Posts Tagged ‘about this site’
Thank you for the outstanding website
Question: Greetings, I am a member of the Lord’s church. I am writing to tell you that I appreciate the answers on biblical subjects and the articles. Thank you for the outstanding website. Best wishes. Answer: You’re welcome. I do what I can to provide a good resource to brethren. I appreciate the encouragement.
Read MoreI pray for your continued work
Question: I just wanted someone to know how much I appreciate being able to get online and study with your site. Thank you for your sermons, outlines, and audios. They have been a part of my everyday studies over the past year. I pray for your continued mission of evangelical work. God bless. Answer: I’m…
Read MoreI didn’t give permission for my statements to be used!
Question: I noticed you posted something written by Terry on your website. This was shared publicly by Terry from a private group and was a casual conversation. I would appreciate it being taken down since it was shared publicly without permission by Terry and also done without my permission. If that won’t be done I’d…
Read MoreYour responses are harsh and demeaning
Question: I am writing this because I came across your website and read through a few of the responses to people’s questions. While we are told to snatch others from the fire, the responses to these people are so harsh and demeaning, I don’t at all see the reflection of Christ in them. These people…
Read MoreThank you for the good work that you do for the kingdom
Question: Brothers, I just wanted to thank you for the good work that you do for the Kingdom. I often find great material on your site for my own study and reference your material in our classes. Answer: It is good to know that the efforts here are benefiting others.
Read MoreI use your site often
Question: Hello, I use your site often. I just wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you. Answer: You’re welcome.
Read MoreI learned why the Pharisees and Scribes hated Jesus from your site
Question: I tried to check why the Pharisees and scribes hated Jesus and treated him as their enemy. The truth is in your articles (Jesus and the Pharisees). God will help to share more of the words of life so that everyone will reach the level of understanding of the love of God as well…
Read MoreYour website is absolutely amazing!
Question: Dear brothers I’m a member of the Church of Christ, and I just want to thank you for the great work you did put into your website! I’m currently reading through all your topics and I learn so much. It’s absolutely amazing. So again, thank you, and may God bless you! Answer: Thank you…
Read MoreThanks for posting the lessons!
Question: I have read several of your church’s lessons and just wanted to say thank you for posting them and making them available! Keep up the good work! We need to encourage each other more as Christians to let others know they are making a difference in people’s lives! God Bless! Answer: I appreciate your…
Read MoreYou should get your facts straight
Question: You mentioned (in Is “Christian” supposed to be “natsarim”?) that the New Testament wasn’t written in Hebrew. That’s partially true, as Epiphanius and others have documented there was a Hebrew Matthew. Then you mentioned that Christian was a valid term based on the assumption that the New Testament wasn’t written in Hebrew. Uhm, the…
Read MoreThanks for the article “Lies Pornography Tells Men”
Question: Thank you for taking the time to write the article titled “Lies Pornography Tells Men.” I have been open quite often (maybe even too much, thinking transparency will help me) about an ongoing struggle with pornography since my late teens (I’m now in my late fifties). Any of the ramifications that God puts forth…
Read MoreI’m using your illustrations in an adult Bible study
Question: I want to thank you and bless you for posting these Bible illustrations on the internet. I am teaching a class for adults who know next to nothing about the Bible and did not grow up with these wonderful stories of our fathers in the faith. I am using three each of Joseph, Moses,…
Read MoreHow do you find so many people to post such in-depth articles daily?
Question: While surfing the net, I discovered your postings. I read them with great interest. Are you affiliated with any particular church denomination? How can you find so many qualified people to post on-target and in-depth articles daily? I doubt they have a full-time job anywhere else. Answer: The church is not part of a…
Read MoreGood points made!
Question: I found a sermon on the site entitled “Ten Rules for Improving the Church”. I just wanted to let you know that I found it to be very helpful, and have passed it along to others. You had really good points in there! Answer: I am glad to hear that you found it useful.
Read MoreI want to apologize for using your lessons without giving credit
Question: Good morning, I have used some of your sermon outlines and it was pointed out to me that I was not giving the authors of the sermons credit. I sometimes tweak them and sometimes have just followed the outline. I have been accused of plagiarism for doing this. That was not my intention. I…
Read MoreIf you knew Hebrew, you would see more than what is stated in the translations
Question: In reference to Is “Christian” supposed to be “natsarim”? “Your friend likes to think of himself as superior because he knows a little bit of Hebrew. As you noted, the Bible proves his various positions wrong. Knowledge of God’s teaching does not require knowing Hebrew or Greek. You can understand what God said by reading…
Read MoreYou are one of my most visited sites when I am studying for my classes
Question: Hello, I just wanted to thank you again for your website. I loved the articles, especially the answers on the Sabbath day. You are one of my most visited sites when I am studying for my classes. I would love it if you had a return arrow to get back to the main page. You…
Read MoreYour teaching in “The Establishment of the Kingdom” is very unorthodox
Question: Greetings Mr. Hamilton, I’m reaching out because I have just heard your teaching on “The Establishment of the Kingdom” and I must admit, this is a very unorthodox view in my estimation of what you’re presenting. However, first, I must ask, do you ascribe to an Amillennial position? Seeming that you do not believe…
Read MoreWhere did you find that “jealousy” in Hebrew carries the idea of becoming red?
Question: I was reading the article titled The Lord is a Jealous God. In the second paragraph, the author explained the Greek and Hebrew words. I enjoy studying etymology and such things, so especially I loved this section. The explanation of the Hebrew word reads: The Hebrew word is based on a word that means…
Read MoreDo you have an article by a liberal preacher on your website?
