It is complex, but is my third marriage adulterous?

Question: I have a question for you. It involves a complex matter, but I trust your biblical response after having read your web page. I am married currently and was also married twice before this marriage. I have since repented and grieved over all of my wickedness when I saw biblically what I had been.…

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Why did Jesus allow divorce when the Law had a death penalty for adultery?

Question: I’m trying to figure out how to reconcile a couple of Jesus’ statements in the Sermon on the Mount. First Jesus said, “Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them,…

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I enjoyed the story of the early church in Europe

Question: Thank you for putting Bro. Grimm’s story on the Internet! It took a long time for me to read it, but it was worth it. My husband’s ancestors came from Alsatia. He had no roots in the churches of Christ but this story has brought real meaning to me. Just to know that ancestors at…

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Is God preparing me to be a preachers’ wife?

Question: I have been in the body of Christ for nearly a decade. Struggling through it all, I have learned to deny my own will and go with God’s plans for my life and that has made me successful. I had heard the call that anything I do with my career, I do it for…

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Does a person leaving the Christian Church need to be baptized again?

Question: What is your thinking (based on Scripture) on a situation where someone has been baptized in the Christian Church but says they were baptized for the remission of sins and they want to place membership in the church of Christ? Do they need to be baptized again? The argument is that we are placing…

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I keep messing up with lust and laziness. What can I do?

Question: I am 18. I got saved a few months ago. Although I love God, I am constantly messing up. I have a stumbling block for lusting homosexual thoughts and laziness to name a few problems. I know what I am doing is wrong, and I keep confessing, but I still mess up. I am…

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What syllable should be stressed in the name Jeshua?

Question: I have a pronunciation question for you.  I did read “Understanding the  Tetragrammaton: How is it Pronounced” on La Vista’s web site, but it does not answer this question. Whether Aramaic, Hebrew or Greek, the name “Jeshua,” is the accent on the first or second syllable? In the film “The Passion of the Christ” the accent was on the…

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How do we know if we have God’s approval?

Question: We should seek the approval of God and not man. I absolutely agree with this. My question, however, is how do we know if we have God’s approval? Since I became a Christian, I have developed a fear of dying. I fear I’m going to Hades and then hell because I feel I’m not…

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Is veganism bad?

Question: Hi minister, About veganism, is it bad? I had broken my heel in two places by just barely jogging. Doctors said diet is not to blame, but I am not so sure. I’m still not better, Doc says my vitamin D is so low I will need a prescription! And now my white platelet…

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What do you do if a girl offers to lead a prayer?

Question: Some new friends I’ve begun spending time with recently are all religious people. Two or three times now, one of the girls has offered to pray before we eat. I have absolutely no idea how to handle that properly. I know I’m responsible for doing or saying something, but I don’t know when or…

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Thank you for placing your emphasis on the soul of man

Question: Greetings La Vista Church of Christ! I’m a fellow minister in the church of Christ. I was doing some Bible study and was looking up what a broom tree looks like and find a link to your page on the google website. Because I’m curious, I looked at your home page and read your…

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How can John not know what we will be like in I John 3:2?

Question: Please explain I John 3:2. I have tried to understand, but can’t. Why doesn’t John know what we shall be? Answer: “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. Beloved,…

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Should announcements come before or after worship?

Question: Can announcement be done before the Lord’s Supper, preaching, praying, singing, or done at the end of service? (Matthew 6:33). God’s business first, then the church’s business last? Please I need help! Thank you. Answer: When God does not make a rule, it is not proper to make one for Him. The order of…

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Do I have to keep a foolish promise that I made?

Question: I want to talk about something that has troubled me for a couple of years. My hobby was to make websites, and I had a couple online. One night, I felt compelled by something to utter a promise to Jesus. A promise to remove my web sites. Feeling compelled by this (thought or whatever…

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Should I continue seeing this divorced woman?

Question: I have a question that is tough for me to come to conclusion on.  I hope you can reply after careful consideration, but in somewhat of a timely fashion.  I am dating a woman who has divorced her husband.  Initially, she did not tell me why and over time she revealed that her ex-husband…

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How can we make things right and be committed Christians?

Question: I am a middle-aged woman in a relationship with a middle-aged man for about a year. We have talked of marriage, but I am not sure if this man is the one that God wants me to marry. I am a born again Christian. I’ve been praying to God to give me a sign…

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How can I be a Christian in a Hindu family?

