The Rise of Denominationalism

by Andy Sochor via Unmasking Sophistry, Vol. 4, No. 3, July-September 2024 In the previous article, we discussed the Reformation Movement, which came when the Roman Catholic Church was a religiously and politically dominating force. Over the centuries, it became increasingly corrupt until Martin Luther challenged some of the errors and abuses of the prevailing system.…

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If Christ Built Only One, Where Did They All Come From?

by Jefferson David Tant At the beginning of the gospel age, there was but one church, and now, 2000 years later, according to some reports, there are over 1,200. How did this happen? People wonder where they all came from. Is this division and confusion what Christ intended? Let’s examine this situation to see just…

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Apostolic Succession by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 20:17-36   I.         How do you prove that your brand of Christianity is real?             A.        For some, the argument is based on who was around the longest.                         1.         A religion that just recently started is declared to be suspect. If the church has been around for 2,000 years, then where was…

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Is teaching that sin is not inherited misleading?

Question: Please go back to the Bible.  What you say in this article is not in any way biblical and so is misleading.  Sin is inherited.  All are born sinful.  The Holy Spirit is the way our hearts are opened to God.  And I am not Salvation Army – simply an evangelical Anglican.  We must…

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Ascetic Vows vs. Scriptural Liberties

by Bryan Matthew Dockens Members of religious orders of the Catholic, Anglican, and Eastern Orthodox churches, most prominently priests and nuns, commit themselves to particular ascetic vows. Asceticism, by definition, is extreme self-denial. Self-denial, of course, is enjoined upon all those who would follow Christ (Luke 9:23-24). However, the Lord never placed such restrictions as…

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Apostolic Succession

by Bryan Matthew Dockens A number of religions practice so-called apostolic succession. Roman Catholics believe the man they call “Pope” is the successor of the apostle Peter. Mormons claim twelve to fifteen apostles at all times. Many Pentecostal congregations identify their preachers as apostles. Such claims are totally inconsistent with the scriptures. The Apostles of…

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No Longer “Living in Sin”

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Sometimes you find interesting coincidences in the paper. One article brings up a question and another, unrelated one, supplies the answer. Recently I spotted an article in the June 7, 1995 edition of the Omaha World-Herald that shows the birthrate of children born to unwed mothers has increased 54 percent from…

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