How do I get a love for God?

Question: Hi! How do I get a love for God? The Bible says I need to love Him with all my heart and soul, but I only feel fear of the eternal consequences that come if I’m not obedient. I know the Bible says God is love, but I’m having a hard time with that…

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Thank you for your lesson on the greatest commandment

Question: Matthew 22:37 to me is the reason we are here. Deuteronomy 6:5-8 gives me the assurance of God’s love for us. We are to love Him at all time regardless of our situation. Sometimes it scares me that the love of God is so powerful yet so gentle. Romans 11:27-36 finalizes Jesus and Holy…

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Love or Legalism?

by Steven F. Deaton When we insist men must adhere strictly to the commandments of God, is it love or legalism? Men say it is legalism. They say, “We should obey a Savior, not a system.” Or, “Give me the man, not a plan.” Their idea is that to admit the existence of a law…

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Why is my husband so uncaring?

Question: I too am a wife who feels unloved.  My question is, why do men, who give so much loving attention to a woman when they are courting her, stop loving her in the same way as the years go on?  We have many children, and the youngest has severe cerebral palsy. When she was born, my…

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Can two homosexuals truly love each other?

Question: I was wondering, can you explain loving someone as in I Corinthians 13? My friend I disagree regarding whether homosexuals love each other because the basis of their relationship is sin; there is nothing good about it. They might be nice to each other, get each other things, and be self-sacrificing in certain areas…

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How do I know I am loving my brethren?

Question: Hello. I have a question about love in the biblical sense. I am a member of the church and have been for a while now, but I am confused by the meaning of love in the Bible. I know this sounds like a stupid question, but is love a thing, a feeling, or a…

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How do you love people who are being mean to you?

Question: My question has to do with John 15:21. I go through this daily at my job. I try to show love for my co-workers at work. But the more I do, the more destructive things my co-workers do to me like hide things from me in my cubicle or move important things from my…

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When we love God, how do you define love?

Question: I have been writing a paper on what it means to love God.  I have some parts and to love God you follow his commandments; if you don’t, you don’t love God. But how do we define love? I have been thinking about it for a long time. It encompasses a whole bunch, but…

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You Are Beloved

by Kent Heaton To be a child of God is to enjoy the immeasurable blessings of a heavenly Father who grants gifts of mercy and grace to His children daily. Because of the sacrifice of the “only begotten Son,” (John 3:16) Christians embrace the warm relationship of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. The…

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Does the person with more sins love God greater?

Question: Hi. I have a question for you. Actually, a couple. I think this will be some pretty good ones to have on the site, but mainly I am writing for some clarification for my own personal understanding. Concerning the parable of the two debtors that Jesus told Simon Peter about. Simon Peter concluded that…

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What is Man? by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalm 8:3-9   I.         Job faced a severe trials as Satan tried to get him to turn against God             A.        It wasn’t just the suffering that Job wrestled with.             B.        Trying to understand what lead to his plight also caused Job to raise other questions as well.             C.        One that Job asked is…

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Is It Wrong to Have Romantic Feelings?

by Clem Thurman via Gospel Minutes, Vol. 58, No. 40, Oct. 2, 2009 “And Jehovah God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make for him a help meet for him” (Genesis 2:18). God intended that man should have a mate, a woman, and that that woman should have a…

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I Don’t Love Her Any More

by Greg Gwin A forty-year-old man, suffering through the classic “mid-life crisis,” sat down to talk to a preacher about his problems. He explained how his marriage of 20 years was no longer satisfying or fulfilling. Finally, he reached the ‘bottom line.’ “I just don’t love her anymore”, he said. “What can I do?” After…

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How to Save Your Marriage

by Rick Lanning in The Elgin Hills Examiner, Vol. 3, Nos. 11,12, Nov/Dec. 2008. It’s simple, really. I do not have to write a large volume, followed by a sequel, on all the details of establishing a good marriage. Although the shelves are stocked full of wonderful books on this subject (and I have spent a…

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Did I love him too much?

Question: I just turned 21 years old and I have been through a lot. Life has not always been easy for me. I want to be saved and do the right things to make it in heaven. I am a Christian. Lately, I have been reading the bible on my own because I want to know and love God and Jesus better. However,…

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Is rough sex a bad thing?

Question: Is rough sex a bad thing? If so, why? Answer: Much is going to depend on how rough you think rough is. There have been numerous trials where someone was badly injured or even killed and the defendant claimed “We were just having rough sex. She liked it that way.” The flaw in that…

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How were the Thessalonians taught by God to love one another?

