Preaching Jesus Is Confrontational

by Terry Wane Benton Those who say that we should “just preach Jesus and avoid all arguments or not try to reason with people from error to truth” are themselves unaware that they are making an argument with far-reaching implications. When Paul preached Jesus, it was always met with controversy. Read through the book of…

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Evangelism, Converts, and Bearing Fruit

by Andy Sochor “Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, that they are white for harvest. Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so that he who…

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by John Iverson Introduction Even those who have a vague idea of what the Bible teaches know preaching is ordained of God (Titus 1:1-3) Some of the greatest men who have ever lived were proclaimers of God’s Word. Noah (II Peter 2:5) Solomon (Ecclesiastes 1:1) Paul (I Timothy 2:7) Jesus (Luke 4:18-19)   Some of…

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That’s Not a Problem Here

by Heath Rogers Several years ago, I was reprimanded for preaching a rather straightforward sermon on the sin of homosexuality. The language of the sermon had upset a couple in the church, as they did not want their young children exposed to this subject. When I discussed this matter with two older men of the…

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Why Churches Die

by Mike Riley The following are this writer’s observations over forty years as to why churches die. I’m certain that we can all relate to at least one of the categories listed below: Churches Die at the Tables of Compromise When the church fights worldly influences such as sin and false doctrine — asking no…

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Advice to Beginners

by Leslie Diestelkamp via Think on These Things, V. 55, N. 3, July-September 2024 This is not intended to be an arbitrary directive to young preachers but is based on four-and-one-half decades of experience; close observation of gospel work and workers for all these years; and scriptural principles. It is hoped that these brief words will…

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Paul’s Letters to Preachers

by Keith Sharp In denominational commentaries, the apostle Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus are grouped together as “The Pastoral Epistles.” The term “pastor” is found only once in the New Testament, in Ephesians 4:11 (KJV, NKJV, ASV, NASV). The word is translated as “shepherds” in the ESV. It is the noun form of the…

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The Purpose of the Church Download Audio by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Timothy 3:14-16   I.         Have you paused to consider why the church exists?             A.        It appears to me that many of the problems faced by congregations stem from a lack of understanding the purpose of the church             B.        I looked at material from various denominations.                         1.         One, after getting a…

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Two Sincere Men Want to Evangelize

by Gardner Hall Biblical Insights 14(9) September 2014 The First Man The first emphasizes “the true church,” and when evangelizing, he begins his conversations with others by asking, “How many churches did Jesus build?” Later, he quotes Matthew 16:18 to show that Jesus built only one. It wasn’t the Baptist Church, the Methodist Church, the Mormon Church,…

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Evangelism Is Fundamental

by Ken Weliever via The Preacher’s Word In the comic strip “Peanuts,” Lucy tells her brother, Linus, that she has “converted” a school classmate to her way of thinking religiously. Linus is surprised, especially knowing how Lucy operates! “How did you do it?” Linus asked. “I told him everything I believe and asked him if…

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The Work of Preaching

by Doy Moyer Over time, a typical preacher will have preached hundreds of times (thousands once you figure in decades). He will have taught even more classes, again into the thousands. Don’t judge a preacher or teacher by one or two sermons or lessons. There is no way to cover the full ground of a…

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Preach the Word

by Jefferson David Tant “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not…

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God’s People in an Ungodly World

Text: Matthew 7 by Don Bunting One (or Two) Chapter Lessons

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Perilous Times in the Last Days

Text: II Timothy 3 by Don Bunting One (or Two) Chapter Lessons

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Teaching the Old Lessons

by Mark White Occasionally, some well-meaning but misguided brother will chide us for teaching the old lessons. He will say, “You are answering questions no one is asking any longer.” By this, he means to squelch our teaching on the first principles of Gospel obedience and salvation by grace through faith; the nature, organization, and…

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Four Challenges of Evangelism

by Andy Cantrell There are countless reasons why Christians struggle with evangelism, but I believe the following four categories cover most, if not all, of those reasons. They are Care, Consciousness, Courage, and Craft. Most of the excuses we are willing to vocalize come from the last three areas. We are willing to admit we…

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The Need for Distinctive Preaching

by Jim Deason Biblical Insights, September 2014 In the shadow of the cross, Jesus prayed, “I do not ask on behalf of these alone (the apostles – jhd), but for those also who believe in Me through their word (me and you – jhd); that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are…

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Are You Making Disciples?

by Jefferson David Tant The last words of Christ, recorded by the apostle Matthew, are known as “The Great Commission.” They are found in Matthew 28:19-20: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all…

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When Jeremiah Wanted to Quit Preaching

by Terry Wane Benton It wasn’t just mental fatigue and having to deal with obnoxious attitudes, but having to constantly deal with brethren undermining him and working against him, some even looking for ways to get rid of him for good! It got to where he dreaded preaching the needed message of repentance. It was…

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Sowing in Tears, Reaping in Joy by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalm 126   I.         Psalm 126 is one of a series of psalms devoted to the return of the Israelites from captivity.             A.        The sadness of the captivity made the joy of return to freedom so much greater.             B.        It is the end of this psalm which captures a truth for each…

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Keeping House for the Lord Until the Doors Close

by Perry Hall “Keeping house for the Lord” or, “The church is closing its doors”. These are two phrases that you might have heard. A congregation, once in the 500s, is now “closing their doors.” I just heard of another, once in the 500s, stopped meeting after COVID. Both were in the “Bible belt.” Besides…

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When should I share the pulpit?

