Where does Christ ever mention homosexuality … in the red letters?

Question: Where does Christ ever mention homosexuality … in the red letters? Answer: You place a false restriction on your question because Jesus said to the disciples (in red letters): “He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me” (Luke 10:16). Thus,…

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Counterfeit Sexuality: Sexuality as Identity

by Ethan R. Longhenry Sexuality remains one of the most sensitive and yet “hot-button” issues within our culture and among Christians today. Such a controversial issue features a lot of passion and debate regarding the surface level issues of proper and improper forms of sexuality, and in such an environment, digging deeper and finding a Biblically…

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Is it wrong to cause children to feel guilty over same-sex attraction?

Question: I am a thirty-something gay male who has been in a loving, monogamous, and thriving relationship for nearly a decade. All of those in my life consider me the most successful person they know in all elements of life, from family, work, and faith. I came across your website and with all due respect,…

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How do I bring up that homosexuality is wrong to someone I’m teaching?

Question: I was wondering if there is a tactful way to speak to someone about their homosexuality. I’ve made a dear friend in the last year and we have had numerous conversations about Christianity and faith. I’ve covered quite a lot of ground with her, definitely more than I have with any other person. She’s…

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How can God condemn homosexuals when He made them that way?

Question: I have read many of your answers regarding homosexuality and how it is a sin no different than stealing or adultery. Being gay myself, and having both a Christian mother and Atheist father, I have constantly pondered about religion and my sexuality. What do you feel is God’s reason or justification for condemning those who are…

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You’re no different from all the other hate mongers

Question: First I am not religious at all, but just someone who has a fascination with religions of all kinds.  And, no, I am not an atheist, and I am not seeking a religion, especially with people like you helping the world wars, terror, and terrorists go around.  Yes, terror. I am really unsure why…

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Why don’t a lot of Christians accept homosexuals?

Question: If the main Christianity rule is ‘Love thy neighbor,’ why don’t a lot of Christians accept homosexuals? Answer: For the same reason, we don’t accept murders, liars, thieves, and other sinners while they remain in their sins. Christians understand that sin is harmful to the sinner and those around them and we love our…

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Is giving a client a handjob as part of a massage a sin?

Question: I am a male massage therapist. I want to know if it is a sin to give a full body massage that includes massaging the penis and masturbating the client for full relaxation. Answer: Is this not just one aspect of homosexuality? But homosexuality is condemned in the Scriptures: “Do you not know that…

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Should I go to my aunt’s civil union?

Question: I write to you today with a question. I am relatively sure that emotion makes it more difficult than the question itself truly is. An aunt of mine is a lesbian. The state that I am in recently legalized civil unions. Being that it is not truly a wedding but instead (acknowledged by the…

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How do I object to homosexuality without getting fired?

Question: Currently at my place of work I have homosexual couples doing things that really disturb me.  Is there not something wrong with homosexual couples adopting children, or female homosexual couples being able to get in-vitro fertilization to have children?  I really desire to voice my opinion but I know that I will be the…

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Where do you draw the line?

Question: Well, I chatted with a friend who is a lesbian. She was drunk, so I’m not sure if what I said really impacted her or not. Anyway, I let go of my fears, told her that she could be forgiven for anything if only she would change, and told her exactly how I felt…

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Can homosexuals have a godly marriage?

Question: I just have to say that after stumbling upon La Vista Church of Christ’s sermon on “Who Are You Going To Marry?” while searching for something similar, I found it quite terrifying. As a Christian who is engaged to be married, I am for the first time having second thoughts about marriage at all.…

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How do I overcome my homosexual behavior?

Question: How can I have victory over homosexual behavior? Guilty of homosexuality 100%. I gave my life to Christ and have struggled to remain faithful to God. I’ve successfully abstained from actually committing homosexual sex, but it doesn’t stop me from pornographic material. How do I have a victory? I want this to just stop,…

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Did I mess myself up with gay pornography?

Question: I’m a 27-year-old male. I never kissed or made out with a woman because: I’m scared of rejection, I went to a boys’ school, I went to varsity, until last year, that had mostly black people, and I’m only attracted to white women, I realized during puberty that I’m attracted to men also and…

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Is it a sin to let another man touch me during the night?

Question: I let another man touch me in the night time. I do not know what to do. Answer: The question is too vague for me to answer well. By “touch,” I’m assuming he touched your genitals in some way, but I don’t know if you mean purposely or accidentally. By “let,” I don’t know…

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Is the Condemnation of Homosexuality Universally Immoral?

by Doy Moyer I know. Sounds like an odd question, but it’s one posed to an atheist recently based on all the condemnation of those who believe homosexual practice is sinful. He was objecting to the idea of universal, objective morality. In the process of this, he asked what kind of “objective morality” condemns homosexual…

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Is my ex-husband, who became a homosexual, lost?

