Posts Tagged ‘government’
Honor the Emperor
by Chadwick Brewer “…living as servants of God. Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor” (I Peter 2:16-17). Often in Scripture, within a list of commands, one command or concept seems dissimilar to the others. I believe this serves to throw its importance into sharp relief. It is meant to be very…
Read MoreTrust Not in Princes
by Eric M. Hamilton “This is the most important election of our lifetime.” I am quite certain I’ve heard that every four years since I started paying attention to politics. For some people, including many Christians, this refrain is a powerful one. It can fill people with a sense of urgency and dread. If the…
Read MoreWhen the Elections Are Over
by Doy Moyer When the election is over and whoever wins is in power (like it or not, agree with the results or not), Christians need to remember: The kingdom of God remains unharmed and will always continue well past any current administration (Daniel 2:44). It does not depend on the kingdoms of men to…
Read MoreTwo Political Principles
by Doy Moyer Two prime principles should help Christians navigate through the various political systems of this world, whatever they may be: Worldly powers are ultimately in God’s hands. “It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings” (Daniel 2:21). Likewise, “the Most High is ruler over the…
Read MoreChurch and State: Rituals by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Download Audio Text: Mark 7:1-8 I. In a world where being born in a region determined your religious faith, the Christian approach was novel A. Christians taught a message from God to bring people into the church – Mark 16:20 1. It wasn’t just taking people at their word. It was confirmed…
Read MoreChurch and State: Worldliness Download Audio by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Colossians 3:1-11 I. When people blended the church and the state, the ramifications are broad A. The belief was that society cannot hold together without everyone being bound together by a common religion B. When it is expected that everyone living in a nation belongs to the church, what…
Read MoreChurch and State: Civil Enforcement of Religion by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Psalms 110 I. By merging the church and state, the state received a “weapon” to promote loyalty int its citizens A. But the church also began using the state as a “weapon” to enforce its teachings B. Psalms 110 is a prophecy about Christ conquering the nations. I’m sure the Catholic…
Read MoreChurch and State: The Problem Download Audio by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Peter 2:13-17 I. It is easy to forget that the relationship between church and state that we have today did not exist when Christ entered the world A. Most societies in the past were held together by a common religious loyalty B. The Babylonians expected everyone in their…
Read MoreChurch and State
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton The Problem Enforcement of Religion Worldliness Rituals
Read MoreIs the Gospel Political?
by Doy Moyer No… and yes. First, no. The gospel is not about parties and political power. It is not a brand of worldly government, for it transcends all governments (see Isaiah 2:1-4; Daniel 2:44-45). We can be Christians regardless of the political system in which we live. Some are more friendly than others, and…
Read MoreDo I go to Bible study and worship?
Question: Good morning, sir, I am writing from Nigeria in Western Africa. One day, in the village where I visited a brother, the King sent his town crier (messenger) to announce that the weekend would be used to perform some ritual rites from Saturday morning to Sunday night. They warned that no human must be…
Read MoreThe Winning Side
by Doy Moyer “And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death” (Revelation 12:11). Revelation employs the imagery of the red dragon (Satan) who underlies the opposition to God and His people. The…
Read MoreHonor the King by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: I Peter 2:13-17 I. I Peter 2:17 – Honor the King A. It is getting hard to avoid the problems this country has with its leaders B. Everyone knows about the sins commit by some of our recent presidents and each has his own opinion on the matter C. But knowing that…
Read MoreEarthly Politics Versus the Almighty
by Terry Wane Benton “Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever” (Revelation 4:9). In John’s vision “up here” he sees the living creatures giving honor, glory, and thanks to God on the throne, and he knows that God is eternal,…
Read MoreMay a Christian Serve in Government?
by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Romans 13:1-7 I. I was recently asked if a Christian may serve in the government, particularly in jobs of a punitive nature, such as the police or the armed services. A. There are several denominations which hold pacifist views. 1. Some, such as Quakers, refuse to serve in any capacity where killing…
Read MoreGod and 1984
by Orlando Gonzalez Several days ago, I had gotten around to finishing George Orwell’s (pseudonym of Eric Arthur Blair) magnum opus, 1984. Despite being written about 73 years ago, I can certainly see that it still stands the test of time as one of the most recognizable and profound novels of the 20th and 21st…
Read MoreCan Christians be involved in government?
Question: Dear sir, I trust this email finds you well. I’d like to ask a question. I’ve been trying to learn from the biblical point of view if a Christian can participate in politics. Do we have brothers and sisters in the faith who are actively participating in politics? Thanks, sir. Answer: The styles of…
Read MoreWill breaking government laws keep us out of heaven?
Question: No doubt, a Christian realizes the seriousness of sin. It’s ugly. What do you think about everyday things we get into like speeding, even a mile over, texting while drivings, and not wearing a seatbelt? Do you think these are things that would keep us out of heaven? Answer: I don’t sit in…
Read MoreFreedom in Christ
Freedom in Christ (Part 1)Freedom in Christ (Part 2) by Garry Floyd
Read MoreShould we mask or not?
