Is Jesus literally God’s son or is it a title?

Question: Since Jesus is the Son of God, the Father, is he literally His son or is it more of a title? I was thinking how Mormons say Jesus and Satan were sons of God as if He bore them. I understand the Godhead. They are three separate but all three together make the one…

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What if I say you can’t prove God is real?

Question: If religion (Catholicism) is the absolute truth, then how come when questions are asked about it no one can ever answer with facts, only faith and belief? Basically, if I say “you can’t prove God is real”, you can only prove it with faith and belief, no facts. Why is this? Where’s all the…

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Was God sexist in punishing Eve?

Question: Is God in Genesis 3:16 talking to Eve specifically, or all women in general? If so, how isn’t God being the modern term of a sexist? Answer: “To the woman He said: “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children; your desire shall be for your…

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Does God get angry and hates?

Question: Since humans were created in God’s own image then does that mean we are sort of like God or that he imagined us? I am guessing that we are sort of like Him. (Why do we say “Him?”) Does this mean God gets angry and hates because in the Bible it says He doesn’t…

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Ordinary is God’s Extraordinary

by Eric M. Hamilton November 6-11, 2011 Joseph – God’s Career Path for Greatness Jesus’ Disciples – God’s Inner Circle Jonah – God’s Work-in-Progress Gideon – God’s Valiant Coward Ruth – God’s Mother of Kings Moses – God’s Leader on God’s Terms Ezekiel – God’s Entertaining Song Saul of Tarsus – God’s Untimely Born

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Does God wait for me to sin?

Question: Does God wait for me to sin? Answer: Sin is something everyone ends up doing. “What then? Are we better than they? Not at all. For we have previously charged both Jews and Greeks that they are all under sin. As it is written: “There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none…

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What is meant by God’s ways being higher than man’s?

Question: It says in Isaiah 55:9, “For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.” I don’t completely understand. Answer: You will run across people with all sorts of excuses as to why they are convinced God would never forgive…

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Why does God kill so many humans?

Question: Why does God kill so many humans? And why does this website try and make excuses for killing those humans? Surely such an amazing supernatural Creator could come up with a better plan than that. When I read about your God I find it hilarious. I really can believe the crazy, stupid, and ridiculous…

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Why can’t we see God?

Question: Why can’t we see God? Answer: Adam and Eve died to God because of their sin. They once had direct contact with God because He walked in the Garden with them (Genesis 3:8). Mankind lost that close relationship, and it will only be regained when sin is destroyed. “And I heard a loud voice…

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How can God be eternal if eternity is like a circle?

Question: Eternity is like a circle (no beginning or end). This is an issue that I have pointed out time and again and still have not received an answer to me that is logical or even answers the question I’m about to ask: God gave us brains to use, so the issue of logic is…

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If the land was promised to Abraham, why did God let it be destroyed?

Question: If God promised the land to Abraham, then how come God let it be destroyed and taken over by the Assyrians and Babylonians? Answer: Answer: God made other promises to Israel that He also fulfilled. God promised to destroy Israel when it disobeyed. “And after all this, if you do not obey Me, but…

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Why did God kill the Amalekites?

Question: I was wondering, for example, when the Israelites were attacked or they attacked someone else, Moses held up his staff and it helped Joshua’s army, but if the staff was held down then the war went for the enemy. Obviously, the power of the staff came from God, so that means that God was…

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Did God break His promise to Moses?

Question: In Moses’ time than God had promised him that he would go into the promised land right but then later when Moses strikes the rock twice and water comes out then god says that Moses will not Lead the people into the promised land because how can Moses be an example if he does…

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What would have happened if Satan wasn’t in the Garden?

Question: I was scanning around the web and found your article on the Tree in the Garden. Some brothers get together for breakfast and fellowship one day a week before work.  This week we had both an elder and minister, two deacons, and another brother.  We occasionally discuss issues that I would not normally talk about…

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Does Genesis 1:1 say there was nothing except God before the beginning?

Question: Here’s another question and it may seem silly but all I want is you to answer it in the best way you can. Genesis 1:1 “in the beginning there was nothing except God.” or “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (different versions of the Bible) and I am confused about…

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Is Job 36:26 saying we can never exhaust the knowledge of God?

