What Is the Rapture?

by V. Glenn McCoy   A young Christian mother recently came into my office with her two children and said, “Will you please explain to my children what the ‘Rapture’ is?” Her children had been exposed to the “Rapture” through some of their friends and they were left confused. Most of us have seen bumper…

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Divisions Must Come

David Lipscomb via The Gospel Advocate, September 4, 1941 Division in the churches is painful. It wrings the heart with anguish. But God asked: “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3). This is a strange declaration that they cannot. It is true as applied to both God and man. Can you walk with…

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Dealing with Difficult Brethren

by W. Frank Walton This is a chapter from an upcoming book, “Behind the Preacher’s Door.” The book deals with challenges that preachers face, with practical, scriptural solutions in doing the work of an evangelist. “I have been…in danger of false brethren” (II Corinthians 11:26). The apostle Paul faced some difficult brethren, which pained his life.…

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The Deadly Danger of Indecision

by Thomas Thornhill If someone were to ask me what is the most discouraging thing I have encountered as a preacher I would reply, “The deadly danger of indecision.” Not only preachers but any person who has spent time trying to teach the word of God to a lost soul knows just what I am…

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Is being a vegetarian better than a meat eater?

Question: I’m a vegetarian and wish that others were, but I don’t try to impose my views on them. In the Garden of Eden men were vegetarians, and after Jesus returns the lion will lay down with the lamb and there will be no killing (I hope). So that’s the way I try to live…

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Doesn’t Ephesians 5:18 imply that some use of alcohol is permitted?

Question: God wrote in Ephesians 5:18, “Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.” When God tells us not to get speeding tickets, what is He inferring? Obviously, that driving is not a sin. When God tells us not to get drunk, what is He inferring? People who…

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In Mark 5:19, the word is “house” not “people.”

Question: In the article “How Do They Do That?” you stated: One of these cities was Decapolis. Just outside the town, Jesus freed a man possessed by demons. The man wanted to follow Jesus, but instead, Jesus tells him to go and preach what he has learned to his people (Mark 5:19-20). Look closely at…

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Where do I find a list of God’s laws in the Bible?

Question: Where in the Bible do I find a clear list of God’s law? Answer: You are expecting something from God’s word that it is not. The Bible is not a reference book where you can look under the topic “Law” and find everything you need to know, nor is it a set of statutes…

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Would God be pleased with my example to my children?

Question: I would like to ask a question since it deals with teaching my children. Will the Lord be pleased with the way I am teaching my children to live in this world today?  Lying example – I have a son who is disabled and has a life expectancy in the early twenties. I’m trying…

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What do I do with a 20-year-old who continues to lie?

Question: My 20-year-old daughter is a liar. Her pattern of lying has been consistently punished. She knows that she will get caught and punished. From a young age, she has been told that this is unacceptable behavior and the sin nature. She feels it is best to run the risk of getting caught. Her punishments…

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How do I move on after the death of a loved one?

Question: The only man I thought I would ever love died in a car accident. I feel lost, cold, and alone; and I can’t even think of anything else. He’s in my mind all the time, as I last saw him, and I don’t feel that I will ever love anyone the way that I…

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Circular Reasoning in the Book of Mormon

by Jon Gary Williams The book of Mormon closes with an appeal to pray to God asking Him to reveal that the book is true. An assurance is then given that if one is “sincere” God will “manifest” that it is true (see Moroni 10:4). However, this is circular reasoning. First, after assuming (expecting) the…

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The Church Will Never Be the Same

by Bob Plunket via The Sower, Vol. 54, No. 3, May/June 2009. Several years ago, Time Magazine carried an article, with the caption, “The Church Will Never Be The Same,” because, they say, “The baby boomers are coming back to church.” The article said among other things, “These returnees are described as traveling from church…

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Can people receive Christ after the Rapture?

Question: I know the Left Behind series is fictional, but is there any truth to the part where so many people received Christ after the rapture, or is it too late by then? Answer: The problem with the fictional series Left Behind is that it is based on religious concepts not found in the Bible. You see, the Bible…

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The Christian’s Growth in the Lord

by Richard Thetford Once an individual puts on Christ in baptism, they should be determined to please God in all aspects of their life. But before one can begin to grow, one must first possess an attitude that says; “I want to grow as a Christian in order to be pleasing to God.” We are…

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Christians and Christmas

by Ethan R. Longhenry It’s that time of year again: the weather is getting cold, snow is beginning to fall, and we are constantly bombarded by retail stores and their marketing blitzes. Christmastime is upon us yet again, and every year it seems more commercialized, more cutthroat, and less about family and togetherness. Many attempts…

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Changing Churches

by Benjamin M. Shropshire via bulletin of the Leeward church of Christ in Waipahu, Hawaii, August 12, 2007 Someone who had moved his membership from one church to another was asked why he had left his former church. He answered, “I didn’t leave my church; my church left me.” By that, he meant his former…

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Can Satan Read My Mind?

by Mark N. Posey Question: Can Satan read my mind and know what I’m thinking? Is this how he tempts me with specific things that are only unique to me? Answer: There is no scripture that indicates that Satan can read our minds and know what we are thinking. Why? First, Satan is a created being,…

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The Buzzard, Bat, and Bumblebee

Author Unknown BUZZARD If you put a buzzard in a pen that is 6 feet by 8 feet and is entirely open at the top, the bird, in spite of its ability to fly, will be an absolute prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the ground with a run…

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The Words of Jesus

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         I continue to be amazed at the lengths people will go to justify a belief.             A.        We all know the story of Martin Luther’s decision that James 2 did not belong in the sacred text because of one small phrase in James 2:24.                         1.         It contradicted everything that Martin Luther had come to…

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When There Are Problems in the Church

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         One way to learn how to handle various situations that arise in any congregation is to examine similar situations             A.        Our problem will not be exactly similar, but what was done, how it was done and why it was done can be greatly useful.             B.        Sometimes we think that the perfect church will…

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The Book of Lamentations

by Philip North This book, believed to be written by the prophet Jeremiah between 586 and 585 B.C., is centered around the aftermath of the first destruction of Jerusalem, due to Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. Jeremiah had prophesied of Jerusalem’s destruction for forty years before it finally took place.  Since Jeremiah is known as “the…

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What is the Commonwealth of Israel?

