Is there a second chance of salvation after death?

Question: Is there a second chance of salvation after death? Answer: “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). The writer is clear that this life is our chance to do God’s will. After this life is over, what comes next is our Judgment. “For we…

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What is God’s view pertaining to cremation?

Question: What is God’s view pertaining to cremation? Answer: When a person dies, his spirit leaves his body. In speaking of his death, Peter said, “knowing that shortly I must put off my tent, just as our Lord Jesus Christ showed me” (II Peter 1:14). Peter saw his body as a tent in which his…

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Did Jesus go to Hell?

Question: Did Jesus go to Hell? Answer: The idea comes from a poor choice of words selected by the translators of the King James Version of the Bible. “He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption” (Acts 2:31). The…

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Reflections on a Funeral Service

by Wayne S. Walker Several years ago I had the unpleasant task of attending and participating in the funeral service of a relative. It was not difficult from the standpoint that the deceased was an evil person, for such was not the case. Rather, the distressing aspect was due simply to the sorrow of loss…

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Lesson from a Funeral

by Harry R. Osborne via Guardian of Truth XXXVIII: 21, p. 10, November 3, 1994 Have you been to a funeral lately? None of us enjoys funerals, but the reflection demanded by such occasions is good for us. The Bible speaks of the need to learn the lessons that are taught by facing death’s reality. Notice the…

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How did Saul actually die?

Question: I want to know how Saul died. In I Samuel 31:4 the Scripture says that Saul fell upon his own sword and in verse 6 it says Saul, his three sons, and his armorbearer died that same day. Then in II Samuel 1:10. the Scripture says an Amalekite stood upon him and killed him.…

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Do people know what is happening on earth after their death?

Question: Do saved people, after they go to heaven, know what is going on down here on earth? Answer: Those who have died are no longer involved in the activities on earth. “For the living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward, for the memory of…

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What will our spiritual bodies be like?

Question: Do you have articles on “Our spiritual bodies after death and more specifically after the resurrection?”  Please send information.  Thanks, your web site is great. Answer: John stated, “Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed,…

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What is death like?

Question: Hi! I would like to know is when you die, is it like you are still living, but the only thing is that you can’t do anything like you did when you were alive? How does it feel when you die? Would you see things below, such as other people, while you are above?…

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What about ghosts and speaking with the dead?

Question: I heard that communication with spirits is forbidden. Is this true? How about those who claim that they can communicate with spirits? Is it a gift from God that they can do that? I learned that there is a verse in Revelation that goes something like this: “…the dead in Christ shall rise first…

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Where does it talk about souls asking how long must we wait?

Question: I read in the Old Testament, something about souls saying how long must we wait. I think it meant the souls that have died and are in the waiting place until the final judgment. I have looked and looked and can’t find it. Can you help? Answer: I believe you were looking in the…

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I just want to understand, why did this happen?

Question: I’m sorry if I’m always coming to you for answers. It’s just that I can’t still sleep at night. I think and think they’re still coming home, but what I don’t understand is why do bad things happen to good people that have nothing but good in them? I don’t understand why God lets…

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When Do the Tears Stop?

by Jefferson David Tant via Guardian of Truth, December 18, 1997 The day began a little earlier than usual. I woke soon after five, and since sleep had fled, I got up and accomplished a few things in preparation for my trip to Birmingham. There were many things to gather — checkbook, will, deed, title, burial…

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Can we talk with those who have died?

Question: I have a question: when a loved one who was pure and good dies, is it possible for that person to come back to the living? How can one learn ways to communicate with a loved one? Answer: The Bible teaches that those who die are not able to return. Job asked the rhetorical…

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Why do people have to die?

Question: Why do people have to die? When you think about it, it can make people mad at God, or it will drive them away. Why does God let suffering happen? Suffering is hard for people. Answer: To understand why people die, we have to go back to when death first appeared in the world.…

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What does it mean to die in vain?

