Our Choices and God’s Choices

by David Gibson

Notably, the Prodigal Son makes two choices, and his father makes two choices (Luke 15:11-32).

Return of the prodigal son Luke 15:20-24

First, the son decides to leave home and travel to a far country. At this stage in the story, he is driven by his headstrong, pleasure-seeking mentality.

In time, circumstances change. The son, who was rich, now has nothing. He who enjoyed life is now miserable. And so he turns his thoughts--and his feet--toward home!

When he had left home, his father chose to let him. He gave him what he demanded—his share of the inheritance—and watched him go. This represents God’s giving us free will and allowing us to make choices that He knows are not good. But He will not prevent us from doing as we please if we desire. And He hopes we will, like the Prodigal, grow weary of our ways and return to the Father.

The father’s second choice is to give his returning son a huge welcome—robe, ring, shoes, calf, party—the whole shebang. God lavishes His grace on us not because we deserve it—we don’t—but because He loves us. It is God’s choice to do this. He is not obligated. He wants to.

The son’s choice to leave home is met with the father’s choice to let him go. The son’s choice to return is met with the father’s choice to warmly welcome him.

In this parable, Jesus shows us ourselves, and He shows us our Father. In a real sense, our choices determine the Father’s choices. Yes, He will let us go if we leave. But oh, how He will embrace us when we choose to come home!