Indwelling by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Download Audio Text: Psalm 139   I.         The concept of indwelling, specifically the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, is interesting because there are so many misconceptions given that a simple answer is commonly rejected. II.        Who is the Holy Spirit?             A.        The religious world holds many ideas regarding the Spirit of God                         1.         Some…

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Substituting the Spirit’s Words

by Abraham Smith There are many false ideas about the work and influence of the Holy Spirit. In my estimation, the vast majority of these false ideas are rooted in the fact that people do not understand the connection between the Holy Spirit and the word of God. Ephesians 6:17 reads, “And take the helmet…

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A Thought Exercise on John 3:8

by Perry Hall John 3 is commonly known for teaching about being born again. One segment has always baffled me, so we have this Thought Exercise: That segment is John 3:8, “The wind blows where it pleases, and you hear its sound, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it is going.…

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The Holy Spirit: Indwelling and the Word

by Don Blackwell The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit God is in Christians Christians are in God (I John 4:11-16) Christ is in Christians Christians are in Christ (Galatians 3:27; Ephesians 3:17) The Spirit dwells in Christians Christians are in the Spirit (Romans 8:11; Galatians 5:16,25) The mind of Christ is in Christians (Philippians 2:5)…

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Here Is What the Spirit Told Me

by Terry Wane Benton Mormons have told me that if I pray for Spirit guidance, the Spirit will make it clear that the Book of Mormon is from God. Well, I prayed that God would make it clear to me whether the Bible is His complete revelation or if the Book of Mormon is indeed…

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Direct Operation of the Holy Spirit?

by Adam Litmer adapted and rewritten from an article by R.L. Whiteside In the religious world, claiming that individuals cannot be saved unless the Holy Spirit personally operates on their hearts is popular. This belief is a direct result of another popular doctrine –inherited depravity. The idea is that, because of the sin of Adam…

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The Manifestation of the Spirit

by Terry Wane Benton “To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good” (I Corinthians 12:7). You see a manifestation, but not the Spirit himself. The way the Spirit manifested something was in the nine miraculous powers. These showed a power that no man could produce by his own power. Genuine…

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By One Spirit

by Terry Wane Benton “For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free persons, and all were made to drink one Spirit” (I Corinthians 12:13 LEB) The “by” tells us the influence that compelled us to be baptized (immersed) into the body of Christ. They were…

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As the Holy Spirit Says

by Terry Wane Benton When the topic of “inspiration” (breathed of God) is brought up, some will argue that we don’t know how the Scriptures are “breathed of God,” but we do know that the words of the Scriptures were delivered from God’s mind to the mind of the writers of the holy Scriptures. Whenever…

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Convict the World of Sin

by Terry Wane Benton The Holy Spirit used the revelation He gave to Peter to “convict the world of sin” (John 16:8; Acts 2:22-37). When they heard the convicting truth, they felt a need to be saved. Without telling the world of sin, no one feels a need to be saved. Everyone thinks they are…

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Does only the Holy Spirit know the mind of God?

Question: Hey, I have a question. In I Corinthians 2:11, the Holy Spirit is said to know the mind of God. Does that mean that the other members of the Trinity don’t know the mind of God? And since Jesus is called the Word by John, does that mean that He is the mind of…

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What is the Gift of the Holy Spirit?

by Bill Boyd My preacher friends do not agree on the meaning of “the gift of the Holy Spirit.” This is frustrating because this expression is at the end of the oft-quoted Acts 2:38. The passage is clear that baptism is “for the remission of sins,” but what does the baptized person receive? Whatever it…

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The Holy Spirit

by Hugh Fulford Quite possibly more confusion exists with reference to the Holy Spirit than any other Bible subject. The divine personality of the Holy Spirit is not recognized by many people; how He works in the conviction and conversion of sinners and in the life of a Christian is often misunderstood. A single essay…

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Love of God Poured Out in the Heart

by Terry Wane Benton You know the Holy Spirit has poured the love of God in your heart (Romans 5:5) when you have listened to what the Holy Spirit has revealed about it. When you read what the Spirit revealed to Paul (Ephesians 3:3-5), it spills over from Paul’s heart into your heart, and when…

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The Words of Jesus

by Doy Moyer The recognition of the Lordship of Jesus Christ is integrally linked to His word as recorded in Scripture: “The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day” (John 12:48). The only way we know…

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Should we pray directly to the Holy Spirit?

Question: Good day, brothers in Christ. I heard a few Christians who would lead public prayers and at the end of their prayers, they would include the Holy Spirit (e.g “Father, all these things we pray in the mighty name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen”). Is this acceptable? Also, I’m…

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Is the guarantee of the Holy Spirit miraculous?

Question: What is the seal and guarantee or earnest of the Holy Spirit in Ephesians 1:13-14? One view of the seal is that it is the miraculous gifts of that time. The ones who hold this view will use Acts 19 where Paul laid hands on the disciples in Ephesus and he was reminding them…

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The Godhead Dwells in Us

by Whit Sasser God Dwells in Christians II Corinthians 6:16 Ephesians 4:6 Philippians 2:13 I John 4:12-16 Christians Dwell in God I John 4:15-16 Christ Dwells in Christians Colossians 3:11 John 6:56 John 15:4-5 John 17:23, 26 Galatians 2:20 Galatians 4:19 II Corinthians 4:10-11 II Corinthians 13:5 Ephesians 3:17 Romans 8:20 Philippians 1:20 Christians Dwell…

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Do you have a workbook on the Holy Spirit?

