What about affirmations?

Question: Hello Minister, I hope you are well! My question is about saying “I am” affirmations. I know that many people in the new age spirituality movement say a lot of affirmations regarding love, beauty, prosperity, etc. However, I am wondering if it is okay for us as Christians to say them as long as…

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Does the CIA Gateway Process interfere with Christianity?

Question: Does the CIA Gateway process interfere with Christianity? Answer: I had no idea what this was, so I glanced through a few sources. In 1983, Wayne M. McDonnell, a Lieutenant Cornel in the U.S. Army, gave the CIA a paper claiming to have a procedure “to help people access the intuitive knowledge of the…

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Is time just an invention of man and doesn’t really exist?

Question: Hey Jeffrey, I talk to these new age types of people, and I’ve heard them say multiple times that time doesn’t exist but is an invention of man to keep track of things. How does one respond to that? Didn’t time begin once God began the creation? Answer: Yes, the Bible starts out, “In…

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How dare you use the Bible to say out-of-body experiences are wrong!

Question: I recently read a question/answer between you and somebody who wrote to you. They told you about their OBEs (out-of-body experiences). I read your response and I was appalled, to say the least. First of all, since you don’t remember your OBEs (and believe me, you have them) you discount them. Plus, you twist the…

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Are animal guides compatible with Christianity?

Question: I’m a teen and I got in trouble with my mom just for trying to contact my spirit animal. She said not to do it again because she does not want me to get possessed by a demon. She did not explain to me how or why. I was reading this question and answer…

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Does burning sage release negative energy?

Question: Hello. Is it a sin to burn sage to get rid of negative energy? I have heard that it has been used for this purpose and is considered a “holy herb” in some Christian churches but even though they say it has been used for thousands of years it seems fishy to me like…

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The Church of Oprah

by Dan Gatlin For decades, Oprah Winfrey has proclaimed faith in Jesus Christ. Yet, when one examines Oprah’s Jesus, he is not the same Jesus found in the New Testament. Oprah’s Jesus is not God in the flesh, but merely a “good man.” He is non-condemning and tolerant of “alternative lifestyles.” In short, her Jesus…

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Out-of-Body experiences have to be true because I experienced them

Question: How are you doing? First off let me thank God for you and the very informative site you have put together. Also for having ministers such as yourself that have been blessed with the talent of teaching the gospel and blessed with spiritual knowledge and wisdom in Christ. Keep up the good work. Your…

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Can you have an out of body experience or be reincarnated?

Question: How can I, or is there a way to, have some kind of contact with a loved one. I hear many things about out of body practices. Is this true? Is there a way where I can leave my body for a while to seek my loved family member? I once asked you a…

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Is sex within marriage a privilege to be earned?

Question: Thank you for the timely reply. Though I do not agree with your comments, I find it interesting that you did not address the conclusion I stated about oral sex, cross-dressing, etc. being acceptable if sex is reduced to a physical level only (which is what happens when the situation occurs as I described). We…

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