Posts Tagged ‘greetings’
Will there be hugging and kissing in heaven?
Question: Hi! I came across your website! I’m an autistic Christian. I’m aware that marriage in the new earth will be between Christ and His Church, and there likely won’t be human sex between a male and female. Whatever sex points to when all the pieces are put together will be shown somehow in the…
Read MoreShould we only greet in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ?
Question: Dear Brother, Greetings to you. Is there any regulation to greet only in the name of Christ? Or can we greet in the name of Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit? Could you please clarify this, brother? Thanks. Answer: Of the many passages that mention greetings, none say “in the name of the Lord,”…
Read MoreShould someone who fails to give a greeting be ignored?
Question: My brother complained to me about a girl who knows him very well. She came to his workplace but did not greet him. He was not happy because it showed disrespect in his opinion. (The lady is younger than him.) He also said that if he is in a position to offer assistance to…
Read MoreIs it wrong to wish someone good luck?
Question: Is it wrong to wish someone good luck? Answer: Events in our lives do happen at times by chance. “I returned and saw under the sun that — the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to men of understanding, nor favor…
Read MoreWhen Is One Bidding Godspeed to Another’s Error?
by Kenneth E. Thomas One may be prone to say, “Why, that’s a silly question, everyone knows the answer.” Not so fast my good friend and or my brother in Christ; the answer may not be quite as easy as you first thought. I will take a stab at a partial answer by citing some…
Read MoreShouldn’t we lift hands in prayer and greet with a holy kiss?
Question: God bless you for your great website! I was raised in a God-fearing church of Christ, but I am now attending one that has “modernized” into an almost unrecognizable church of Christ. I am so relieved that churches such as yours are still out there! I was searching the web for information on head covering…
Read MoreWhere Is the Kiss?
by Greg Gwin Someone has written to ask: “Where is the kiss?” Our correspondent lists five passages that refer to the greeting of a “holy kiss” (Romans 16:16; I Corinthians 16:20; II Corinthians 13:12; I Thessalonians 5:26; I Peter 5:14). He goes on to say, “I remember once being told that in the place of…
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