Posts Tagged ‘oral sex’
Is it wrong to marry a non-virgin woman?
Question: My girlfriend is in her mid-twenties. She has a very good heart and she is very beautiful both inside and out. She lost her mother at the age of 8 and was brought up by her grandparents. She had two previous affairs before me. Both of the affairs ended with her being the innocent…
Read MoreHow far can you go with your girlfriend in regard to intimacy?
Question: Hi Jeff, How far can you go with your girlfriend in regard to intimacy? Answer: Let’s start with what most people would agree would be going too far: sexual intercourse or fornication. Sexual acts outside of marriage are sinful and are covered under the word “fornication.” In Greek, the word is porneia. It is…
Read MoreI have had guilt since I let an escort do oral sex on me
Question: Hello, The other day I spent the night with an escort but did not have sex. I am still a virgin in my 30’s. I did, however, receive protected oral sex for several minutes. Since then I have had immense guilt over it. I have had depression since I was a teenager and have…
Read MoreWhat exactly is sodomy?
Question: What exactly is sodomy? My understanding is that it is oral sex with either the same sex or between man and wife, but I have had many arguments with other people who say oral sex is OK between married people. This is such an embarrassing topic, but I really want to hear your opinion.…
Read MoreI’ve had oral sex with several girls, but I’m thinking of breaking up with my girlfriend because she is not a virgin
Question: My girlfriend is not a virgin. I’m a virgin but had oral sex with eight girls. Should I leave her? I need a Christian point of view on this unique situation. My girlfriend is 18 and I am 17. She repented and regretted having intercourse with her ex-boyfriend and wants to wait until marriage.…
Read MoreWe’ve done pretty much everything but actual sex. How do we stop?
Question: My boyfriend and I are both Christians. We have been dating for about a year and a half now. For a while now we have been committing sexual sin. We have had oral sex and pretty much everything except for actual sex. It tears us both up. We both agree that we need to…
Read MoreI behaved so badly with my former girlfriend that I think I should remain single for the rest of my life
Question: Dear Minister, Recently I broke up with my girlfriend, but now I am experiencing guilt because I engaged in sexual activity with my ex. We did a lot, except penetrative sex, such as hand jobs, oral, and sexting. Now I feel like I should remain single my whole life because I believe whoever God…
Read MoreYour website kept me from sinning
Question: I was searching on Google and found this website. I was scared that if I did something with oral sex or that other touching stuff if I would be committing a sin. Your website gave the answer and stopped me from planning or doing that stuff before marriage. So thank you for answering my…
Read MoreI had oral sex when I was younger, and now I feel I’ll be condemned to have a miserable marriage
Question: I have a question. When I was in high school I was very socially shy and never had a boyfriend. I didn’t really go to church because we were Catholic and my mom thought it was boring. At 19 I had my first boyfriend and one day we kissed, and I gave in and…
Read MoreI had oral sex and I now feel so guilty. How do I overcome these feelings?
Question: I’m 21 and feel very guilty. I had oral sex two nights ago. I did this to avoid losing my virginity. According to what I read on your website, I’m no longer a virgin. I’ve worked so hard to keep it. I feel so sinful and bad. Please help me overcome these feelings. Answer:…
Read MoreI think I found the man to marry, but we slipped up and had oral sex. Are we meant to be?
Question: Please help. I look forward to hearing from you soon. I thank you in advance. I feel trapped or going in a bad direction. My boyfriend and I are both Christians. We met at a training school. We kept bumping into one another, and he eventually asked me to go to church with him when…
Read MoreAm I still a virgin after giving oral sex?
Question: I had oral sex twice, but both times it wasn’t sexual at all. My intention wasn’t to please him. I panicked and did it. And being that I was sexually abused a lot of things cause me to panic, but I should have never put myself in that situation knowing I was weak. Am…
Read MoreWhile stoned, I received and gave oral sex. Does this mean I’m a homosexual?
Question: I’m a Christian and a firm believer in God. But one night I messed up and smoked weed with my roommate. I had an erection and started masturbating under the sheets. My roommate asked did I want oral sex and I gave into temptation. I then gave him oral sex for about 10 seconds…
Read MoreIf just thinking about doing oral sex with a woman is as bad as doing it, then why not just do it?
Question: If just thinking about doing oral sex with a woman is as bad as doing it, then why not just do it? Answer: To illustrate why your argument fails, let me make a similar one: “If hatred is just as bad as murder (I John 3:15), then why not just commit murder?” The answer…
Read MoreCan you get pregnant from oral sex?
Question: About a week ago I was fooling around with this boy and I gave him oral sex and swallowed his ejaculation, then we kissed and he gave me oral sex. Is there a possibility that his sperm could have traveled from my mouth to his and then into my vagina? Could I be pregnant?…
Read MoreCunnilingus is injurious to health!
Question: Cunnilingus is injurious to health! Answer: It would be more proper to state that oral sex, whether done to a woman (cunnilingus) or done to a man (fellatio) can be injurious to health. All acts of sex between unmarried couples carry the risk of transmitting diseases between the partners because it is rare that…
Read MoreIs oral sex between a married couple a sin?
Question: Is oral sex between a married man and woman a sin and if so where can it be found in the Bible? Answer: The act of sex is to be restricted to married couples. “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge” (Hebrews 13:4). Such acts…
Read MoreMy boyfriend and I plan to get married, so is oral sex wrong in our situation?
Question: I am 22 years old and my boyfriend is 21 years old. We really love each other. We do go out sometimes, stay overnight, and have oral sex. We are seriously planning to get married. He already has accepted me as a wife and I have accepted him as my husband, but the problem…
Read MoreIs oral sex before marriage ok?
Question: Is oral sex before marriage ok? Answer: When people want to justify a behavior that deep down inside themselves they know they shouldn’t do, they will redefine terms that cast their actions into a better light. I’ve noticed in recent years that people, young people especially, are making the definition of sex more specific…
Read MoreIs anal or oral sex between a married couple a sin?
Question: Is anal and oral sex between a married couple a sin? And is my desire for it also a sin? Should I be angry at my wife’s unwillingness to participate in anal or oral sex? Answer: In describing the decay of the Gentile society, Paul pointed out that it began with a rejection of…
Read MoreWhat sexual acts should not be committed before marriage?
Question: What sexual acts should not be committed in a relationship before marriage? Answer: “Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge” (Hebrews 13:4). From the time that God created the world, His intention was that sex would be freely expressed within marriages between a husband and…
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