Thanks for your excellent website and resources


This note is written to thank you for your excellent website and resources.

Full disclosure: You would probably consider me a neo-conservative follower of inappropriate or sinful kinds of cooperation (although we have not supported anything like that in years) and the "Social Gospel."

I have a very solid professional background in counseling. My wife and I are working with our first young preacher couple, who suffer greatly from scrupulosity. Your information has been helpful, and I thank you.

Do you have a counseling background?


I do not have professional counseling training. What I know has been gained from experience over the years. Often, a member experiences a problem, such as scrupulosity or autism, and in trying to help them, I study as much as I can about the issue to learn how to deal with it.

I'm glad the website is helping you and others, even if we may not agree about issues like how God tells churches to use His money. In my view, at least you are thinking about the issues, which is good.