Question: What would it mean for someone to die in vain? I had a dream where my grandmother visited me outside her home six months after she had passed away. As I rushed to her with tears in my eyes she stated, “Do not come any closer or else the sunshine will not show me.”…

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Is there a set time for someone to die?

Question: Is there a set time for someone to die? You often hear people say, “It was just their time to go.” Answer: It is a fact that living means each of us will eventually die, barring those who will see our Lord’s return. “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but…

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Sealed in Death

by Kent Heaton There is a remarkable thing that happens at the moment of death. When the spirit leaves the body and returns to Him who made us (Ecclesiastes 12:7) everything about our life is sealed permanently. There is no second chance for anything when death strikes. All of the accomplishments of life are ended.…

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How do I move on after the death of a loved one?

Question: The only man I thought I would ever love died in a car accident. I feel lost, cold, and alone; and I can’t even think of anything else. He’s in my mind all the time, as I last saw him, and I don’t feel that I will ever love anyone the way that I…

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Notes on Death

Death Is a Separation Genesis 35:18 “And so it was, as her soul was departing (for she died), that she called his name Ben-Oni; but his father called him Benjamin.” I Kings 17:21-22 “And he stretched himself out on the child three times, and cried out to the LORD and said, “O LORD my God, I pray,…

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When you die, do you go straight to heaven or hell?

Question: When you die, do you go straight to heaven or hell, or do you remain on earth until Judgment Day? Answer: “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him…

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Does the Bible speak of souls sleeping?

Question: Do the Scriptures ever speak of souls sleeping anywhere? Answer: A common idiom for death is sleep. “But man dies and is laid away; indeed he breathes his last and where is he? As water disappears from the sea, and a river becomes parched and dries up, so man lies down and does not…

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Is the spirit of man immortal?

Question: Where do I go when I die? Does my body go to the grave and my spirit or soul go immediately to heaven? What is Ecclesiastes 3:18-21 talking about? Are souls immortal? Answer: A portion of your questions was previously answered in “What happens to you when you die?” Rather than repeating the material here, I…

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A Sin Leading to Death

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.          I John 5:16-17              A.         Some sins lead to death, but others do not              B.         We should pray for those who sin which does not lead to death.              C.         We are not to pray for those whose sin leads to death II.         How do we tell which sin leads to death?              A.         Which kind of death?                           1.          Physical…

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The Day of Death

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ecclesiastes 7:1-6   I.         As gloomy as it may sound, there are few things guaranteed in life, but I can say for certain that barring our Lord’s return, you will die.             A.        Death is a fact of life. Those who are born will eventually die.             B.        And life is short                         1.         Like spilt water…

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What happens to you when you die?

Question: What happens to you when you die? Answer: The Bible teaches us that human beings are made in three parts. “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Thessalonians 5:23). Your body…

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Preparing to Die Well

by Gary C. Kerr via Expository Files 1.6; June 1994 One of the advantages of taking a vacation is that you can do some things you don’t normally have time to do. Since I love to read, I did a lot of “recreational” reading on a recent vacation. I especially enjoyed getting to finish a book…

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We are Going Down the Valley

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         Let us read I Cor. 15:50-58 II.        In our song books there is a spiritual song written by Jessie Brown Pounds             A.        She lived from 1861 to 1921 in Hiram, Ohio. Both she and her family were members of the Lord’s church.             B.        We sing many songs that are based on her poems:                         1.         The…

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Was It His Time to Go?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalm 39   I.          So many things in this life are beyond our grasp to comprehend.              A.         We attend a funeral to see that someone who was once full of life and energy is now still, lying in a casket. Why did it happen?              B.         We want explanations that sometimes can’t be given.…

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What happens to children when they die?

Question: What happens to children when they die? Answer: The Bible states that children go to heaven when they die. Take a look at this example: “So Nathan went to his house. Then the LORD struck the child that Uriah’s widow bore to David, so that he was very sick. David therefore inquired of God…

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