The First One to Plead His Cause Seems Right

by Bryan Matthew Dockens “The first one to plead his cause seems right, until his neighbor comes and examines him” (Proverbs 18:17). Wise Solomon observed the reflexive tendency on the part of man to accept as truth the first version of events presented in a potential controversy. When gossip circulates through the workplace, the neighborhood,…

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What is a pacifist?

Question: What’s a pacifist? Because I know the Bible says to turn your swords into something that is not used to kill. Answer: A pacifist is someone opposed to violence for any purpose. He believes that every matter can be handled without violence. Thus a pacifist is opposed to the military and police because of…

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If I give a gift, should I not say who it is from?

Question: The Bible says to give in secret, so does that mean we should not even let people know who it’s from, or does it mean we should just not go around saying, “Oh, yeah, I gave this to so and so”? And does that mean for a birthday or a random giving we should…

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Will God forgive me for cutting myself?

Question: Um, yes, hello. I have been having a problem for a very long time about cutting myself and hurting my body. I just wanted to ask if God will forgive me because I know that He put me there in the first place. What I am trying to say is can you give me…

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Were Jacob and Esau identical or fraternal twins?

Question: I overheard an argument concerning Esau and Jacob.  One was arguing that they were twins (Genesis 25:21ff) but not identical twins. What are your thoughts? Answer: Twins are when two children are born to one mother in the same birth. “So when her days were fulfilled for her to give birth, indeed there were twins in…

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Can two non-Christians, involved in adultery, be baptized?

Question: I want to hear about your views on this particular topic. There’s this man who is married with kids. He had some problems with his wife — she being aggressive and abusive. He met another woman while he was still married to his wife and had sexual relations with her. He eventually divorced his…

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Faithful Wounds

by Zeke Flores “Faithful are the wounds of a friend …” (Proverbs 27:6). I enjoy being in the company of insightful people with a lighthearted sense of humor. Who doesn’t like a jovial conversation just for the sake of having a few laughs? I also like serious discussions about current events, politics, moral issues, and…

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The End of the World

by Irvin Himmel via Truth Magazine, XV: 38, pp. 8-10, August 5, 1971 Among many religionists, there is an expectation that Christ will come again and reign on earth. Some believe that the eternal abode of the righteous will be on the same globe which we now inhabit, following a remodeling, renovating, and purifying. Many…

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What should I do with a game that has an indecently dressed character?

Question: I’ve been reading some of the articles and questions, and I like your commitment to keeping sinful entertainment out of your life.  I have been trying to keep all forms of this out of my life for a while now.  My DVDs almost wholly consist of Disney movies save a few.  But I do want…

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Spiritual Worship

 Text: Psalm 95 I.         A critical danger that happens to most Christians is approaching the worship of God by rote.             A.        We go through the motions of worship, but our minds are not fully engaged.                         1.         With their hearts not involved, worship becomes a drudgery                         2.         We understand intellectually that is not right, but we wonder how do we…

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The Elder-Businessman Model

by Jefferson David Tant via Biblical Insights, Vol. 11, No. 6, June 2011 We know the Bible is clear about appointing elders to shepherd the flock (Acts 14:23). We know Paul left Titus in Crete with the charge to “appoint elders in every city” (Titus 1:7). This is a clear indication of God’s plan for the…

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I think the Bible treats homosexuals worse than other so-called sins

Question: I am in utter shock. Being homosexual is not a choice, no one wants to be different if it was not meant to be. The Bible says we should stone children who disobey their parents, same as homosexuals. I only see the concept being applied to homosexuals. The Bible was written by man, it…

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I’m afraid of growing old and dying

Question: I’m going through a time right now of fear and turmoil.  Fear of growing older and dying.  It’s a paralyzing fear that I can’t seem to shake.  I  know it has to be a lack of faith. I don’t want to fear.  I want to trust in what God has promised me.  I also…

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Was Solomon sinning before God offered him wisdom?

Question: In I Kings 3:3 it says that Solomon showed his love for the Lord except that he offered sacrifices and burned incense on the high places.  In Deuteronomy 12:4-5 God says you must not worship the Lord your God in their way, but you are to seek the place the Lord your God will choose from…

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Can you marry for reasons other than love?

Question: Is it biblical to marry for reasons outside of love? For example for children, physical desire, status, family pressure, obligation, it is time, etc? Answer: So many people think that love is something that happens to a person when the truth is that love is something a person chooses to give. That is why…

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What does Isaiah 30:20-21 mean?