Question: I would like to get your opinion to see if I am interpreting the Bible correctly on this one passage. Job 36:26 American Standard Version: Behold, God is great, and we know him not; The number of his years is unsearchable. Stated this way I believe it is telling me that God is greater…

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What was God doing before the earth was created?

Question: What was God doing before the earth was created? Answer: Beyond planning how He would save His creation, we are not told. “He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you” (I Peter 1:20). “Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation…

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Did God have a wife?

Question: Look at this article, “Did God have a wife? Scholar says that he did,” I discovered. Can you refute it? Answer: I saw this article when it was first published. It is a prime example that people will just about believe anything they are told. The article is really a promotion of Francesca Stavrakopoulou…

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Why did God have some people killed if murder is wrong?

Question: in Judges, some people were risen up by God to bring Israel out of the hands of other nations.  But why do so many of them murder other people? Ehud stabs a king and Jael drives a post through Sisera’s head.  I thought God wasn’t allowed to lead people into murdering other people? Answer:…

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Could “Mighty God” in Isaiah 9:6 refer to a man?

Question: Can you look at these two web sites for me and tell me your thoughts? Hopefully, you can refute them. Answer: I generally don’t do reviews of other people’s writings. However, I will address a common point the two you selected brought up and show you how they are playing games. In…

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How can I love God when I fear hell?

Question: How does someone learn to love God? I know what the greatest commandment is, but I don’t think I love God. I fear going to hell. If I didn’t believe in hell, I don’t think I would have become a Christian. Could I have truly repented? Was my sorrow only of the world? I…

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Is only Yahweh God’s name?

Question: In “The Divine Name,” you did not explain the name YAHWEH/YHWH and how it was taken out of the Scriptures.  God, Lord, Father are all titles(mother, daughter, son, worker), but not His true name.  Please explain verse Psalm 68:4 Sing to God, sing praises to His name;  Extol Him who rides on the clouds,…

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What Saves a Person?

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Since, “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” (II Peter 3:9), it would be sensible to understand that in order to get people saved, God would tell them…

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Are Allah and Yahweh the same God?

Question: Hi, Many people believe that Allah and Yahweh are the same God though they have very different characteristics that I don’t think they’re the same.  However, since the Arabs are Ishmaelites they obviously know God.  Could it be that Allah is a partial interpretation of Yahweh that came about because the founding fathers of…

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Why did God order the death of children?

Question: The Bible identifies, describes, and labels God in many ways. God is love, He is the redeemer, the savior, the beginning, the all-knowing, etc. God is also perfect and the Bible also says that God is a Judge, a righteous Judge above all. A righteous Judge administers the most fair and the most just methods…

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How can God judge me when I didn’t ask to be born?

Question: Let’s say I place you in a room and gave you a written exam where if you answered correctly you would have eternal life, if you answer wrong you would suffer eternal punishment if you didn’t answer by not taking the exam you still get a 0% and that is still a failing grade.…

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What is God doing for me now to prove His love?

Question: God taught us to love and loving is a daily process requiring lots of physical and conscious effort. To show I love my wife, I have to remind her, I have to shower her with gifts, I have to kiss, hold, caress her, and sacrifice to her daily. Sometimes I have to do the…

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Does God hate anyone?

Question: Does God hate anyone? And if so, who? Answer: “These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, A false witness who speaks lies, And…

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Is Jesus God or someone God sent to earth?

Question: So who exactly is Jesus Christ? Is he the God, or someone whom God had sent down to this earth? Answer: According to the Bible, the answer is both, which confuses a lot of people. Speaking of Jesus as “the Word” John said: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with…

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God’s Name

by Netagene Kirkpatrick I call the name of Jesus, or Lord God when I pray. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are not by-words to say! It bothers me to hear someone who takes God’s Name in vain. If I ever slip and do that, I know I’ll be ashamed. Some things are often cut,…

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God Is Speaking to You

by Clem Thurman via Gospel Minutes, Vol. 58, No. 49, Dec. 4, 2009. One person claims that God revealed to her in a dream what she was to do with her life. A man says that God spoke to him, openly, telling him what he was to do religiously. Yet another sees signs in the…

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Why Believe in God? by Bruce Irwin

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