Question: What is the Commonwealth of Israel? Answer: I assume you are referring to the small religious group that calls itself “Twelve Tribes: The Commonwealth of Israel.” It was started in the 1970s by Gene Spriggs in Chattanooga, Tennessee. It contains an odd blend of beliefs arising from its attempt to blend Old and New…

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What is Prayer?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         Prayer is not necessarily natural             A.        The disciples asked their Lord to teach them to pray – Lk 11:1-4             B.        We know a lot about prayer, because we have seen others pray and we imitate them.             C.        But sometimes we assume things that are not true because we don’t know exactly what is going…

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I believe some people are born with homosexual tendencies

Question: I am almost 69 years old.  I married a man when I was twenty, and he was twenty. He never liked me sexually.  I was married to him for seven years, and we had sex five times.  Under the influence of sodium pentathol, he admitted he liked men sexually. After this, he became involved…

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What Do You Need to Serve the Lord?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         John 4:34-38 – Jesus told his disciples to serve the Lord by bringing others to Him             A.        Mt. 28:19-20 – Commanded to go into all the world.             B.        We all have this responsibility. II.        Yet, many find excuses to not work.             A.        “I’m not eloquent enough to be of any great service.”                         1.         Moses tried this…

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What happens if you swear to tell the truth, but you don’t?

Question: What happens if you put your hand on the Bible and someone asks you a question to reply to and you swear to God you are telling the truth, but you don’t? Answer: Jesus stated, “Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil…

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Are recent natural disasters signs?

Question: What about the sign that is happening in recent times where natural disasters become such a frequent thing? What is your view toward it? Answer: There is built within your question an assumption that frequent natural disasters are a sign. A sign of what, I’m not told, but it obviously must be a sign…

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Why shouldn’t people drink alcohol?

Question: Why shouldn’t people drink alcohol? Answer: See the article “New Testament Beverages” for details. The brief answer is that the New Testament allows Christians to use alcohol for medicinal purposes, but not for recreational purposes. Christians are to strive to be sober and watchful at all times.

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How do you handle a child with ADD or ADHD?

Question: A Christian friend has a child that has been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. I keep this child once a week and I have several questions for those of you who are familiar with ADD or ADHD. The mother doesn’t want to give me much information because she feels I already have prejudiced views…

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How do I tell my son about puberty?

Question: How do I tell my son about puberty? Answer: First, as your child grows, look for teachable moments. These are times when your child asks you questions that can be used to discuss important matters without making it seem like a major production. For example, your little boy might tell you “I’m glad my…

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Is Talmudism different from Zionism?

Question: Is Talmudism different from Zionism? Answer: Zionism is the movement dedicated to creating and maintaining a country for Jewish people in the region that is now called Israel. Talmud is the Hebrew word for “instruction.” It has come to mean the body of rabbinical commentary on Jewish law, ethics, customs, and stories. The Torah…

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Are bare-bottom spankings necessary?

Question: I’m glad I came across your website and read so many things from other dads of older boys. I’m a single dad of a 13-year-old boy. I’ve been needing to spank him for his improper attitude, but I have been very afraid to. Mostly because I’m uptight about male nudity, but I realize that…

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How do I deal with my daughters stealing?

Question: I need some help solving a problem that I have with my daughters. Any advice or suggestions would be welcomed. I am writing in simple Spanish in hopes that you will not have difficulties in understanding it. If you do have problems, I will write in broken English. I believe that in Spanish or…

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How can you spank when the child refuses to submit to a spanking?

Question: In relation to using the rod with our sons who are 14 and 10, we started to use a switch and made changes to the way we spanked about a year ago after reading the information on your website. We talked with the boys and we all decided to use spanking in certain acts…

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My nine-year-old son doesn’t want to sleep in his own bedroom

Question: My nine-year-old son doesn’t want to sleep in his own bedroom. Is this good for his self-esteem? Answer: Self-esteem is just a nicer way to discuss pride (see Self-Esteem for more information). A Christian parent should not be concerned with developing or maintaining a child’s pride. The question should be, is it good for…

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The Sin of Pride

I.          Pride is prevalent in our society              A.         Pride in our work              B.         Pride in yourself – often call self-esteem              C.         Letters come addressed not just to the church, but to “Senior Pastor” or “Reverend” II.         People have always wanted titles, to have others look up to them              A.         III John 9 – Diotrephes loved to be looked up to              B.         Mt.…

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by Jeffrey W. Hamilton I.         Let me tell you about a man I know             A.        He tells me that while he is not incapable, he is the most insignificant person in the group he associates with. Sometimes, he is ashamed to be connected with his friends because of the awful things that he has done in his…

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How do I deal with a sassy daughter?

Question: I need some advice on how to handle a sassy daughter. Time outs don’t work (even long ones!) and she is too old to spank. She is a very sensitive child with a sharp tongue and quick temper, constantly testing the boundaries. My husband and I are having a hard time figuring out how…

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