Question: Greetings to you, sir, I trust you have been doing well with your family. I have this concern bothering me. As a preacher, I understand that at some point I will have to share the pulpit with others, but at what point should that be? I have some who are so eager to mount…

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The Right Kind of Preaching

by Cled E. Wallace (1892-1962) Much is being said about the right kind of preaching and writing. Charges of hard and soft are being bandied back and forth. With as plain a book as the New Testament in hand and with its abundant supply of examples of the very best preaching and writing, it ought…

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Advice for Those Looking to Preach

by Scott Smelser Six random points, in no particular order: A powerful message from a stern and elderly Tom Butler (addressing myself and several college-aged guys many years ago): “You young guys. You come and tell me you want to preach. No, you don’t. You don’t want to preach. What you want are a pulpit…

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Advice to Young Preachers

Andy Sochor Plain Bible Teaching, 7 September 2011 Some might wonder how it is that someone like myself – a thirty-year-old with no “full-time” preaching experience – would be so bold as to hand out advice to young preachers (many of whom would be my peers). I am not so arrogant as to think that…

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I really don’t want to preach

Question: Dear Sir, Firstly, I would like to thank you for all your time and effort to put up all this material. I have been reading your questions and answers for a while now, and it helps a lot. It has come a time now, that I would write to you concerning an issue I…

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Culture Wars by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ecclesiastes 1:3-11   I.         Some questions are hard to answer             A.        Not because the Bible is unclear on the subject             B.        But because there is a strong cultural bias against the correct answer             C.        Example of idolatry                         1.         We have no difficulties denouncing idol worship today                         2.         Even non-Christians understand that an idol is worthless…

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I want to apologize for using your lessons without giving credit

Question: Good morning, I have used some of your sermon outlines and it was pointed out to me that I was not giving the authors of the sermons credit. I sometimes tweak them and sometimes have just followed the outline. I have been accused of plagiarism for doing this. That was not my intention. I…

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An Unlikely Candidate

by George Slover “Then Ananias answered, ˜Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much harm he has done to Your saints in Jerusalem. And here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who call on Your name” (Acts 9:13-14). The initial reaction of Ananias to God’s instructions to preach…

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Rules for Preaching

by James Madison Mathes (1808-1892) The Christian Record, Vol. 3, 1845 Use the mother speech and tone, without affectation or imitation of any man, that you may not seem to act a comedy, instead of preaching a sermon. Clog not your memory too much, it will exceedingly hinder invention and mar delivery. Be sure you…

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So, What’s a Good Sermon?

by Jefferson David Tant Out of all the thousands of sermons preachers have delivered and to which people have listened, how would we determine which sermons are good, which are bad, or which are so-so? I would suppose that even preachers evaluate themselves from time to time, and on occasion might conclude, “Well, I’ll never…

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Balance in Sound Preaching

by Dudley Spears One of the definitions of balance is, “A harmonious satisfying arrangement or proportion of parts or elements, as in a design. An influence or force tending to produce equilibrium; counterpoise.” Paul wrote the Philippians, “Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand” (Philippians 4:5). Preaching sound doctrine…

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What Shall I Do?

by Jefferson David Tant One undeniable certainty of life is that it is full of choices. What time to get up in the morning, what clothes to wear, what food to eat, what car to buy, who to marry, what occupation to pursue, what friends to choose. All of them have consequences. And of course,…

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Taking Advantage of Personal Contacts

by Jefferson David Tant The day was hot, and they walked a long distance. They were passing through unfamiliar territory among people of a different culture, and some were possibly nervous. By now it was noon, and the sun was beating down. At last, a resting place ahead – a well. The group left their…

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Preaching and Performance

by Doy Moyer There is a difference between preaching and performance. This is not to say good preaching does not involve solid delivery or shouldn’t use any aids. It is to say there is a difference in focus, and the preacher does well to understand this. Performance aims at the mechanics. It can come across…

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Cookie Cutter Evangelism

by David Weaks I often find myself wondering: “Why are brethren not baptizing more people? Why aren’t the numbers of people requesting baptism (Acts 8:36) commensurate with the amount of labor that Christians spend in soul-winning?” I have found that most preachers confess the same nagging concerns. Is successful evangelism a question of method only,…

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Pulpit or Personal

by Jefferson David Tant So, what do I mean by the title “Pulpit of Personal?” It has to do with the preacher’s challenge to preach the gospel. Obviously, there are different ways by which we can shine the light of the gospel into a world full of darkness. We can publicly preach from the pulpit,…

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Be a Barnabas

by Jefferson David Tant We are familiar with Paul’s companion in some of his travels. He is first mentioned in Acts 4:36: “Now Joseph, a Levite of Cyprian birth, who was also called Barnabas by the apostles (which translated means Son of Encouragement).” What a great description of Paul’s brother and companion. He is next…

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The Aim of Preaching

by Frank Himmel Churches that are all about numbers gladly alter their activities to accommodate popular demand. While music usually gets special attention, preaching is no less targeted. Perhaps it would be timely to remind us all what God intends preaching to accomplish. Preaching is to Instruct In His wisdom, God arranged things so the…

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