Can Christians be involved in government?


Dear sir,

I trust this email finds you well.

I’d like to ask a question. I’ve been trying to learn from the biblical point of view if a Christian can participate in politics. Do we have brothers and sisters in the faith who are actively participating in politics?

Thanks, sir.


The styles of government shift over time so you won't find people involved in the same kinds of government in the Bible, but they were still involved.

David was king over Israel. There are numerous mentions of his troubles with political enemies, such as Psalms 35:11-16. Daniel was a leading official in two different governments and had his troubles with political enemies (Daniel 6). Erastus is mentioned in Romans 16:23 as being the city treasurer in Corinth.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with a Christian working in government so long as he retains his integrity and serves God first.

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