AI’s Dangers

by Doy Moyer AI (artificial intelligence) is undoubtedly an amazing achievement for humanity, and there are legitimate ways to use it. I’m not talking here about those ways (There is plenty of healthy debate about this). I will, however, express some concerns, especially as one who has been involved in education for several years. When…

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Is it wrong to keep a secret?

Question: Is it a sin to keep secrets? I have some secrets I want to keep hidden at the moment. Only at the right time will I reveal it. However, this is a compounding issue. Since keeping secrets may often lead to lies, and (as I’ve read on your website) lying is not an option. If…

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False Memories Can Be Reversed

Source: Brianna Abbott, “False Memories Can Be Planted and Then Reversed, Researchers Find,” Wall Street Journal, 22 March 2021. “The work confirms previous research on the malleability of memories while pointing to potential techniques for recognizing and rooting them out.” “Some research suggests that true memories tend to be stronger for people than false ones, Nancy…

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Should I admit I lied about the number of days I completed in a class?

Question: Hello! Thank you all for your help through the questions and answers. Last year, I was homeschooled and I made the mistake of not completing the minimum number of days required for the class. They should have reported it, but the lady who was given the days (which I lied about on the sheet)…

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Can you change your mind?

Question: Hello! I have a question regarding keeping your word. In Matthew 5:33-37, Jesus talks about letting your yes be yes and your no be no. We need to keep our word and yes lying is sin (Revelation 21:8). I do have a question regarding this though. In my case, someone asked me if I…

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Do I tell my boss that I might have made a mistake?

Question: Hello, I started a job at a grocery store yesterday. Today on my way to church, all of a sudden, the thought popped up in my head that I could have caused a customer’s soda to not get scanned. Now I know at the time, I thought it was scanned. Another person was actually…

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David, Peter, and Me by Andy Cantrell Finding Our Purpose from the Past

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by Whit Sasser “If a man gives to his neighbor a donkey or an ox or a sheep or any beast to keep safe, and it dies or is injured or is driven away, without anyone seeing it, an oath by the Lord shall be between them both to see whether or not he has…

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My husband wasn’t honest with me before our marriage

Question: I married and discovered my husband was unable to perform his marital duties. He knew but did not disclose it. Further, he said he had a job but was laid off months prior. I made every attempt to live by the law. When I discovered he still wasn’t working, had emptied the 401k, and…

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Are all marriages spiritually binding?

Question: Hello, I attend a church of Christ, and my boyfriend of several years was baptized about a few years ago. We broke up last year for several months due to some differences but have since decided to be back together. My boyfriend is in the military and during the time we were broken up,…

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Men of Honor Text: Philippians 2:14-18   I.         It was not long ago that people admired men of integrity. People whom you could count on to act honestly, even if it was to their disadvantage.             A.        In 1999, a prisoner escaped and the papers were tracking his movements through the state. He had robbed people, killed policemen, and still…

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Lying, Cheating, and Stealing Text: Revelation 21:1-8   I.         What is it that we teach our children?             A.        What do tell them about lying, cheating, and stealing?             B.        Most of us would be confident that they understand these things are wrong.             C.        But are you certain?             D.        Far too often we send mixed messages.             E.        One very perceptive mother sent three examples from her…

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The Difference Between Truth and Lies by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: John 18:33-38   I.         Truth is critical             A.        Truth brings stability to a nation – Proverbs 29:14             B.        Truth makes us free – John 8:32             C.        Jesus is the way and the truth – John 14:6             D.        Jesus’ words, which are truth, judges us – John 12:48             E.        What distinguishes truth from lies? Pilate asked…

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What is the best way to avoid lying?

Question: Is it true that Jesus said in Revelation 21:8 that all liars will go to hell? If so, what is the best way for a Christian parent to avoid lying about things like Santa, birthday presents, or surprise parties? Or if a suicidal friend makes you promise not to tell someone that they are…

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Is changing your mind a sin?

Question: I was wondering if it’s counted as a lie when I change my mind.  This has been a problem for me lately.  Let’s say I tell my wife “I’m having an egg sandwich for lunch”  and then make a hamburger, is that lying?  If I tell myself that I will not drink coffee ever…

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Should I give up my job because I cheated some in college?

Question: I cheated some during college. I regret this wholeheartedly. I have my current job as a teacher now because of my degree, which I view as tainted from cheating. Should I give up the benefits that have come with the possession of my degree? Does simply holding my degree constitute a sin? Are there…

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I’m not certain if I should go through with this

Question: I am 24 and facing a serious problem managing my thoughts. I know you are a preacher and expect you to help me with Scripture. Several years ago I fell in love with a sister at a distant congregation. I exposed my mind to her, but then I was afraid. Later I called off…

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Is it wrong to leave out some of my employment history on a resume?

Question: I often struggle with discerning what might be God’s conviction over sin and what might be me worrying excessively. Recently, I filled out a job application that asked for a separate sheet for additional employment that was “relevant to the position” I was applying for. I held many, many jobs during college, some for…

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Why were the Israelites not to use diverse weights?

Question: In Proverbs 20:10 it reads, “Divers weights, and divers measures, both of them are alike abomination to the Lord.” This is also stated in Proverbs 20:23 with a reference to Deuteronomy 25:13 which reads, “Thou shalt not have in thy bag divers weights, a great and a small.” I know that “divers” means many…

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Character: The Essential Quality of Leadership

by Jim Deason via The Jackson Drive Reporter, Nov. 15, 2009 He saw it happen but somehow it didn’t register in his mind. The peanut butter was in the cart, but somehow it never made it to the conveyor belt that carried it by the cashier. The bag boy just picked it up, unpaid for,…

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I don’t feel right about a past event, how do I correct it?

Question: I have an issue that I need to resolve in some way. I am seeking your advice because you are objective (not emotionally involved) and I believe you truly want to serve the Lord. Last year, my daughter was entered into the 4-H county fair. She did a sewing project among other things. She…

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Promises, Promises

Text: Matthew 23:16-22   I.         In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus refers to a old and seemingly popular statement – Matthew 5:33             A.        This and the other five quotes are introduced by the phrase “You have heard it was said to those of old”                         1.         This is not the usual way that Jesus quotes from the Old…

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What Shall We Do Then?

by Kent Heaton John the Baptist was a fire and brimstone preacher. His appearance alone would strike fear into most hearts. “Now John himself had a garment of camel’s hair and a leather belt around his waist; and his food was locusts and wild honey” (Matthew 3:4). His sermons were direct and not very commending…

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How do I get my child to be honest with me?

Question: How do I get my child to be honest with me? Answer: First, set the proper example of being honest in all your dealings; not just with your child but with everyone around you. Just as Paul told Timothy in being a preacher he must, “be an example to the believers in word, in…

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What happens if you swear to tell the truth, but you don’t?

Question: What happens if you put your hand on the Bible and someone asks you a question to reply to and you swear to God you are telling the truth, but you don’t? Answer: Jesus stated, “Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil…

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