Question: Is the article “Is the Christian Obligated to Forgive the Sinner Who Will Not Repent?” by the Curtis A. Cates who was at one time the director of the Memphis School of Preaching in Memphis, Tennessee? Answer: “John answered and said, ‘Master, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name; and we tried…
Read MoreWhy didn’t you list the ten tribes?
Questions: You fail to answer your own question, “Who are the 10 tribes of the Northern Kingdom?” I was looking to see if Levi was among them but no list is given. If Judah and Benjamin remained in the south then that would mean Levi was in the north. But I have read that some…
Read MoreThanks for making your site available
Question: Hey, I was writing because I was someone who was raised in a strict Christian home by my grandparents. When I was younger, I found your website and I found it very helpful to understand fully the kind of discipline I received and why it was something to be appreciated even if it wasn’t…
Read MoreI have linked several of your sermon outlines and writings to my website
Question: Brothers, I want to thank you and the congregation there for keeping your website updated with lots of good information. As a matter of fact, I have linked several of your sermon outlines and writings to my website, TimelessTalks.Net. Thank you for your good work, and may the Lord continue to bless your efforts…
Read MoreYour article answered my wife’s question on “Sodomy” so well
Question: My wife had a question about ‘Sodomy’ and your article answered it so well. Taking a peek at your other articles and seeing the depth in each one is encouraging me to go deeper into the Word. If I lived closer, I would surely come and visit. Even though I’ve been a Christian for about 10 years,…
Read MoreThanks for the wonderful answers
Question: Thanks for the wonderful answers. You’re blessed indeed. Answer: I appreciate the encouragement.
Read MoreYour response is the best I’ve read about Ephesians 2:3
Question: The response you provided for Ephesians 2:3 is the best I have read over the last month of research about Augustine’s view of Original Sin. Thanks for taking the time to clarify the Koine Greek as well. Blessings on you and the Church in La Vista. Answer: It is good to hear that the…
Read MoreThe material on this website has great relevancy to our generation
Question: Greetings to you, sir, and to the church! The materials and subjects here on this website are of good timing and of great relevancy to our generation and especially to young evangelists like myself, who desire to grow in the knowledge of the truth so as to teach the whole counsel of God’s Word…
Read MoreYour articles shed light on some difficult topics
Question: Good morning, I just want to take a moment to say thank you. I minister at a small congregation. I have often read your articles on the La Vista Church of Christ website, for what I can confidently say is some years. They have been very helpful in shedding scriptural light on sometimes difficult…
Read MoreI think you misused some verses in “Careful What You Say”
Question: This is something I think can be especially difficult among the churches of Christ just because of our tradition. There is a very popular way of reading the Bible in the churches of Christ that goes way back to our roots and the reasoning is that a belief or practice can only be authorized…
Read MoreYou should have trained counselors to answer questions about abuse
Question: [The original question was left unedited since the author feels qualified to comment on other people’s educational background.] I think the way you handled a question by someone who was abused who asked if they were still a virgin was awful. You need to train or have Christian counsellors answer those questions as no…
Read MoreI enjoy your site
Question: Hello, I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your website. It’s a great site for information on the Bible and I use it often. I am a member of what you might call a mainline church of Christ but I admire your stand for the truth and I use you often in searches for…
Read MoreA breath of fresh air
Question: Dear Brother / Minister / Elder / as you prefer, I found this by accident (providence) during an online search. At 84 to read this site was a breath of fresh air and encouragement. Bible-based practice like this has become a rarity in the UK. How I miss the wonder, encouragement, correction, praise, and…
Read MoreYour commentary on the Song of Solomon has been a blessing to me
Question: Your commentary on the Song of Solomon has been a tremendous blessing to me. I hope to be married soon, and I intend to practice all that the Lord has commanded through this beautiful love story. God bless you. Answer: I am happy to hear that the study was a benefit to you.
Read MoreOne of your articles caused a change in me
Question: Hello, Thank you for your guidance. I read one of your articles and it brought a change inside of me. Thank you so much. Answer: That is good to hear.
Read MoreSome try to try to shock or bait you with crazy scenarios, but you patiently answer their questions
Question: Hi Jeff, I am on your mailing list and I get many emails a day of answered questions by you. I eagerly open your emails every day and try to keep up with all your answered questions. It is clear that some try to shock or bait you with crazy scenarios, but you patiently…
Read MoreYour map of the Exodus route really helped
Question: Hello, I lead a Bible study at our small church. This week, we are looking into Exodus 13-14. When reviewing the scriptures, I had a difficult time placing the route of Israel out of Egypt through the Red Sea. Several references I use placed the “cities” mentioned in Scripture in “odd” places relative to…
Read MoreI learn a ton from your writings
Question: In reference to It is getting hard not to have sex. I want to marry my boyfriend, but I don’t want to give up my independence. Can we get married so we can have sex, but still live apart? I just want to say – such good answers. Bless your heart! — for taking…
Read MoreYou need to really study the Catholic Church before making incorrect statements on your website
Question: I converted from the church of Christ over 40 years ago and have been a member of the Catholic Church since then. Your online article is totally incorrect in almost all areas. Examples are you say we worship statues and idols. Totally incorrect! They are only there for reminders of Christ’s sacrifice and his…
Read MoreIs baptism more than a symbol?
Question: Hello, I have a question about a possible omission in a statement found on “What Saves a Person?” It’s specifically about this statement: “Be Baptized: God selected a simple method by which we demonstrate and declare our acceptance of His offer of salvation — immersion in water. It is a physical act that symbolically represents what…
Read MoreI still struggle with sin
Question: Hi, I came to your website to get answers to hard questions in life, and it is a blessing that you are willing to address the questions of people no matter their background. I have been baptized in the church of Christ so please don’t be so hard on me because I should know…
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