Faith Demands Action by Joe Greer Lessons to Build Your Faith

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Hear Him (Matthew 17:1-8) by Joe Greer Lessons to Build Your Faith

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Love the Brethren by Raymond Warfel

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Daily Religion by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 9:23-26   I.         What kind of religion do you have? How is your faith expressed?             A.        Acts 5:42 – The early Christians had a daily religion             B.        It seems today that many have a once a week, once a month, or even a once a year religion             C.        Even in the Old…

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Poured Out by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 2:12-18   I.         Under the Law of Moses, there were many different sacrifices and offerings made.             A.        In fact, they can be downright confusing to sort out because their purposes overlapped each other.             B.        Under the New Law, Jesus is our one sacrifice for sin – Hebrews 10:11-14             C.        But this doesn’t…

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Lessons from the Bible to Build Your Faith

A series of lessons presented by Joe Greer of Taylors, South Carolina April 23-26, 2023 On This Rock (Matthew 16:18) Hear Him (Matthew 17:1-8) Faith Demands Action Worship by God’s Design Beginning to Sink Beware – Hungry Lions

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Wanting Something for Nothing by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Samuel 24:10-25   I.         Have you noticed how many people want something, but are unwilling to put sufficient effort into obtaining what they want?             A.        I keep hearing about the latest lotto figures. Hundreds of millions of dollars are available, for the meager cost of a few bucks.                         1.         Millions of…

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When God Reveals the Future by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 20:17-36   I.         Consider for the moment God’s words to Abram – Genesis 15:5-6             A.        At the time God made this promise, Abram had no children. So why tell him what the future would be like?             B.        Later, God also tells Abram about some of the struggles his children will endure…

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To Become Wise by Raymond Warfel

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How to Find a Church by Raymond Warfel

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The Impenitent by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Jeremiah 26:1-15   I.         Jeremiah was told to warn the people of the doom that was approaching them             A.        God thought there might be chance that the people would change – Jeremiah 26:2-3             B.        Did they respond? Yes, but not in the right way – Jeremiah 26:8-9             C.        Jeremiah again reminded them that…

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Manasseh’s Repentance by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Kings 21:1-9   I.         There is a simple fact, which so many people have a hard time accepting – Ezekiel 18:20-24             A.        Do people really change?             B.        Can they really be forgiven?             C.        Oh, you don’t understand, I’ve done such terrible things that God would never forgive me of them. II.        Manasseh was…

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Repentance by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Corinthians 7:8-11   I.         In any pursuit, people develop jargon             A.        The jargon speeds up communication with people in the same group but can be confusing to outsiders because they don’t know the definition of words             B.        Christianity is no different. We sometimes forget what it is like for someone who…

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The Other Side of Church History by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Timothy 4:1-3   I.         When we study the history of the church since its beginnings, we tend to follow the paths of the major divisions.             A.        Thus we see the rise of Catholicism as innovation after innovation is accepted, the splits over those innovations which led to the Orthodox Catholic…

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Given to Change by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Proverbs 24:21-22   I.         For many people, trying out something new is exciting. You don’t know exactly what the result will be, which is part of the fun             A.        So we try out new restaurants or travel to places we’ve never been before             B.        Some changes are fun, but not always. For…

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Good Neighbors by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 12:16-21   I.         Putting off the old man             A.        When we become a Christian, we are supposed to become a new person – II Corinthians 5:17             B.        We are supposed to have the mind of Christ – Philippians 2:5             C.        That isn’t so hard when everything goes well             D.        But 19th century English…

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The Truth About God’s Love by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 5   I.         The world is filled with varying and confusing ideas about how God loves us.             A.        Typically the emphasis is placed so heavily on God’s love that many think that God is incapable of a negative thought against anyone.             B.        Others see God as so remote and unapproachable that…

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A Life Defined by Love by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Corinthians 16:13-14   I.         The story of Ruth is a popular love story from the Bible             A.        It isn’t how most people see as a typical love story.                         1.         She doesn’t go out searching for love but she eventually finds it anyway             B.        Rather, we see the story of a woman whose…

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Called to Rise Above by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ephesians 4:17-24   I.         I found an article the other day by Ray Gonzalez, of Mexico, that started me thinking …            There’s Shorty, just standing … scoping out the morning. Where will he strike today? Like a tiger, he is smelling the air to see where he may find prey.…

