Did the Catholic Church edit Matthew 28:19?

Question: What baptismal proclamation was used in your baptism? Probably you were baptized, “In the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Do you know that this Baptismal Proclamation is not the original text commanded by Jesus Christ as in Matthew 28:19? The Roman Catholic Church has edited and replaced…

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The Reliability of the Bible

by Zeke Flores There are several ways to establish the reliability of the Bible. One is by manuscript evidence. There are thousands of manuscripts, both whole and partial, of Old and New Testament books that provide harmonized agreement on the teaching of the Bible. Though the original documents are long lost, many of the copies…

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Is Not Having the Original Writings a Serious Problem?

by Terry Wane Benton Torah Scribe by Ephraim Moshe Lilien It is not a problem at all. Unless all the copies and quotes are so contradictory and diverse that we need the original documents to settle the matter, the numerous quotes and copies of the Bible provide enough certainty that we do not require the…

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My People Are Foolish

by Terry Wane Benton I find it remarkable that the Old Testament Bible was written by Jews for Jews, but does not compliment these people. It calls them stiffnecked and displays a long history of disobedience to God, and yet people today want us to think that they just “made it up.” What? If I…

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Evidence for Mark’s Longer Ending

by Perry Hall Should we accept Mark’s longer ending (Mark 16:9-20), or instead concur with a popular scholarly conclusion that verse 8 is the proper ending? Here I will present one argument for why I think the longer ending is fitting to Mark’s gospel. Notice the claim: “the longer ending is fitting to Mark’s gospel”.…

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Do the Dead Sea Scrolls show that the Bible was modified over time?

Question: Hi, You have answered my questions before (thanks for that) and I hope you won’t mind doing so again. I was researching the Dead Sea Scrolls and came across the following: How close is the Bible to the Dead Sea Scrolls? 6 Myths About the Dead Sea Scrolls The Quora answer (if you click…

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Why does Matthew quote Zechariah but attributes it to Jeremiah?

Question: Hello brother, I have a question about Matthew 27:9. A brother from church pointed out this verse where it says that it references Jeremiah, but I can’t find that reference anywhere. Instead, I found it in Zachariah. Do you know why this is? Answer: “Then that which was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet was…

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Why does Paul mention a chapter number if they came later?

Question: Dear Brother in Christ, I am puzzled to know how in Acts 13:33 the apostle Paul is able to quote precisely in the first century something as being written in Psalms 2! If the translators added this at a later time, what else could they have added as they wish? Can you please explain?…

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Why Believe in the Bible?

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Why-Believe-in-the-Bible.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 1:18-31   I.         Could the Bible be a product of man?             A.        We know that the Bible was written by about 40 different people                         1.         Each from different walks of life, from shepherds to kings, councilors to fishermen.                         2.         It was written over a 1,500 year time span             B.        If men could…

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What is “Pauline Christianity?”

Question: Can you explain what exactly is Pauline Christianity? I’ve heard for years people say Paul was a false prophet but only just recently heard the term “Pauline Christianity.“ Did Paul preach a message contrary to what Jesus taught? Answer: You will always find people and groups who wish to cast doubt on sections of…

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Why are the Resurrection Accounts so Different?

by Edwin Crozier If skeptics jump on anything about the gospel records of Jesus Christ, it is the differences between the four authors’ accounts of the resurrection events and appearances. For example, Matthew mentions an angel who met the women at the tomb sitting on the rolled-away stone (Matthew 28:2). Mark mentions the women meeting…

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The “We” Passages in Acts

by Matthew W. Bassford Like the other historical books of the New Testament, neither Luke nor Acts explicitly identifies its author. However, it is evident from the introduction to each book and the style used throughout each that both were written by the same hand. The first identification of this writer that we still have…

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Let God Be True

by Terry Wane Benton Romans 3:4 gives us this principle: “Let God be true but every man a liar.” What does this mean? It means that God is always far more dependable than man. God cannot lie (Hebrews 6:12). Man often lies, misunderstands, gets things mixed up, is easily deceived, etc. Therefore, when it comes…

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Does It Really Matter About the Bible?

by Jefferson David Tant Sometimes in talking with people, I ask if they believe the Bible is true. I then give three options: It is inspired by God, and all true; It is just a collection of writings by men through the centuries; or The original writings were God-inspired, but men have added and changed…

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I’m still confused why Matthew used “Eli” while Mark used “Eloi”

Question: Your explanation of the above subject is a bit confusing because we are told that the Old Testament was translated from Hebrew to English while the New Testament was translated from Greek to English. So, I expect them to pick the pronunciation of the same words uttered before translation into English or any other language. Thanks. Answer:…

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How Do We KNOW the Bible Is True?

by Jefferson David Tant Introduction For thousands of years, a book has influenced the world. Eastern and Western civilizations have had their laws, customs, and culture molded by the teachings of this ancient document. Kingdoms have risen and fallen in keeping with prophetical statements contained within its pages. In the 550 years since Johannes Gutenberg…

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The Word of the Lord Endures Forever

by Terry Wane Benton Photo by Chris Liu on Unsplash A serious flaw in modern thinking is that you can dismiss the Bible as the authority on moral issues like adultery, fornication, homosexuality, drunkenness, etc. because the Bible has been corrupted and changed over the centuries. They make this argument, not because they looked at…

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Can We Trust the Text of the Bible?

