What do you think of the President supporting gay marriage?

Question: I know you’re aware of the Obama situation about passing the gay marriage bill. I had a conversation on Facebook about it and everyone — the majority are Christian — agree. They say he’s doing his job, people have the right to be happy, gay people are hurting no one, so why are you…

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Can a Christian offer a pledge of allegiance?

Question: Hello. I have some questions concerning whether patriotism is permissible for a Christian. I would like to know your views on matters such as the pledge of allegiance and military service. I am coming from a perspective taught to me by the Jehovah’s Witnesses, whose beliefs I have studied for some time. I do…

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Is it sinful to play Airsoft, Laser Tag, or Paintball?

Question: Hi, I was just wondering is it a sin to play Airsoft? Airsoft is a game in which people shoot rifles that majority of the time are mock models of actual firearms that shoot plastic bbs. The objective, generally, is to shoot the other person with a bb and they’re out (in war-like scenarios).…

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What happens when social issues and politics collide with the church?

Question: What is your opinion of where sinful social issues and politics collide in the church? To be honest, I am not sure where I am at on it.  It seems that we are dangerously close to the Lord’s church being driven underground.  Looking back at history we need to remember that the freedom and…

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Do you support conscientious objection?

Question: Do you or your church support selective conscientious objection and conscientious objection? Answer: Registering for the draft is a government law that does not violate any teaching of God. “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by…

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What if a government gives false reasons for going to war?

Question: I am wondering what the Bible says concerning going to war for unjustified reasons? What if a country deceives its people and claims reasons for going to war, but there is evidence that does not justify war? How do Christians and Christians in the military handle this type of situation? Answer: A government’s authority,…

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I’m shocked at your stance regarding 501(c)(3) churches

Question: The web site is excellent. Someone worked very hard on the design. My question is your church a 501c3 church or a free church? More and more I am finding many of the New Testament churches have signed up to be a corporation and be under the IRS rather than the Lord. Even the…

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Can a Christian criticize society?

Question: Can a Christian be a social critic, such as a lawyer or a journalist dealing with a corrupt government? How far can he go in criticizing? Answer: John the Baptist ended up in jail because he told the current ruler that he wasn’t properly married. “But Herod the tetrarch, being rebuked by him concerning…

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Is it wrong for a church to be incorporated?

Question: If a  Christian does not want to attend an incorporated church because he says it’s wrong, is it right for him and his wife to worship alone on the Lord’s day because he says an incorporated church is in sin, and he cannot find a church that is not incorporated? Answer: A person cannot…

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Why should we pray for a corrupt ruler?

Question: Christians say that God’s word says to pray for those in authority.  What is the truth about praying for a leader who is against God’s word?  A leader who is a liar. Who makes fun of the Bible? Who is haughty and greedy. A killer and a homosexual who is leading a nation to…

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Is it a sin to call Child Protective Services on your dad?

Question: Is it a sin to call Child Protective Services on your dad? I had like one beer and got caught by my brother who’s a snitch. He took me home and my dad got mad and slapped me, but it wasn’t as if I was drunk. He didn’t have to hit me. Would it…

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What happens when people insist that the first day of the week is Monday?

Question: Many people today believe that a week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday, however, there are still other people who believe that a week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. ISO 8601 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#General_principles) defined Monday to be the first day of the week. What does the Bible say about which day is…

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Should a government that taxes its citizens at 99% be followed?

Question: Do you think that Christians should obey the tax law, even if the rules required that taxpayers must donate 99% of their income in taxes? Answer: This is a facetious hypothetical argument. The implication is that if the answer will object in the extreme, then it is justified to reject the point when it…

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All Things in Common

by Bryan Matthew Dockens It has been argued that socialism is a divinely approved economic system exemplified in scripture. Proponents point to two passages as evidence of their claim: “Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had…

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How could the Revolutionary War be justified in light of Romans 13?

Question: Can I ask your thoughts on something? Just a little while ago I read: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights,…

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Doesn’t a marriage license mean the government controls marriages?

