Posts Tagged ‘instrumental music’
Your answer was not the best way to go about responding
Question: Good day, my brother, With reference to “God wanted instrumental music before, so why not now?” and the response you posted from a concerned member, I humbly suggest that this was not the best way to go about responding. Some of the things you said were rude and condescending and did not embody gentleness…
Read MoreDivision in the Restoration Movement
by Andy Sochor via Unmasking Sophistry, Vol. 5, No. 1, January-March, 2025 As a reminder, when we talk about the Restoration Movement, we refer to the religious movement that began around the start of the nineteenth century in the United States and endeavored to restore the doctrines and practices of the first-century church as described…
Read MoreInstrumental Music by Raymond Warfel
Read MoreWhen Were Musical Instruments First Used in Christian Worship?
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton When Christianity arrived in the world, it drew followers from all nations. “And many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, To the house of the God of Jacob; That He may teach us concerning His ways And that we may walk…
Read MoreWhy Aren’t Instruments Part of the Pattern?
by Edwin Crozier Sometimes I fear we have become a people of rules for rules’ sake. No doubt, God has given us a law (I Corinthians 9:21). Certainly there are rules we should follow. But our God is not a capricious and arbitrary God. He has not established a pattern simply to see how well…
Read MoreWhere Did God Say That We Are Not Allowed to Use Instruments in Worship?
by Paul Mays Question: Where did God say that we are not allowed to use instruments in the avenue of Christian worship that is music? Answer: The thing is God doesn’t owe us a list of what worship we are not allowed to offer. He is merciful enough to give us a way that we…
Read MoreWhy Do Churches of Christ Not Use Instrumental Music?
by Allen Webster Churches of Christ love music. Singing is a prominent — and favorite — part of each service. Most congregations dedicate a Sunday night each month to learn new songs and to sing old favorites. Annual singings can draw thousands of people. Many Christians sing daily as they go about their tasks (James…
Read MoreCan I name my band “The Levites”?
Question: Good Evening Minister. I trust this meets you well. I would like to ask a question: I am a singer in my church and I am trying to form a Christian band. Can I use The Levites as a band’s name? Regards. Answer: All Christians are to sing in worship, not just a few…
Read MoreSinging to the Lord
by Michael Hickox via The Sincere Milk of God’s Word “Speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:19). “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly; in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs,…
Read MoreInstrumental music was not replaced, so it must continue
Question: I came across your answer to instrumental music quite by accident and I found it revealing. I wouldn’t call blunt rude, but it was near the line. I hope to be treated in your response less close to the line, but I have a different take on this issue and wish to explore your…
Read MoreIs it wrong to sing and play with unbelievers?
Question: My friend studied music in a university, graduated, and joined the state music band, which means he will always play in state events. However, He was disfellowshiped by the church on the grounds of playing instruments and singing with unbelievers. Is this right or wrong? In addition to this, I have another friend and…
Read MoreDeparting from the Pattern
by Matthew W. Bassford The biblical plan for the New Testament church is simple. There are a few things we are supposed to do in our assemblies, a few more that we are supposed to do with our money, and that’s it. The scope of the Biblical pattern is extremely narrow. It is unsurprising, then,…
Read MoreWhy does God allow sinful things to worship Him?
Question: If your opinion of using musical instruments in the New Testament is sin, why does God allow sinful things to be used to worship Him, either symbolically or physically or metaphorically or whatever in His presence? In the Old Testament sacrifices and musical instruments are used to worship God; in the New Testament sacrifices…
Read MoreArguments I Used for the Use of Instrumental Music
(When I Was a Preacher for the Christian Church) by Dan Goddard Men have long been prone to go beyond the limitations of God’s word in their zeal to serve Jehovah. Zeal for God is commendable when it is coupled with a knowledge of God’s will; but when one allows his zeal to drive him…
Read MoreThe church started meeting in the Temple and the Temple had instrumental music
Question: Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 are used out of context. Neither verse is dealing with worship services. The context of Ephesians 5:19 goes back to Ephesians 4:1. It’s about your life as a believer. The same with Colossians 3. When the Israelites were baptized in Acts 2, they went to the Temple daily. The…
Read MoreWhy No Instruments of Music?
