Kept by the Power of God

by Terry Wane Benton Peter makes a wonderful comment about how Christians are “kept by the power of God” (I Peter 1:4). However, the statement goes on to say that this keeping is “through faith.” So, God’s power to keep us is through this channel of connection. We can cut off this channel or connection…

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Another Chance

by Carey Scott Many people in the denominational world embrace doctrines which offer a second chance to everyone. Many realize that they will fail God, and the thought that they might get a second chance intrigues them. For some, this is all the crutch they need to just continue in their sins, for after all:…

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Can Psalms 37:28 be used to prove the perseverance of the saints?

Question: Does Psalms 37:28 teach perseverance of the saints and once saved, always saved? (Psalms 37:28 For the Lord loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints; they are preserved for ever: but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off.) The preserved forever part. Answer: “I have been young and now I am old,…

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Being a Christian Will Not Save You

Being a Christian Will Not Save You – Part 1Being a Christian Will Not Save You – Part 2Being a Christian Will Not Save You – Part 3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Jude 1-10   I.         Why did you become a Christian?             A.        For most of us, we desired the promise – Ephesians 1:13-14             B.        We wanted…

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Can someone lose his reward but retain his salvation?

Question: Dear minister of God, Would you be kind enough to assist me in answering the following: For me, my understanding is that the believer’s eternal salvation is a matter of grace through faith alone. His reward is based on righteousness and works. Whereas the believer’s eternal salvation can never be lost, his reward can…

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Could you explain “continual cleansing?”

Question: Could you explain “continual cleansing?” Answer: Continual cleansing is the concept that Christians are Teflon-coated, so sins don’t stick them; instead, the blood of Christ continually cleanses them of all sins, even if they don’t ask for forgiveness. It is based on a misunderstanding of I John 1. “This is the message which we…

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How can a Christian sin if we are to be holy like God?

Question: The Bible tells us that God commands us to be holy as He is holy. If we were allowed to sin and still make it into heaven, there would be no point in having heaven or hell. Why would “be holy as I am holy” even be in the Bible if it was not…

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Is Salvation Assured? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I John 2:15-25   I.         During the Reformation, a man named John Calvin came up with a system of belief that has impacted a large portion of the denominational world.             A.        The ideas were not original with Calvin. He based his work on many that preceded him.             B.        What Calvin did was…

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If Jesus’ work is completed, does that mean our salvation is assured?

Question: I stumbled upon your website while searching for answers to a lot of burning questions. I like your answers because they are biblical. May God richly bless you. I have some questions: When preachers teach about the completed work of Jesus or the finished work of Jesus, does this mean that once you repent…

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He Cannot Sin by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I John 3:1-10   I.         It is amazing the lengths people reach to avoid responsibility for sin             A.        Often the same groups who teach that people cannot help but sin because they are born sinful also teach that once saved they cannot sin.             B.        It is a difficult deception to hold on…

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Is “Once Saved — Always Saved” a Bible Doctrine?

by Jefferson David Tant One of the more popular doctrines of certain denominations is that of “once saved—always saved.” The idea is that once you have accepted Christ and had your sins taken away, you can never be lost, no matter what you do. The Standard Manual for Baptist Churches states, “We believe the Scriptures teach…

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Eternal Security by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I John 2:1-6   I.         A large number of denominations follow a set of teachings popularized by John Calvin in the 1400’s             A.        His teachings were not new. They actually date back to man named Augustine who lived in the 400’s. Augustine’s teachings were very influential in the formation of the…

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Once you are saved, can you live a sin-free life?

Question: Do you believe that once you’re truly saved that you can live a “sin-free” life? Answer: John stated, “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse…

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Could you explain I Peter 1:1-5?

Question: I kindly ask you to consider the questions of my searching heart and mind regarding this passage in the Holy Writ, which I want to be clarified without a shadow of a doubt. It is my desire to know the truth for it is by obeying the truth that our hearts are purified and…

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After a person becomes a Christian, can they live as they please?

Question: There are some people who feel that Christians can live a lifestyle pretty much as they please after “believing on the Lord Jesus Christ” ( Ephesians 2:8-9; John 5:24; and others). Faith alone in Christ alone with nothing else required, it is all in the rewards. Is that your thinking also or do we…

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How is it possible to fall from grace if you can’t lose your salvation?

Question: I have visited your web site and couldn’t find the answer I was looking for. There is one verse in particular which I have a hard time reconciling with the rest of Scripture. I know that you can’t lose your salvation (John 10:27-29), but how is it possible to “fall” from grace? There are…

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Perseverance of the Saints and II Peter 2:17

by Bryan Sharp In II Peter 2:1, Peter warns of false teachers from within the Church “who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.” In II Peter 2:17 Peter says these same people “are waterless springs and mists driven by a storm. For them…

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I believe that once we are saved, nothing can cause us to lose our salvation

Question: Ephesians 4:30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Ephesians 1:13-14 And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit,…

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Can you sin after receiving the Holy Spirit?

Question: Can you sin after receiving the Holy Spirit? Answer: Peter received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, along with the other disciples (Acts 2:4, 14). He, along with John, was able to pass on the gifts of the Spirit to others (Acts 8:14-15). Yet, he was rebuked for sinning by Paul. “Now when…

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Will God allow sin to get us back?

Question: Will God allow sin to get us back? Answer: While a child of God ought not to sin, there is no promise to the Christian that he cannot sin. Instead, we read of Christians who did fall back into the ways of sin. “This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the…

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Can I lose my way to heaven?

Question: Can I lose my way to heaven? Answer: Obviously, Paul thought that it was possible. “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have…

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