Is it a sin for a woman to cut her hair?

Question: Is it a sin for a woman to cut her hair? Answer: “Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him? But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her; for her hair is given to her for a…

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Did any woman perform a miracle in the Old Testament?

Question: Are there any Bible references to women performing miracles in the Old Testament? Answer: If you include the gift of prophecy, then several women are mentioned in the Old Testament as being prophetesses: Miriam (Exodus 15:20), Deborah (Judges 4:4), Huldah (II Kings 22:14; II Chronicles 34:22), and Isaiah’s wife (Isaiah 8:3). If you are…

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Fierce and Independent

by Gardner Hall “A fierce and independent woman.” This is a popular way to describe today’s “modern” woman. How have “fierce and independent” men affected society through the centuries? Historically, “fierce and independent” men have caused much suffering. Is that what women really need? The Bible uses another term to describe the ideal spirit for…

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The Power of a Woman

by Dixie Bowman Sentry Magazine, September 1999 As I grew from a child into womanhood, I often heard the phrase, “Never underestimate the power of a woman.” I wasn’t able to discover the source of this statement, but it would be interesting to know whether it came from the mind of a man or woman.…

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Our Roles Are Not Shameful

by Jarrod M. Jacobs God created man and woman (Genesis 2:7, 18-25; Matthew 19:4). He also made them to fulfill specific roles on this earth. In Genesis 2:18-25, God states that man and woman have certain roles and responsibilities. These roles have transcended the years and the confines of countries and are with us to…

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If a woman can say “Amen,” then why can’t she say “I disagree?”

Question: If there is such a thing as a “smell” test, I think the “Amen” at least invokes a whiff. If you accept that a woman can randomly and audibly say “Amen” (meaning “I agree” or “I concur”), why could she not randomly and audibly say “No!” meaning “I don’t agree?” Answer: There is a…

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Questions About Bible Classes by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Titus 2:1-8   I.         It is apparent to me that Christians as a whole do not understand the purpose of Bible classes.             A.        It is not just locally because I have receive similar questions from Christians in other areas.             B.        I think it would be beneficial for all of us to examine…

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Does Christianity promote inequality?

Question: Good day, I would like to ask a question about gender equality or inequality. Does the Bible teach about inequality or equality? Does it and Christianity promote inequality? I’m thinking about verses like I Timothy 2 that says women shouldn’t take authority from men or place men as head of the family. Are men…

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Smart Women and the Church

by Matthew W. Bassford In the immortal words of Tammy Wynette, sometimes it’s hard to be a woman. In fact, sometimes it’s particularly hard to be a woman associated with the churches of Christ. Other than a few congregations on the liberal fringe, churches of Christ tend to be aggressively complementarian: no women in leadership…

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Why do women so often say they are not interested in sex?

Question: Just recently I started recognizing in our communities statements about sex that are weird, and they come out from women. When the issue of sex comes up, the wives response would be something like “don’t dream of it tonight (though it might sound sarcastic, yet they manage to say it out)” or “this is…

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What does it mean to gird yourself with strength?

Question: Hello brother, My question is: would you explain Proverbs 31:17 to me? Thank you. Answer: “She girds herself with strength, and strengthens her arms. She perceives that her merchandise is good, and her lamp does not go out by night” (Proverbs 31:17-18). “Girding” refers to the older style of clothing. If you had a…

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What woman in the Bible had the most children and how many did she have?

Question: What woman in the Bible had the most children and how many did she have? Answer: I can find no mention of any particular woman having specific amounts of children in the earliest parts of the Bible. It often tells the firstborn’s name and then goes on to say that they had other sons and daughters. For…

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Was God sexist in punishing Eve?

Question: Is God in Genesis 3:16 talking to Eve specifically, or all women in general? If so, how isn’t God being the modern term of a sexist? Answer: “To the woman He said: “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children; your desire shall be for your…

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Why were women valued less than men in the Old Testament?

Question: I love God.  I am a strong woman and have always asserted myself and believe that men and women are equal in the eyes of God.  There is actually a scripture that says “all of mankind is created equal in the eyes of God.” I do know there are different roles for each sex,…

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Are women less than men?

Question: Are women less than men? Because the Bible says it’s disgraceful for a woman to talk in the church. Seems like she’s something dirty. Answer: I wonder about the question because I don’t believe you think your mother or any other woman is inferior. It leaves me with the conclusion that you don’t want…

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Can a woman only become spiritually mature in marriage?

Question: I have heard it expressed before by a past preacher in a church of Christ that he did not consider single women to be mature in Christ.  The implication being that all women must marry if they are to obtain maturity spiritually.  This perplexes me and I find myself coming back to his statement…

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Do women have menstrual pains because of Eve’s sin?

Question: Is it because of Eve’s sin that women go through menstrual periods or the pains that come with it? Answer: “To the woman He said: “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children; Your desire shall be for your husband, And he shall rule over you.””…

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Must a woman bear children to be saved?

Question: Would someone give a clear answer as to the meaning of I Timothy 2:15 which agrees with other clear passages such as John 3:16-17; Hebrews 2:9; I Timothy 2:1-4; II Peter 3;9; Acts 17:30-31; Mark 16:15-16, etc., all of which indicate God’s desire for every soul to be saved. Some would make this passage…

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What is a lady?

Question: What is a lady? Answer: In England, a lady was a woman who was married to a lord. Thus over the years, the term has become a polite way of addressing woman, such as “The nice lady at the book store helped me find a good Bible.” Its complement is calling a man a…

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Must a woman wear a skirt to worship?

Question: I was wondering what is appropriate attire for women? I find the Scriptures that others have used to support the skirt argument are somewhat unclear and haven’t felt that they demand skirt wearing as a godly or correct choice. Please help me see the truth about skirts. Answer: The Scriptures do set forth basic…

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Are the commands to work directed to men only or both men and women?

Question: I have a question regarding the wording of I Timothy 5:8 and II Thessalonians 3:10: First, I Timothy 5:8: “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” In the context of I Timothy 5, Paul…

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Where in the Bible did a Jewish woman become queen?

Question: What chapter in the Bible did a Jewish woman become queen? Answer: Actually, Jewish queens are mentioned in several places. Athaliah made herself queen of Judah after her son’s death by killing all her grandsons (though she ended up missing one). See II Kings 8:26; II Kings 11:1-16; II Chronicles 22:10-23:21. The book of Esther is about…

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How long does a woman’s hair have to be?

Question: How long does a woman’s hair have to be? Answer: “Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him? But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her; for her hair is given to her for a covering” (I…

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Should women use head coverings when praying?

Question: Should women use head coverings when praying? Answer: Consider also this similar question: Is it proper for a man to pray while his head is covered? The overall point in I Corinthians 11:1-16 is a discussion concerning authority, leadership, and submission. Paul states, “I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ,…

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Teaching Unpopular Doctrine

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Some questions are difficult to answer, not because the Bible is unclear on a matter, but because there is a strong bias against the correct answer within the culture. Today, we have no difficulty speaking against idolatry. Even non-Christians understand that worshiping an idol is a worthless effort, just as God…

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