by Bobby Graham Sentry Magazine, December 1999 This question often comes from honest people, wondering why some of us do not use such mechanical instruments in the worship of the Lord. It is a fair question that demands a fair answer. All worship of God is limited by whatever divine instructions have been given for our…
Read MoreFreedom in Christ
by Matthew W. Bassford A few days ago, I posted a bulletin article about Galatians 3:23-25 and Paul’s proclamation that we are no longer under the Law of Moses. In particular, I applied this to the use of instrumental music in worship and explained that the use of the instrument in Psalms and elsewhere is…
Read MoreMusic in Worship
by Dave Hart When people visit churches of Christ for the first time, they are often surprised to hear only singing. There are no instruments of music such as pianos, organs, drums, or guitars. Neither do they hear choirs, quartets, or solos. Every member of the congregation is encouraged to join in the singing. Why…
Read MoreWhere Is the Scripture?
by Jefferson David Tant In discussions about the Bible and various practices and beliefs of members of churches of Christ, sometimes, the question is asked, “Where does the Bible say that’s wrong?” Various practices prompt the question, with it often being asked concerning the use of instrumental music in our worship. When it is pointed…
Read MoreThe Silence of the Scriptures and Why We Sing
by Edward Pratte In the New Testament, some things are required and some things are prohibited. Everything else falls into the realm of the things which are permitted. As one focuses more closely on the things that are permitted, the silence of the Scriptures soon becomes a major concern. What about the silence of the…
Read MoreWhy are you using the argument from silence differently between the topics of masturbation and instrumental music?
Question: Hello, I hope all is well! I just wanted to say that I felt your advice, backed up by Scripture, has been helpful. I’m a 23-year-old male and struggled with masturbation (without fantasizing or porn), wondering if it is a sin or not. This is an on-again/off-again matter and I believe it has contributed…
Read MoreThere’s a Lesson in That …
by Patrick Andrews Two weeks ago, at the request of a friend, I wrote a poem about Beulah Land. Someone commented on that poem recently and after I finished reading the comment, I listened again to the song that I had copied to my post. This song was written over a hundred years ago. The…
Read MoreInstruments of Music in Worship
by Matthew W. Bassford Photo by Chad Z on Unsplash I think the use of musical instruments in our assemblies is a worthwhile subject for a couple of different reasons. First, it’s something that stands out about our services as compared to church services elsewhere. Visitors to our assemblies are nearly guaranteed to notice that…
Read MoreWere only Levites allowed to use instruments in worship?
Question: Dear sir, Please help me resolve a question regarding the use of instrumental music in worship by Christians. Although it is not prohibited specifically, the fact that God specified singing ought to warrant its prohibition through the principle of “silence of the Scriptures” as indicated by Hebrews 7:14. The problem is that, under the…
Read MoreAnalyzing Arguments in Favor of Instrumental Music
by Mark Mayberry via Guardian of Truth, January 18, 1990 Christianity is a religion of faith. To walk by faith means that we live in harmony with God’s Word. This has special application to our expression of worship: It must be according to God’s will! Our faith, practice, and worship must be grounded in the teachings…
Read MoreCan you record your own music with instruments?
Question: I am a member of the Lord’s church (Acts 2:41) and am fully aware and fine with the fact that instruments in worship toward God are unauthorized by Scripture (Acts 17:25), and thereby unacceptable (II John 9). However, I read your article Is playing an instrument for a person’s own enjoyment scriptural? and I…
Read MoreAuthorized Aids
by Larry Ray Hafley The Bible does not state that Noah used hammers, saws, and axes in the construction of the ark. However, such instruments were authorized by the command, “Make thee an ark” (Genesis 6:14). Without the instruction to build the ark, the tools would have been unauthorized. The Bible does not mention church…
Read MoreYour answer against a person questioning his core belief was inappropriate
Question: I’m not sure if you’re the person I’m supposed to send this to, but your email was at the bottom of the page. I’m a member of the church and in regards to one of the Questions and Answer posts on the La Vista Church of Christ website, the response to one of the…
Read MoreIs one permitted to interpret God’s commandments to bolster one’s point of view?