Question: What does Isaiah 30:20-21 mean? Answer: We’ll start by looking at the context. Israel wasn’t following God’s teachings. ” “Woe to the rebellious children,” says the LORD, “Who take counsel, but not of Me, And who devise plans, but not of My Spirit, That they may add sin to sin” ” (Isaiah 30:1). Instead,…

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Thank you so much for your help and advice

Question: Thank you so much for your help and advice.  I know I haven’t met you in person, but I feel much trust in you for the help you’ve provided to me.  So much praise for your site.  With the Internet being the way it is, it’s hard to find Christian answers online with all…

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The Dreaded Task

by Richard Massey The Dreaded Task Margaret E. Brown I found the task that I had dreaded so, Was not so difficult when once begun; It was the dread itself that was the foe, And dread once conquered means a victory won. How true is the above statement. The first time brethren asked me to teach…

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Did Absalom have sons or not?

Question: Hi, I am just wondering why there’s a discrepancy in what II Samuel says about Absalom.  In II Samuel 14:27 it says that Absalom has three sons and a daughter, but in II Samuel 18:18 it says that Absalom erected a monument for himself because he thought he has no son to carry on…

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I somehow lost my love

Question: I go to a church of Christ. Lately, something has been telling me I need to get myself right and that I need to get baptized again for the right reason, but over the years I lost how to love and believe and how to let him in my heart. My conscience keeps telling…

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Should a Christian get involved in marketing?

Question: Do you think Christians should get involved in marketing (you know buying and selling products even introducing others to the company)? I know it’s only a side job for me right now but some think it will take away from the spiritual part of my life. What’s your take? Answer: Marketing goods has long…

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Can’t men give glory to God by creating holidays?

Question: I am a little confused by Holiday Observances. So are we not supposed to think of religion when celebrating Easter or Christmas or holidays like that? Is it bad to associate the Bible with holidays? Answer: The problem is that these are not what God asked of men. Men made them up to satisfy their…

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Is Apple a satanic organization?

Question: I found on this website, in the extra information, it says the first Mac sold for 666 dollars. So would it be bad to buy Apple products because that number is the sign of the devil or something? I don’t know exactly why the number was bad, but I remember the Bible said it…

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Does the Case of Cornelius Prove the “Sinner’s Prayer” Doctrine?

by Wayne Jackson Does not the case of Cornelius, the Roman soldier (Acts 10), prove that God hears the prayers of those who have not been baptized? The angel told Cornelius, “your prayer has been heard” (Acts 10:31), and yet the centurion was not baptized until later. Can you explain the apparent conflict between this…

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Your website is one of the best I have come across

Question: I really enjoy your website as is one of the best I have come across. The Articles and Questions pages are very scriptural and easy to read.  As you read from these, it’s easy to understand that our problems with getting God’s saving message to the lost souls are the same everywhere. I commend Brother Hamilton on…

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How do I gain control over my sexual desire?

Question: I need help. I have been with my boyfriend for over two years. I love him very much, and soon he is going to ask my parents for my hand. I’ve always had a crush on this guy. He’s actually the stepson of my uncle. Since I met him when I was young, I’ve…

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The Difference Between Individuals and the Church

by Greg Gwin In a recent discussion of church benevolence, the point was made that the church has a limited benevolent role (only to needy saints), while individual Christians can and should help all who are legitimately in need (Galatians 6:10). Someone offered this rebuttal: “Why maintain a division in the church over money when…

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Did the Father Abandon Jesus on the Cross?

by Maurice Barnett The theological doctrine that the Father abandoned Jesus while on the cross is based on the following: First, the imputation theory that all of man’s sins were transferred to Jesus while He was on the Cross; God was so enraged against sin that when Jesus became sin-laden on the Cross, the Father could not bear to…

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The Development of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy

by Frank Van Dyke via The Preceptor, Vol. 1, No. 8, June 1952 The Catholic doctrine of the primacy of Peter and the Roman See was set forth in the following decree of the Council of Florence in 1439: “Also we decree that the holy apostolic See and the Roman pontiff has a primacy over…

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I know I should do more, but I don’t have the money. What do you think?

Question: I thank you for your articles. They are very helpful. Thank God for men like you. I work with people who are just religious but think that all of us are Christians including themselves. They are trying to find connections with the church of Christ and the denomination because they realize that I belong…

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