Question: I am a strong believer in the Lord, but I am a Hindu. My teacher has told me that if one person believes in Him, the household would soon become believers as well. True enough, my parents have a Bible at home and they have bought for me a crucifix pendant of gold. However,…

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Experience with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Question: Thank you for all your work with this site and for answering hard questions that sometimes members of the Church are unprepared and unequipped to answer. I graduated from High School in 2010 and have experienced first hand the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. I was never personally a member, but once I did happen to be…

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Neglect by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Judges 4:4-16   I.         The story of Deborah and Barak is one that many remember             A.        In part it is because it involved a woman who was both a prophetess and a judge                         1.         She didn’t fight the battle, that was left to Barak, but she did travel with the army                         2.         Because…

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Grandpa, Tell Me ‘Bout the Good Old Days

by Jefferson David Tant In 1986, Jamie O’Hara wrote a hit song with the above title. It was popularized by Naomi and Wynona Judd. Allow me to be nostalgic as I cite the words with a few comments. (If you don’t know the song, you can Google it.) “Grandpa, tell me ’bout the good old…

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Am I still in adultery?

Question: I need some advice about my situation. There is a lot that has happened, but I’m going to try to summarize to keep it short. Several years ago I had sex with a girl who was barely married a few months before to a guy (I’ll call him “J”). We kept on in it,…

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Did David have two sons named Solomon?

Question: I’m now reading II Samuel and I am confused about David’s children. In II Samuel 5:14, the passage reads that one of the names of the eleven children born in Jerusalem was Solomon. In II Samuel 12:24, the passage reads that Bathsheba gave birth to another Solomon. My question is which of these two…

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Love is Different

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Paul’s description of love in I Corinthians 13:4-8 is both well-known and unheeded. Despite knowing what love is and is not, people still expect more of love. They want the fluttery feeling of butterflies in the stomach and the emotional high. To many, love isn’t real without the emotions. But are…

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What do you say to people who left the church when you run into them?

Question: Over the last couple of years, members (particularly young adults) have fallen away from the church. It concerns me, as I have heard that they are going their own way and some now have relationships (boyfriend or girlfriends). I am not sure how to deal with the situation as these people have been an…

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Why was there an idol in David’s house?

Question: In I Samuel 19:13, why was there an idol in David and Michal’s house? I know Saul erected a monument for himself in Carmel (I Samuel 15:12). Did Saul and his children worship other gods? Answer: The Hebrew word teraphim is often translated as a “household idol,” but some translators, such as Koehler-Baumgartner, think that it…

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Giving Up on the Little Church

by Robert E. Speer via Think on These Things, April-May-June, 2011, Volume 42, Number 2 Many years ago — Ouch! Has it really been that long? — my family and I responded to a plea from another family to join them in a work they were trying to establish on the southern shores of Lake Superior.…

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Thank you for posting your sermons

Question: Thank you for posting your sermons, such as When Good Men Do Nothing, in this way. Thank you for teaching clearly and simply. This issue is not just about what is happening in our country politically, it’s how we turn away from the needs of our families, our kids lost in the Internet and worldly…

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My husband and I are just not getting along

Question: I have written to you before and you really helped me with your advice and I am in need of it again, as I really don’t have anyone I can talk to about this problem. I was married for over twenty years to my late husband. We had a wonderful and blessed life raising…

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Should Christ be put into Christmas?

Question: It just doesn’t seem right that we shouldn’t bring Christ into everything. I thought that’s what we were supposed to do. Wouldn’t it be alright to sing carols about Christ because they are just songs about his birth, even though some of them might have Christmas in them? This is really difficult for me…

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What should be done if a visiting speaker starts teaching falsely?

Question: If an elder at a congregation puts a visiting speaker in the pulpit who has no business being there, and you have a lot of visitors in the audience, what should the preacher do or say about that? I might add that the elder’s knowledge is nowhere close to where it should be to…

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Can you join the church?

Question: I do appreciate the sermon outlines but figured this was an oversight that could stand some tweaking. In Why Are There Denominations? V.        “Join the church of your choice” is a foolish idea A.        It is advocating pleasing self. B.        We need to join the church of God’s choice. We cannot “join” but we can be added to…

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Is it necessary to fast or to give something up for God?

Question: Is it necessary to fast or to give something up for God? For example, I love video games. So does me giving up video games for a week please God? Answer: “Therefore, if you died with Christ from the basic principles of the world, why, as though living in the world, do you subject…

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Why am I suffering like this?

Question: I’m in my early twenties. I’m suffering from arthritis for several years. I took many treatments, but I’m not able to find a cure. I’m a Christian. One more thing is that I was in a relationship with a girl. I loved her like anything. I have touched her several times and I have…

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