Posts Tagged ‘Lutherans’
On a Christian’s Name
“In the first place, I ask that men make no reference to my name; let them call themselves Christians, not Lutherans. What is Luther? After all, the teaching is not mine (John 7:16). Neither was I crucified for anyone (1 Cor. 1:13). St. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 3, would not allow the Christians to call…
Read MoreResponse to Why Lutherans Sprinkle Infants
by Raymond Warfel A few days ago, I came across a post on why Lutherans baptize (sprinkle) babies. As I read through the nine points, I saw the need to respond. Because of Grace If you understand grace you can understand infant baptism. Many believe that only those who are able to make a decision…
Read MoreThe Rise of Denominationalism
by Andy Sochor via Unmasking Sophistry, Vol. 4, No. 3, July-September 2024 In the previous article, we discussed the Reformation Movement, which came when the Roman Catholic Church was a religiously and politically dominating force. Over the centuries, it became increasingly corrupt until Martin Luther challenged some of the errors and abuses of the prevailing system.…
Read MoreHow is the church of Christ’s view of baptism different from the denominations?
Question: Hello, I recently came across a YouTube comment about baptism that puzzled me a bit: “It’s also important to know the church of Christ view of baptismal salvation is different from every other view; that of the Lutherans, Anglicans, Catholics or Orthodox.” Is this a correct assessment? If so, how is the church of…
Read MoreDo I need to confess some sins to a Roman Catholic priest to be forgiven?
Question: Hello Jeffrey! I’ve been studying Christianity once again and found out that there are two kinds of sins at the Roman Catholic Church — ‘venial’ and ‘mortal’. I found out that if one commits a mortal sin then it must be confessed in front of a priest in order to be completely forgiven. That…
Read MoreIf Christ Built Only One, Where Did They All Come From?
by Jefferson David Tant At the beginning of the gospel age, there was but one church, and now, 2000 years later, according to some reports, there are over 1,200. How did this happen? People wonder where they all came from. Is this division and confusion what Christ intended? Let’s examine this situation to see just…
Read MoreWhy Baptize Infants?
by Whit Sasser “Baptizing” infants is practiced in the Roman Catholic church and some of the Protestant denominations as well. But why would one need to subject a baby to such? They are not sinners. Sin cannot be inherited (Ezekiel 18:20). Sin is not passively received but a violation of God’s will (I John 3:4).…
Read MoreApostolic Succession by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Download Audio Text: Acts 20:17-36 I. How do you prove that your brand of Christianity is real? A. For some, the argument is based on who was around the longest. 1. A religion that just recently started is declared to be suspect. If the church has been around for 2,000 years, then…
Read MoreIs it wrong to get married in a different church?
Question: I have a question. I took your advice and want to get married. My mum, my wife-to-be, and I are cool with getting married in a Lutheran church. Our bone of contention comes from our best man and woman who are born again, like ourselves. They will not do a wedding at a Lutheran…
Read MoreAny suggestions on how to combat a proposal to ordain homosexuals in the ELCA?
Question: Thank you so much for your web site. The ELCA is presenting a policy for a General Assembly vote in August to approve the ordination of same-sex cohabiting individuals. I am a documentary producer and have offered my services to oppose the approval of this proposal. Have you any suggestions as to the best…
Read MoreWhat are the citations for Luther’s quotes on baptism?
Question: Appreciated your article on “Is water baptism a work?” but could you cite your references to Luther’s writings? I’d never before heard that he wrote these things. The references would be valuable. Answer: “What does Baptism give or profit? It effects the forgiveness of sins …” Martin Luther, “The Small Catechism,” in The Book of…
Read MoreWhat is the source of the quote from Martin Luther in McClintock and Strong’s Cyclopedia?
Question: Having been raised a Lutheran and knowing their pride in using a pipe organ for hundreds of years in their worship service, and after I became a Christian in 1974 I did not find it quizzical that Lutherans are inconsistent with Luther on many points, including instrumental music. When I read “The organ in…
Read MoreWhat is wrong with Lutheranism?
Question: You addressed other denominations and contrasted their doctrines to the Church of Christ’s teachings. Could you please address your differences with the Lutheran faith (I can see the issues of infant baptism and original sin in reading your articles). I am a member of the WELS and we take our doctrine seriously and I…
Read MoreFaith Only
by Mark Russell published in Biblical Insights, Vol. 5, No. 7, July 2005 Even Martin Luther didn’t deny baptism as an expression of faith and as necessary to salvation. There were five Latin phrases, known as the “Five Solas” that became the mantra of the Protestant Reformation. These five ideas developed through the years and summarize…
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