Question: First, let me thank you and those that have contributed to your webpage. I search it at least weekly. Great job. Since you have such an exhaustive set of resources on your website, I thought you might have an insight into a good classroom workbook or set of material for adult Christians on the…

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There Are Three

by Jefferson David Tant In our Bible studies and teaching, we often refer to God the Father and Christ the Son. Obviously, this is good, as they are prominent figures in our creation, salvation, and daily living. We are also aware that there is a third being that is one of the God-head, and that…

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The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament

Author Unknown Sentry Magazine, June 2001 Text: Hebrew 3:7 Introduction. Some say there was no Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. But note the many Bible passages to the contrary. Discussion. Before the Adamic renovation “The Spirit of God moved upon [‘hovered over’ is a better translation] the face of the waters” (Genesis 1:2). In…

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What is the Holy Spirit doing today?

Question: Good day, I know The Holy Spirit has brought about the Word of God but is the Holy Spirit now inactive? Is its work finish? Answer: Just because Jesus’ task of bringing salvation to the world through his death, I don’t assume that He is no longer involved in the world. “For by Him…

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Comforter or Counselor?

by Matthew W. Bassford Translation is an art, not a science, and this is true even of translating the Bible. We cannot hope to establish a one-to-one correspondence between words in Koiné Greek and English so that one is an apt translation for the other every time. Instead, translators commonly are presented with several different…

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Did Jesus receive the Holy Spirit when he was baptized?

Question: My question is about Jesus and him being baptized. Did he receive the Holy Spirit during his baptism? Answer: When Peter said, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38), he…

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Is the Holy Spirit telling not to write about magic?

Question: Hi. So I have been struggling whether the Holy Spirit has been telling me to stop doing this or if it is my feelings playing tricks on me. There is this verse that said, “Do not practice magic.” I have you know, I love magic in literature and that I see nothing wrong with…

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The Anointing of the Spirit

Text: I John 2:18-29   I.         The other day, one of my boys needed help with a math problem, so I asked him to show me the problem. He brought in his paper on which he was working.             A.        “No,” I said, “I need to see the original problem in the book.”             B.        “But I copied just as…

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Is the Spirit of God the same as the Holy Spirit?

Question: Is the Spirit of God the same as the Holy Spirit? Answer: “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption” (Ephesians 4:30). The phrase “Spirit of God” and “Holy Spirit” refer to the same being. He is also sometimes called the Helper, the Comforter,…

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You Must Be Born Again by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: John 3:1-22   I.         I had a fellow ask me if I had been born again.             A.        In particular, he wanted to know how I came to believe such a thing.             B.        When I replied with I John 2:3-6; 4:6; 5:2-3, he became quite upset             C.        He wanted to know how I was…

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Does the Holy Spirit only work through the Word?

Question: Hey brother, I know God and Christ work today, I read an article from Truth Magazine in regards to the Spirit. They used scripture to defend the Spirit only works by the word. Does the Spirit only work by the Word? Is He active in regeneration, renewing, and divine intervention? I realize He does…

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The Holy Spirit and My Feelings

by Doy Moyer It’s not good theology to attribute to the Holy Spirit that which the Holy Spirit never attributes to Himself. Doing so results in both faulty and contradictory claims, and this is exactly what we often see. Feelings get attributed to the Spirit, which are then contradictory to the feelings of others who…

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Hearing the Spirit by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Proverbs 30:5-6   I.         Many people are convinced that the Holy Spirit directly speaks to them             A.        Yet, these same people will claim things contrary to the teachings of the Bible             B.        And they rarely agree with each other II.        The Bible is the product of the Spirit             A.        It is not a product…

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The Spirit Speaks

by Terry W. Benton The Spirit speaks completely through the scriptures. The Spirit gave the Scriptures so that we would know what the apostles knew (Ephesians 3:3-5). We can know all that the Spirit revealed to Paul, read it, and then know all he knew. That is no small matter because the Word of God…

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How could Ananias give Paul the Holy Spirit?

Question: If Paul was an apostle, he was supposed to receive the Holy Spirit from another apostle or directly from God, yet he received it from a disciple. I thought only apostles had the ability to give the Holy Spirit. Answer: “But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen instrument of…

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The Helper

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: John 16:1-15   I.         Lifting a few statements from their context can often make a writer appear to say things he never intended.             A.        It happens in politics all the time, and it happens in religion as well.             B.        In his last hours, Jesus made a series of promises concerning the Helper…

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by Terry Wane Benton The apostles of Jesus were the eyewitnesses and we are the jurors. Promises made to the apostles in John 13-17 are not made to all of us. The context is about a long discussion Jesus had with His twelve witnesses. Jesus said to them “And you also will bear witness, because…

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Understanding the Guarantee of the Holy Spirit

by Matthew W. Bassford To my knowledge, this concept appears three times in Scripture, all within the body of Paul’s writings: II Corinthians 1:22, II Corinthians 5:5, and Ephesians 1:13-14. “Guarantee” is the ESV rendering of the Greek arrabōn. Other translations use “earnest” (KJV), “deposit” (NIV), “down payment” (CSB), or “pledge” (NASB). I think it’s helpful to consider the…

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What does I John 5:7-8 mean?

Question: “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.” (I John 5:7-8 KJV). What does verse eight mean?…

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The Gift of the Holy Spirit by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Acts 2:29-39   I.         Our text – Acts 2:38-39             A.        When a person repents and is baptized, two things are promised: forgiveness of sin and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.                         1.         This promise is for all Christians – “As many as the Lord shall call.”                         2.         It is also not limited…

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