Question: You said: “They imagine all sorts of nonsense regarding giving up rights, but the reality is that the government is serving as a repository of the covenant.” License is a prior restraint. It presumes that the activity is not a right but stems from the licensor (government in this case), is illegal otherwise and…

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Thank you for posting such good material

Question: I just wanted to thank you for your good materials posted on your web site. Your article answering the question, “May Christians serve as punitive agents, such as soldiers or policemen, for the civil government?” was most helpful to me. I hope that you will continue your good wok in posting these things to…

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Do you know someone who will marry us without a state marriage license?

Question: I would like to get married without the state’s license and with a preacher, of course. Could you please help me find a preacher that would marry in my state?  I would also like to obtain more information on this subject.  Could I get some more information on how to be married legally or…

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Early Christians and Abortion

by William J. Stewart Several years ago, with an election approaching, a candidate canvassing in our area stopped by my home seeking my support in his pursuit of public office. I politely, but firmly informed him that he would not receive my vote, as we had fundamental disagreements on important moral issues. We briefly discussed…

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How are conflicts between military service and God’s will handled?

Question: I read the article on your web site about Christians and military service written by a friend of yours. It’s a question that I am grappling with right now. There are quite a few things in his article that I am compelled to question. One of them is the section under the GOVERNMENT (WE THE PEOPLE…

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Why Is It?

by Gene Taylor Some things are difficult for me to understand. I am not referring to the sciences or mathematics, even though I could for they gave me a lot of trouble when I was in school—I am talking about some things that, on the surface, seem simple enough but yet often have me asking…

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Why Have Penitentiaries Anyway?

by Samuel G. Dawson Most people realize that the court and penal systems in North America are seriously broken and must be fixed, yet contemplating doing away with penitentiaries sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? Barely 200 years ago, an experiment began which has cost us untold billions of dollars. Just last year, this experiment resulted in…

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Is it right to deduct contributions from your taxes?

Question: Is it okay to deduct the money that is given to the church each week from your taxes when you file each year? Answer: The Scriptures teach that Christians should pay their taxes. “Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor” (Romans 13:7).…

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Did the world governments do wrong attacking Afganistan?

Question: Following Jesus’ word and the fifth commandment, shouldn’t our duty be against any war? “You have heard that it was said, an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the…

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Political Issues

https://www.lavistachurchofchrist.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/PoliticalIssues.mp3 by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Peter 2:13-17  I.         Should Christians be involved in the issues surrounding elections and the operation of our government?             A.        I’m not talking about a congregation endorsing a particular candidate or financing someone’s campaign.             B.        But should stands be made regarding issues which government officials debate?                         1.         For example: abortion, contraception for unmarried…

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How do I decide who to vote for?

Question: My question has to do with voting. Since I am able to vote, are there any Bible verses for which I can turn to for deciding who to vote for?  It is important for me to select the best candidate for running this country. Thanks! Answer: Christians ought to participate in their government. “Let…

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Can Christians choose not to pay an income tax?

Question: Recently, a man teaching a Bible class made the comment that “We as Christians can choose not to pay our income taxes with a clear conscience as it was an unconstitutional act when these taxes were brought into law” I disagree because my understanding is that Romans 13 and “rendering to Caesar what is due” teach that a…

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Should a woman head the government?

Question: I’ve perused your answered question section, and though this “Does I Timothy 2:11-12 only apply to the assembly?” answer touches on the subject somewhat, it doesn’t specifically address a question I have. What do you think the Bible’s teaching is on whether women can participate in government? With figures like Mrs. Bill Clinton and…

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Is driving over the speed limit sinful?

Question: Is driving over the speed limit for any reason sinful? What if someone says that they can drive over the speed limit if it helps them to get to worship service on time. Or what if there’s an emergency and someone needs to speed to the hospital? I see that Romans 13 tells us…

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Is it sinful to download movies or songs from the Internet?

Question: Like many people, I download movies and music and I was just wondering if that is considered stealing and therefore is a sin? Answer: Just because someone makes a movie or song available on the Internet, it does not imply that they had the right to do so. The Internet is not policed directly…

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