Can the church pay for things pertaining to the upkeep of the church building?


Do you think the church can pay for things that pertain to the church building for things such as repairs or the lawn maintenance and work around the grounds to keep it looking presentable and then accommodations such as nursery items (baby bed, rocking chairs, books, maybe even toys, etc...), things that are simply conveniences to members or visitors to the church, or even accommodations such as restrooms or water fountains. These are actually things that we could definitely do without, but these things do make the building more presentable and comfortable at times. In order to keep these things running, it takes money from somewhere.


What you are seeking to do is find a possible exception to the rule. If one is found, then you will claim that anything else you can imagine also falls into that same exception and thus you excuse yourself from seeking a "thus says the Lord" for what you wish to do.

When either an individual or group owns a building, along with the ownership it accepts responsibilities. The government requires that buildings, where people gather, have certain minimum requirements, such as escape exits (in case of a fire), restrooms, and water. The government even states how many stalls in restrooms must be available for the expected number of people that will be in the building. It also sets the limit on the number of people who can be in the building at one time. You might look at restrooms and water fountains as conveniences, but they are still mandated by your government.

The government also tells property owners that they must keep their property up to certain standards. Not long ago, a gas station in my community was closed down because the owner kept his property looking like a dump. In towns, people have to mow their grass and keep their buildings looking presentable. It is a part of being good neighbors and most local governments enforce rules to that effect.

Maintenance of a building is also required if people expect to continue using the building. The reason people pay rent on a building, in part, is so the owner will keep the building in working order. When a person or group owns a building, a part of the cost of ownership is the continued maintenance of the facility. Some congregations choose to rent their location. Some find it more cost-effective to own the building and pay for the upkeep.

Many congregations have a "cry room" where mothers can bring their small children when they are fussy. The room allows the mother the ability to hear what is going on while the rest of the congregation doesn't hear the fussing of the children so loudly. That aids in keeping worship in an orderly fashion. In regards to what is in the cry room, in every congregation I've been a part of, it is filled with donated items. There is no need for a congregation to expend funds in this area.


Thanks for your response and your time! Your web site is always very helpful in Bible study!

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