to get involved with a local group, but they wanted us to sign a statement of faith B. Another name for a…
Read MoreAre We a Sect? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 28:16-24 I. The Jews had difficulty understanding the church in its early days. A. It was founded by a Jewish teacher from a small, remote town called Nazareth. B. It began an flourished in their capital city, Jerusalem. C. It taught heavily from the Law, though it added new doctrine that…
Read MoreEveryone worships differently, but does it matter if we are all worshiping Christ?
Question: I have one question that concerns me: There are many Christian denominations or groups such as Orthodox, Protestantism, Catholic, Baptist, etc. Each one of those denominations or churches has its own practices and symbols. Ones who have the cross without Jesus, ones who have the cross with Jesus, ones who believe in Saints, ones…
Read MoreShould I leave a denomination that accepts homosexuality?
Question: Read your article about homosexuality in churches these days. I have tried to explain to people that when you accept Christ he says our old ways are in the past and we are new. But like you said people state I think they are born that way. Our church recently put a picture of…
Read MoreTime for Churches of Christ to Fellowship Other Groups?
by Wes McAdam via Radically Christian This is a hard post to write. I realize what I’m about to say may be misunderstood or misconstrued. But as difficult as it is to find the right words, this is something that must be said. In fact, I believe there is no greater issue facing the church today.…
Read MoreMy “Church” Membership
by Edward O. Bragwell, Sr. I am not a member of a denomination called “Church of Christ” or “Churches of Christ” or a denomination with any other name. The local church where I regularly attend is not a congregation of the “Church of Christ” denomination. Yet, I have been a member of the church of…
Read MoreAre We All Right?
by Irven Lee via Truth Magazine, March 29, 1973 One of the most popular doctrines taught in the name of religion in America today is that we are all right. One faith is as good as another, we are told. It is admitted that there are some differences, but the idea is that we differ only…
Read MoreYou don’t know everything, so you can’t say denominations are wrong
Question: I am responding to your slander against other churches. It is pretty sad that you talk about things you don’t really have all the answers to. Some of the things you talk about I do agree with, but other things you need to get the facts because your facts are wrong. Here is what…
Read MoreHow do I solve the religious differences in a serious love relationship?
Question: How can I solve the religious difference in a very serious love relationship? I met a girl who has a boyfriend at work. After we became good friends we both fell in love. She realized that she didn’t love her former boyfriend, quit the relationship, and continued with me. We have been in a…
Read MoreOn Some Nebulous “CoC” Thing
by Doy Moyer I often see discussions where people keep referencing some “CoC” position, or “CoC” tradition, or “CoC-er” or whatever. So… here are a few thoughts about that adapted from a previous discussion. What exactly is this CoC to which people keep referring? Is there some particular local group of Christians they have in…
Read MoreSpiritual Junk Food
Spiritual Junk Food – Part 1Spiritual Junk Food – Part 2 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Colossians 2:8-23 I. There are always those who will try to destroy the work of God, offering up human derived philosophies to override God given truth – Colossians 2:3-4, 8 A. While sounding plausible, they are in fact empty -…
Read MoreHow do we define a Christian friend?
Question: Hi, I was going through ‘How do I deal with non-Christian friends?’ Several questions went through my mind. How do we define ‘Christian’ friend? Because I have friends in the Lord’s church who are there, because. well. that’s where they were born. Then I have other friends who are Pentecostals and SDAs who, though…
Read MoreIs any one church or religion the proper way to believe?
Question: This is not a question, but great big praise and thank you for such wonderful resources and images! This is exactly what I’ve been trying desperately to locate image-wise for weeks! Thank you so much for sharing your collection of images, sermons, answers, studies, articles, notes, resources, and church information, and for making it all…
Read MoreWhat if you feel that a particular church is not suitable for you?
Question: What are the suggestions if one cannot afford monetarily to attend church, or feels that a particular church is not suitable for him? If he does private bible study, is this enough? Does he have to go through the baptism ceremony? If a Christian continues to study other religions and philosophies, is this against…
Read MoreNew and Improved Religion
by Carey Scott It is amazing that just about every product that has ever been sold has evolved into a more new and improved product. The marketing firms have convinced the manufacturers that unless they have new and improved printed on their products; they will not sell as many. But what does new and improved…
Read MoreNew Churches
by Gilbert Alexander The number of new churches started by men and based upon a human standard has grown rapidly over the past century in this country. Their creation and continued existence reflect the unbelief and arrogant self-will of their builders, and the gullibility of those who have joined them. Apparently, the church of Jesus…
Read MoreMired in Tumult
by Gilbert Alexander Why are Episcopalians and Presbyterians “mired in tumult over gay issues” as reported in a 7/7/06 article in the News Courier? Is the Word of God so vague and complex that people cannot know what is moral and natural, and what is immoral and unnatural? God clearly condemned homosexual behavior in the…
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