Question: In I Thessalonians 4:9, how were the Thessalonians “taught by God to love one another” so that Paul did not need to write to them? Are we taught in a similar way? Were other New Testament Christians taught in the same way? If so, why did apostles write to them telling them to love,…

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Is Love to Blame?

by Steve Klein Have you ever known parents who claimed that they loved their children too much to spank them?  Ever known someone who tried to justify having sex outside of marriage because they loved the person?  Ever known a Christian who would not rebuke and correct religious errors because they loved others too much…

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Perfect Love Casts Out Fear by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I John 4:17-21   I.         Fear is an instinctive emotion             A.        It arises from a need to preserve ourselves, to keep us protected.                         1.         Fears of job loss, serious illness, difficult problems may each cause us to fear.                         2.         We don’t fear when we don’t perceive a danger II.        Fear of the Unknown             A.        It…

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Does Christian love demand a willingness to lay down your life for a friend?

Question: While teaching the adult class I made the statement that a true characteristic of Christian love is that one would be willing to lay down his/her life for his/her friends.  One lady stated that she could not do that.  What are your thoughts?  How would you answer this lady’s comment? Answer: “Greater love has…

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Should I marry the girl I got pregnant or the girl that I love?

Question: Needing some scriptural advice.  I got a girl pregnant, or so she claims.  I know that was a sin and have sought forgiveness with God.  My confusion is here:  I don’t feel like she’s the best Christian woman for me, actually, she and I fight often.  I have a life long friend who I…

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Why Is It?

by Morris D. Norman via Gospel Power, Vol. 16, No. 1, Jan. 4, 2009. We see so many in today’s society that are doing so many things to destroy health and shorten life. There are many campaigns and many public advertisements to keep people from the evil of drugs, drink, and tobacco but the number who…

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Is romantic love a duty or an emotional thing?

Question: I would like to ask if the romantic kind of love is an emotional thing or a duty. Thank you. Answer: It is not an either on or the other, it is both a duty and emotional. Romantic love is something married couples are bound by duty to give to each other. “Let the…

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Is loving each other at the age of 17 right or wrong?

Question: Is loving each other at the age of 17 right or wrong? Answer: Your question is too vague for me to give you a good answer. You have a love for your parents from the time you are a small child, and that is certainly right. People are quite capable of falling in love…

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Why was the Song of Songs written?

Question: Why was the Song of Songs written? Answer: God didn’t choose to tell us. All of the Bible was written to guide mankind. “As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue” (II Peter 1:3).…

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As Long as I Love …

by Keven A. Sulc via The Berean, Vol. 5, No. 6, August 1996 There are many concepts and beliefs that are held regarding salvation. We must never just accept something because it is commonly accepted or taught by religious teachers but see what the Scriptures say lest we be deceived. Let us examine the concept of…

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How do you build trust in a marriage?

Question: I thank you for the lovely rebukes and instructions. While the instruction lines up with the word of God, so do the rebukes. Perhaps I do need to be utterly disgusted with some chemical controlling my life. I Corinthians 6:12, I’m sure, will guide me there through a study of the Word and its…

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Lessons from Jonah

I.         The book of Jonah is unique among the prophets             A.        The emphasis of the story is upon the messenger instead of the message.             B.        We learn lessons from the actions of the prophet, instead of the message he delivered.             C.        The tale of a man being swallowed and living three days in a great fish have caused some…

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Is same-gender love wrong?

Question: I need to ask a question about love. I have asked before about boy-boy or girl-girl relationships. Is there such a case that you can say it is proper if you’re a guy to be infatuated (or have a crush) on another guy, or for a girl (this is more common, I think) to…

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What should a wife do if she feels unloved?

Question: What should a wife do if she feels her husband doesn’t love her anymore? He only touches me when he wants sex. He won’t talk or discuss things with me. When I talk about the situation, he says that’s all I talk about. He works all the time, does things for other people, goes…

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Is married love different from Christian love?

Question: Is the love between husbands and wives any different from the love fellow Christians have for each other or for non-believers? Answer: Greek has three basic words for love, two of which are used in the Bible: Agape is a devoted love. It gives even when it is not returned. Agape is a love done on purpose;…

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How did David and Jonathan show their love for each other?

Question: How did David and Jonathan show their concern (love) for one another? Can we act like them too? Answer: “The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul” (I Samuel 18:1). They made a covenant with each other “Then Jonathan and David made a…

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Could you explain what is true love?

Question: Could you explain I Corinthians 13:4-8 phrase by phrase to me? What is true love? What does it mean? Answer: See the article “Love is …” for a phrase-by-phrase explanation of I Corinthians 13:4-8. See “Dating and Courtship” in the study Growing Up in the Lord: A Study for Teenage Boys or “Dating and Courtship” in the study Growing…

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Are same-sex relationships wrong if they are non-sexual?

Question: Does it make any difference at all if the girl – girl or boy -boy relationships are not sexual? What I am trying to ask is would being infatuated or “falling in love” with someone of the same sex be a sin? Answer: Oh, the mess our over-sexualized world has made of relationships between…

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Love Is …

In learning the craft of needlepoint, a person will sometimes work on a sampler. The sampler generally contains a notable quotation and a variety of images and scrollwork to demonstrate the different stitches mastered. Bible verses are often selected for the basic text, and one of the most popular selections is I Corinthians 13:4-8: Love suffers…

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