Question: I came across your web site and find it interesting that We are not to add to or take away from God’s commandments. and God also sanctioned self-defense as we read of the young David slaying both lion and bear in defense of his flock in I Samuel 17. In verse 37 David said…
Read MoreBy What Authority?
by Jefferson David Tant “When He entered the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to Him while He was teaching, and said, “By what authority are You doing these things, and who gave You this authority?” Jesus said to them, “I will also ask you one thing, which if you tell Me,…
Read MoreMy friend thinks that God’s prohibition against instrumental music in worship is due to mistranslations
Question: I have a friend who has left the church to participate with a community church. Can you offer me advice on what to say to her or point me to articles already posted that I can use in hopes of restoring her? This friend thinks that too much of God’s original words or thoughts…
Read MoreWho Started The Argument From Silence?
by Paul Earnhart The students of John L. Girardeau, professor at Columbia Seminary, South Carolina in the 1880s, asked him to explain to them why he opposed the use of instrumental music in the worship of the Presbyterian churches. In response, he wrote a book that was published in Richmond, Virginia in 1888. It was…
Read MoreYou use the Internet, for which there is no approval, so I can use instrumental music in worship
Question: I have just read your article on music in church. In it you state “…we cannot assume approval for something when none is given.” How, then, can you use the Internet when obviously there is no approval to use it? Answer: The line of reasoning is invalid. Instead of addressing the issue raised, you are…
Read MorePsalmois can’t be understood figuratively. It has to refer to its classical meaning.
Question: My question is regarding the use of instrumental music to worship God in relation to Ephesians 5:19. “speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord”. The view presented on your website is that the noun “psalmois” is to be understood in…
Read MoreBecause we are to sing psalms and the Psalms mention instrumental music, doesn’t this mean we can use instrumental music?
Question: I have a friend who says it’s OK to use instruments in worship because of Psalms. He says that we are commanded to sing psalms to which he says how can we sing psalms and not believe what it says when David said to praise God with instruments. What can I say to him…
Read MoreSince Jesus is going to return with the blast of a trumpet, can’t instruments be used in the worship of him?
Question: If music is not authorized in New Testament worship, even to the point of sin if it is used, then when the Lord returns and that great trumpet sounds, will we then say that it isn’t a time of worship and praise? Are we willing to say that the Lord is in sin because…
Read MoreTo Play, or Not to Play: That Is the Question
by Jefferson David Tant Shakespeare’s Hamlet pondered the question: “To be, or not to be. That is the question.” In the following pages, we want to deal with the question: “To play, or not to play. That is the question.” The question continues as it has through many centuries and divisions in the body of Christ as…
Read MoreYour piece on the use of mechanical instruments in worship was confusing
Question: I read your piece and reasoning on the use of mechanical instruments in worship and could not make any sense of what you were trying to talk about. It sounded like it was written by a Jehovah’s Witness. To say it was confusing would be an understatement and we all know who the author…
Read MoreDid He Say That? John Calvin on Instrumental Music
by Doy Moyer Why is it that those who want to identify with Calvinism are quick to quote Calvin on matters like predestination, but don’t appear to want to quote Calvin on instrumental music in the assemblies? Here are a couple of pieces of Calvinism that modern Calvinists seem to have missed, so I’m just…
Read MoreRevelation 14 and the Harps
by Doy Moyer I’m dealing here with a very narrow aspect of the question of instruments in worship. In support of the use of instruments in worship, we often hear Revelation 14 brought up. Because this passage is used positively, and because it involves the use of instruments, then this is supposed to prove that…
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