Question: My ex-husband has been or was (depending on your biblical view) a Christian for 35 years. We were married for over 30 years when he told me he was leaving me because he is gay and is now a practicing homosexual. What happens about him going to heaven? If you believe once saved, always…

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Can two homosexuals truly love each other?

Question: I was wondering, can you explain loving someone as in I Corinthians 13? My friend I disagree regarding whether homosexuals love each other because the basis of their relationship is sin; there is nothing good about it. They might be nice to each other, get each other things, and be self-sacrificing in certain areas…

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The article on homosexuality by Abraham Smith was right on!

Question: I wanted to let you know that this article on homosexuality by Abraham Smith is right on! I, for one, am very sad to see churches, such as the Lutheran church, embrace homosexuality even to the point of allowing practicing homosexuals to be church leaders! Answer: I’m glad you found the article useful.

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Is it wrong to deny service to someone who is obviously in sin?

Question: I want to start a small photography business but I’m worried about ‘clients’. What if a homosexual couple wants me to photograph a ‘couple’s shoot’ for them? I believe that I would have to decline. However, a photographer in New Mexico was sued for discrimination against a lesbian couple. They wanted the photographer to…

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Scriptural Marriage, Traditional Customs, and Civil Laws

by Sunday Ayandare via Words of Life, Vol. 15, Nos. 2 and 3. April – Sept. 2007. [This has been adapted. It does not include the many customs and traditions practiced by the Nigerian people that Sunday had included in his writings. James W. Sasser] The subject of what constitutes Scriptural marriage has occasioned a…

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It’s mean to say homosexuality is a sin!

Question: Hello, I am a male thirteen-year-old Christian – more specifically, Roman Catholic. I was reading chapter 12, “Other Sexual Perversions”, and I noticed how you said that all homosexuals will be punished with death. You also used the example of Leviticus 18:22. But, I would like to point out that Leviticus also says that…

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No “Gay” Gene According to the American Psychological Association

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Science in its ever-fickle way has come to the conclusion that Christians have known all along: There is no gene that causes homosexuality. The attempt to prove that homosexuality is determined biologically has been dealt a knockout punch. An American Psychological Association publication includes an admission that there’s no homosexual “gene”…

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A Roman Catholic priest attempts to defend homosexuality

Question: I found your article concerning homosexuality and the Bible, under the title “Is homosexuality condemned in the Scriptures?” I would like to clarify something, and perhaps provide a new perspective. You stated that “the reason that the Bible doesn’t mention “gay love” is that such a thing does not exist.” You are incorrect. By…

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Am I doomed to hell? Is it a sin to be gay?

Question: I am 20 years old. I am have been a sinner most of my life. I want to change my evil ways. Sometimes I feel my soul is doomed to hell to burn with Satan. I pray sometimes, but I still feel lost. I have one? I am bisexual. Is it a sin to…

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Can the passage about homosexuality in Romans 1 and the one about the Jews and Gentiles in Romans 11 be compared since they both talk about what is natural or contrary to nature?

Question: I have a question about homosexuality. I have been thinking about something, analyzing it, and wondering if you could make an argument out of something I noticed. In Romans 1:26-27: For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and…

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A Defense of Marriage

DefenseOfMarriage(1)DefenseOfMarriage(2) by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Ecclesiastes 9:2-9   I.         A recent article in Newsweek was brought to my attention. It is the cover story, called “Our Mutual Joy” by Lisa Miller, published 12/15/2008. [https://www.newsweek.com/gay-marriage-our-mutual-joy-83287]             A.        It claims that those who use the Bible to oppose gay marriages are dishonest.             B.        The article itself is a hodge-podge of…

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Do brain region sizes or pheromones prove homosexuality is genetic?

Question: In college, I’ve been taking a non-verbal communication class which teaches us about different aspects of what some people refer to as “body language”. Throughout the class, the instructor had made claims that homosexuality has a genetic basis and that there’s evidence that may lead us to believe that people are born that way.…

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A Biblical View of Marriage and Homosexuality

by Doy Moyer Christians should be able to define clearly what the Bible teaches are marriage and sexuality, particularly in a cultural climate that increasingly defends homosexuality. This is really about what the Bible teaches, so let’s walk through this a little. Before looking at the biblical case, we need to consider a foundational disjunction.…

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