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Reasonable Risks by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Esther 4:7-16   I.         Increasingly I run into people who are obsessive-compulsive.             A.        It is sometimes referred to as the doubter’s disease because the sufferer is constantly plagued with uncertainty.                         1.         A person might repeatedly wash his hands because he might not have done a thorough enough cleaning earlier                         2.         Another might constantly…

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Why the Violence? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 140   I.         Another act of violence, and people naturally want to know why. Why is this happening? What can we do to prevent it? How can we feel safer?             A.        People grasp at simple solutions and quick fixes that really don’t fix anything and often are not even relate…

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A Sense of Shame by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Jeremiah 6:10-17   I.         On June 18, 2008, Time released a story about 17, now 18, girls in Gloucester High School on the outskirts of Massachusetts.             A.        (Read the story)             B.        What would cause a bunch of girls to purposely set out to get pregnant?             C.        The report gave these reasons:                         1.         It’s not…

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Hiding Behind the Truth by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: II Corinthians 4:1-6   I.         One basic principle of logic is that if you start with a false idea, you can prove anything             A.        False doctrine could be justified if you started with a false idea as evidence                         1.         Premise: Presidents of the United States must be younger than 35                         2.         Premise: Joe…

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Culture Wars by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ecclesiastes 1:3-11   I.         Some questions are hard to answer             A.        Not because the Bible is unclear on the subject             B.        But because there is a strong cultural bias against the correct answer             C.        Example of idolatry                         1.         We have no difficulties denouncing idol worship today                         2.         Even non-Christians understand that an idol is worthless…

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Illogical Fixes to Problems by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Samuel 8:1-8   I.         For over 400 years, God ruled over the land of Israel.             A.        When the people became wicked, God sent in an enemy nation to conquer a portion of the land.             B.        When the people turned backed to God, he raised up a judge to lead the people…

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Challenges for the Year by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 1:28-32   I.         Toward the end of each year, people tend to review the year and record the trends that are evident             A.        I’ve been collecting several articles in the last few months dealing with moral trends             B.        We are not of the world, but we must live in it -…

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On the Other Side of the Fence by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 4:4-9   I.         It is so easy, so tempting to look at what someone else has accomplished and think “That could have been me.”             A.        When you are in school, have you ever caught yourself thinking, “I can’t wait until I have a job. None of this homework business for…

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Expecting the Impossible by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Matthew 19:16-26   I.         With God, all things are possible – Matthew 19:26             A.        Even the saving of a wealthy man, if he desired to be saved.             B.        Yet, we must understand that some things are impossible for even God                         1.         It is impossible for God to lie – Hebrews 6:17-18                         2.         He cannot…

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The Parable of the Unjust Steward by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         Luke 16:1-13             A.        Many find this parable confusing because of the praise of the lord in verse 8.             B.        How is it that an unfaithful steward, about to be relieved of his position, gains praise from his employer when he ends his career stealing more from him? II.        This parable follows three other…

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Use Your Blessings by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Luke 12:16-21   I.         Our lives are filled with blessings that we too often take for granted.             A.        We assume that they will always be there. We might even feel that we deserve them                         1.         Consider Jonah’s attitude – Jonah 4:5-9                                     a.         Jonah received a blessing from God.                                     b.         But when the blessing ended…

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The Secret of Learning to Be Content by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 4:10-14   I.         Paul faced many adversities during his life – more than most of us will see – II Corinthians 11:24-27             A.        What sort of person would you be with this sort of life? What attitudes would people notice first?             B.        Bitter? Hardened? Depressed?             C.        Yet, through these experiences, Paul learned…

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Be of Good Cheer by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Philippians 4:4-13   I.         It is easy to look at the bad side of things             A.        Some people seem to only see the bad side of things                         1.         No matter what happens, it has a dark side                         2.         These people seem to be only grumpy and miserable                         3.         Their only pleasure seems to be…

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Focus on Your Goal Text: Colossians 3:1-4   I.         In the fantasy, Alice in Wonderland, Alice came to a junction that led in different directions. The Cheshire Cat was nearby, so Alice asked for advice. “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?” The cat said, “That depends a good deal on where you…

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Learning from Noah by Raymond Warfel

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