Divisions Must Come

David Lipscomb via The Gospel Advocate, September 4, 1941 Division in the churches is painful. It wrings the heart with anguish. But God asked: “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3). This is a strange declaration that they cannot. It is true as applied to both God and man. Can you walk with…

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Is It Right to Criticize Another Person’s Religion?

by Kevin Kay It’s not only right to criticize false religion, no matter whose religion it is; it’s the faithful Christian’s responsibility. Jesus criticized the Pharisees for “teaching as doctrines the commandments of men” (Matthew 15:7-9). Paul criticized those who tried to bind the shadows of the Mosaic law on New Testament Christians (Colossians 2:16-23).…

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Should Denominations Be Refuted?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalm 119:97-104   I.         Some brethren are, well, squeamish when denominations are publicly refuted             A.        There is a fear that visitors, their friends and relatives, will be offended by such plain language             B.        In the end, there is more allowance for sin to continue unchecked.             C.        Is it possible that we do not mind…

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Isn’t it divisive to claim all denominations are wrong?

Question: I just read the article about why you left the Nazarene denomination. On the latter point of baptism, I will not comment now, but I think your first listed reason is a rational mistake. You said, “yet the Nazarene Church exists, as does any denomination, because man disregards the prayerful wishes of Christ.” This…

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