Another Chance

by Carey Scott

Many people in the denominational world embrace doctrines which offer a second chance to everyone. Many realize that they will fail God, and the thought that they might get a second chance intrigues them. For some, this is all the crutch they need to just continue in their sins, for after all: they will get a second chance to get it right. Some just resolve to live this life to the fullest and consider they will get right with God during that second chance.

This is one reason the premillennial doctrines are so popular. The people are taught that there will be a second chance to turn to God, and thus they see no need to serve God this time around. The doctrine of "once saved, always saved" is also predominant because the doctrine teaches one can live their life any way they want and not fear losing their soul; but that is only possible if one invites the Savior into their heart by saying the "sinners prayer". Such doctrine is not found in the Bible and as such will not save anyone.

Now, let us change the phrase “second chance” to “another chance”. This fits in with scripture more than the other phrase.

II Peter 3:15 reads in part: "and regard the patience of our Lord to be salvation." We must realize that another chance is always available to us and is in our presence.

If you woke up this morning, God has given you another chance. If you sinned and had those sins washed away by baptism (Acts 22:16), God has given you another chance. As a child of God, if you sinned and repented and confessed your sin that God said would be forgiven (I John 1:9); God has given you another chance. If you are paying attention to this message, you have the opportunity for God to give you another chance.

Another chance will be available up until the time when you breathe your last breath, or you lose your mind (whichever comes first).

What a wonderful blessing to be given another chance. We must be careful to not abuse the privilege God has offered to us. We know that God will forgive as many times as we ask for forgiveness, but there is also the warning that if we continue in sin, there will no longer remain the sacrifice for such sins (paraphrased from Hebrews 10:26).

Too often the once saved always saved crowd tells people that it does not matter how you live. Then why all the instructions in the Bible? Do they not read it? Well, the answer is obvious. If they do not teach what the Bible teaches, they must not be reading it (at least with the right attitude).

The truth is that you have until the end of your life to make things right with God. Once you die, all chances are over, and you will face God in judgment (Hebrews 9:27). This will be the same for everyone. Once you have been handed your fate, there will be no crossing over to the other side.

There will be no lottery system where the prize will be an escape from hell. Once you are in hell, you will stay there for all eternity.

The only chance you have to escape the torment of hell is to take the opportunity of the second (or third, or fourth, etc,) chance that God has offered you.

Get right with God by obeying His commandments, and serve Him the rest of your life. Serving God is not easy, and you can be sure that Satan will do everything in his power to get you to turn away from God. Please do not allow him to do that. And remember to thank God for giving you another chance. Because let’s face it, we really do not deserve it, now do we? That is why that call it grace.