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Can-We-Trust-the-Text-of-the-Bible.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Peter 1:12-21   I.         I was discussing with a gentleman about the location of a particular city mentioned in the Bible.             A.        He had found an old map that placed Baal Zephon on the Mediterranean Sea instead of on the edge of the Red Sea. Doesn’t this prove, he asked,…

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Homer Sometimes Nodded

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Homer-Sometimes-Nodded.mp3 Text: Numbers 23:18-19   I.         Horace (65 – 8 B.C.), a Latin poet, wrote “Sometimes even the noble Homer nods”             A.        Homer was a blind Greek poet of the eight century B.C. Know for the Illiad and the Odyssey.             B.        As accomplished as Homer was, he sometimes erred with reference to the facts of the incidents that…

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Biblical Infallibility: Arguments Against the Bible

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Arguments-Against-the-Bible.mp3 Text: I Peter 1:22-25   I.         The arguments have not changed much over the years. Same given today as hundreds of years ago. II.        All or Nothing             A.        Do we have to insist on total infallibility of the Scriptures?             B.        Some fear that one error would overthrow all of Christianity.             C.        However, if the writers of the Bible were…

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The Bible and Medical Science

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2006/06/The-Bible-and-Medical-Science.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Isaiah 45:20-25   I.         We know that the Bible is God’s directions for mankind             A.        It is not a history book per se; that is, it doesn’t document all of world history. Just a small, but relevant portion.             B.        It is not a science book, but it does mention scientific facts once…

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The Timeline of the Resurrection

by Matthew W. Bassford Recently, I’ve become aware that there is this thing floating around on the Internet called “The Easter Challenge”. The inventor of this challenge is an atheist. He asserts that the Biblical accounts of the resurrection of Jesus contradict each other so significantly that they are clearly false and so provide no…

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Bible Stories

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Bible-Stories.mp3 Text: II Peter 1:16-21   I.         “Grandpa, read me a story.”             A.        Children love hearing a story and so stories are selected to teach the children some lessons             B.        Most of us don’t grow out of the desire to hear a story. Whether from reading a book or hearing a podcast or watching a movie, stories have…

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Is the mustard seed the smallest of all seeds?

Question: I have a Bible question, sir. In Matthew 13:31-32 and in Mark 4:30-32, does Jesus say that the mustard seed is the smallest of all seeds? I have read that the orchid seed is the smallest seed. I’m a little confused. Can you please tell me what Jesus meant when he said that the…

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Is Our Bible Text Reliable?

by Abraham Smith “The Judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, Yea, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them Your servant is warned, And in keeping them there is great reward” (Psalms 19:9-11). We all ought to place…

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Did Solomon’s Sea hold 2,000 baths or over 3,000 baths?

Question: Did Solomon build a facility containing 2,000 baths (I Kings 7:26), or over 3,000 baths (II Chronicles 4:5)? Answer: “Now he made the sea of cast metal ten cubits from brim to brim, circular in form, and its height was five cubits, and thirty cubits in circumference. Under its brim gourds went around encircling…

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Did Solomon have 40,000 stalls for his horses or 4,000 stalls?

Question: Did Solomon have 40,000 stalls for his horses (I Kings 4:26), or 4,000 stalls (II Chronicles 9:25)? Answer: “Solomon had 40,000 stalls of horses for his chariots, and 12,000 horsemen” (I Kings 4:26). “And Solomon gathered chariots and horsemen; he had one thousand four hundred chariots and twelve thousand horsemen, whom he stationed in…

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The Kurkh Monoliths – The Stele of Shalmaneser III (Part 2)

by David Wheeler Black Kurkh Monolith Previously, I reported on one of a set of Stele’s known collectively as the Kurkh Monoliths. The one which was our subject was the stele of Shalmaneser III. Shalmaneser III was the ruler of the Assyrian Empire from 859-824 BC. The Kurkh Monolith recorded his advancement to the Syrian…

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The Kurkh Monoliths – Stele of Shalmaneser III

by David Wheeler Via Evidence in Archaeology To see a Biblical figure referenced in a stone inscription is a beautiful thing. It testifies that the book which we revere and study from is a trustworthy historical document and based in reality. Sometimes the secular inscriptions can reveal details of the Biblical figure’s life that aren’t…

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What about other cultures that have different creation and flood accounts?

Question: Hey Jeffrey, I have a question: I just started a daily Bible reading program and went back over the history of mankind, creation, and the generations. I am wondering: Are these the only people who were living on the Earth at this time? How would you compare Genesis with other ancient civilizations’ generations or…

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Are the gospels not historical because they are theological documents?

Question: Hello. I just saw your study on Jesus being rejected at Nazareth after teaching in the synagogue. I am currently in a graduate-level course before I start my grad studies. I’ve been looking at your studies for quite some time since I became Christian, and I appreciate your loyalty to the authority of Scripture.…

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Can I Trust the Bible?

by Ethan Longhenry via de Verbo vitae By far, the most popular book in our culture is still the Bible, and for the Christian, the New Testament in particular. It is a text that is about 1,900 years old, and for some reason, we see many misconceptions about its textual validity. Common misconceptions, which I hope…

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When was Jehoiachin released?

Question: When was Jehoiachin released? “Now it came about in the thirty-seventh year of the exile of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, that Evil-merodach king of Babylon, in the year that he became king, released Jehoiachin king of Judah from prison” (II Kings 25:27). “Now it…

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The Myth of the Flat Earth

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I ran across an article, from Newsweek of all places, that pointed out that humanity as a whole never really believed in the concept of a flat earth. [Douglas Main, “Even in the Middle Ages, People Didn’t Think the Earth Was Flat,” Newsweek, 16 January 2016]. “A round Earth appears at…

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Did Isaiah’s prophecy that Damascus would cease being a city fail?

Question: I am having a conversation with an atheist online and so far I have done well handling the so-called failed prophecies and contradictions he claims. He seems rather shocked and open to studying. I do need a little help with this one because I have never heard of it nor come across anyone disputing…

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