Question: I am interested in your opinion concerning local mask mandates. If the county government (health department) issues a mask mandate requiring individuals over age 5 to wear masks in public buildings or public transportation but the mandate does not require businesses to enforce the mandate, it is simply left to the individual to abide…
Read MorePersecution in Europe
Source: Joy Pullman, “In Case With Global Implications, Finland Puts Christians On Trial For Their Faith,” The Federalist, 23 November 2021. “Rasanen’s alleged crimes in a country that claims to guarantee freedom of speech and religion include tweeting a picture of a Bible verse. Potential penalties if they are convicted include fines and up to two years…
Read MoreProgressive Christians
Source: Trevin Wax, “3 Surprises from New Research on ‘Progressive’ and ‘Conservative’ Christians,” The Gospel Coalition, 9 November 2021. “In defining conservative and progressive Christians, the authors use theological rather than political criteria. Individuals who believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God and say Jesus is the only path to salvation are conservative Christians.…
Read MoreMasks, Vaccines, and the Bible
by Matthew W. Bassford The following restates the biblical principles that should govern our speech and behavior when it comes to masks, vaccines, and discussion of the same. In areas where we are given liberty by man and God, we must respect the liberty of others. We must not judge or show contempt toward those…
Read MoreWhat if I broke a civil law by not acting?
Question: Am I in continual sin if I broke a law that required me to report a crime or do something? What if I didn’t act or say or do anything as required by the law? It was years ago and I try to be a better person today. I admit sometimes I have black…
Read MoreThe Separation of Church and State
by Andy Sochor Copyright: © 2015 Lee Edwin Coursey, used with permission There is an ongoing debate in our society about the “separation of church and state.” Though the phrase is not used in any of this country’s founding documents, many understand it to be a fundamental principle upon which this nation was built. However,…
Read MoreWhat If It Became a Crime to Assemble?
by Terry Wane Benton In China, it is reported that if you do not renounce your faith in Jesus you will be tortured till you do. If that is so, I wonder how many of us would renounce Christ? In parts of Nigeria, you will be killed for believing in Jesus. In some states here,…
Read MoreI lied about my taxes. What should I do?
Question: About 3 years ago I received a tax credit that I shouldn’t have. I was claiming kids that I was legally allowed to claim but received a childcare credit for them also. Their mom paid the childcare fees and the daycare owner admitted to me that she altered the amount paid to be higher.…
Read MoreThe Law of Contradiction
by Ken Green Larry P. Arnn, president of Hillsdale College, delivered a speech on Nov. 17, 2020, which was digested in “Imprimis,” a publication of the school. It is titled, “Orwell’s 1984 and Today.” He says, “I taught a course this fall semester on totalitarian novels. We read four of them: George Orwell’s 1984, Arthur…
Read MoreUnited States’ Founding Fathers on God and Religion
Source: Original Intent by David Barton “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” — John Adams “The great pillars of all government and of social life … [are] virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone, that renders…
Read MoreYour recent article on patriotism is a necessary reminder
Question: Your recent article on patriotism is a necessary reminder. We stray a lot without noticing it. I found much value in that article. I’m downloading it for keeps. More lessons relevant to periods like this (around the world) are very helpful. Thanks. Answer: I’m glad you found it useful. This one was more happenchance…
Read MoreReligion and Government: Patriotism
by Ken Green Patriotism is defined as “Love for or devotion to one’s country.” Some consider patriotism a form of idolatry. Others wrap the cross in the stars and stripes and make little or no distinction between them. They associate loyalty to their nation with loyalty to God. Many churches display the American flag alongside…
Read MorePolitics and Religion
by Rodger Trimm Sentry Magazine, September 2001 “Talk about anything but politics and religion” has proven to be wise instructions for many social gatherings. With some trepidation, I will ignore that advice for this article. I’m indebted to two friends, one old and one new, for expanding the perspective of a southern, white, conservative American.…
Read MoreAm I wrong not to report an incident?
Question: I am a mandated reporter and a former co-worker told me of an instance where she was kicked in the stomach while pregnant. She told me that she hit the patient back. The thing is that being a mandated reporter my opinion and logic don’t matter. However, she just told me a few days…
Read MoreWhy is mask-wearing an issue?
Question: Hi Jeff, Your website is so beneficial and I appreciate very much the Biblical-backed answers to the questions that you answer and all of the other resources on your website. That being said, your recent answer to the person asking if masks must be worn in services was disappointing. I don’t understand the view…
Read MoreMust masks be worn to services?
Question: Dear Brother Jeffrey, Where I live mask-wearing is mandatory in public spaces, schools, etc. The men of the church in which I am a member have decided it’s optional to wear masks to worship and Bible classes. There are, of course, many of us who think this is a lawbreaking activity and it is dividing…
Read MoreHow do you submit to a corrupt government?
Question: Hello, I appreciate your Biblically sound responses. As I observe the turmoil our nation is experiencing right now my thoughts are continually on the following topics: submitting to government authority even though we may not like what is happening with all the corruption and dishonesty because God has established governments for a reason and…
Read MoreIs it right to have a board represent all the churches in a country?
Question: Hi Jeff, How do you keep the government from being involved in the affairs of the church in the United States? Over here in Nigeria, the government directed that all churches be registered with a name in other for them to monitor the number of churches in the country. Each church must have a…
Read MoreChristians Regardless
by Doy Moyer Christians ought to see themselves as living out the story of Jesus. Since He suffered, we should be willing to suffer. As He gave Himself for others, we ought to be willing to give ourselves for others. As He submitted, so ought we to submit. As He loved, so should we love.…
Read MoreAre You Ready for What God May Be Sending? by Raymond Warfel There was mention of the President possibly having received treatment that involved fetal cells. This was checked after the sermon was presented and found to be not true, for which we are thankful. See Update: Here’s what is known about Trump’s COVID-19 treatment.
Read MoreHow will the current election affect Christianity?
Question: How does the U.S election affect Christianity? Too many Christians here say Trump’s victory is mandatory or else the New World Order will take over the world and their vaccines, for example, will be used to destroy man. Some say Trump’s declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel is fulfilling the scripture. Which scripture? That…
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